Chapter 393 Intelligence

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  Chapter 393 Intelligence:
  Shortly after the special training in the Holy Wood Boundary Cave ended, relevant news spread throughout the entire Shengxuan Star Academy.

  That result can be said to have left countless students dumbfounded and looking in disbelief.

  No one expected that with the participation of Erxingyuan Ye Qiuding's team, Wang Hejiu and the others still failed to grab the first pass to the 40th floor of the Holy Wood Boundary Cave. Instead, the two teams of Li Luo and Qin Zhulu got it first.

  This made many students from other colleges who had not witnessed the battle feel incredible. They could not understand how Ye Qiuding and the others, as the top Zihui team in the two-star college, could not compete with a group of students from the one-star college? Did this one-year lead go to the dog?
  Many people thought that maybe it was because Qin Zhulu, who had the appearance of an eighth-grade gold-devouring demon and a tiger, was too fierce and relied on the advantage of his appearance to close the distance between the two parties.

  But as more news about that battle came out, more eyes finally began to focus on Li Luo, who had been somewhat neglected because of his inability to break through. No one expected that Li Luo would win with the fifth pattern. The strength can actually burst out that kind of amazing power.

  Many outstanding students from Gao Xingyuan began to seriously evaluate Li Luo's current strength and potential.

  The strength of the fifth pattern of the birth pattern stage can be so abnormal. Now that he has broken through to the transformation stage, isn't it really possible to catch up with Ye Qiuding and Zhu Xuan, the top students of the Two-Star Academy?

  As a member of the Low Star Academy, he possesses the strength of the High Star Academy.

  In recent years, only Jiang Qing'e in Shengxuanxing Academy has achieved such an honor and outstanding achievements.

  Could it be that now, there needs to be another Li Luo?
  The balcony of the dormitory building.

  Li Luo lay leisurely on the chair, basking in the warm sunshine with his eyes slightly closed.

  Suddenly there was a slight voice next to him, accompanied by a faint fragrance. Li Luo opened his eyes and saw Bai Mengmeng appearing in front of him. The latter's pure and charming little face showed a slight smile to him. , then put down a pot of brewed tea, and handed over a stack of documents.

  "This is the information I got from instructor Xi Chan." Bai Mengmeng said.

  Li Luo's eyes moved and he suddenly sat up: "Information about the Lanyuan Holy Academy delegation?"

  Bai Mengmeng nodded.

  Li Luo quickly took it over. He had been waiting for this information for the past two days, and now it was finally delivered.

  "Thank you, Mengmeng." Li Luo thanked her with a smile.

  Bai Mengmeng just smiled and turned around to leave without disturbing him.

  Li Luo quickly opened the document, and then read it with a solemn expression. Although there was only one battle in their one-star hospital in the next ticket competition, each of the seven battles was crucial, and the other hospitals He can't control the level, but the Yixingyuan side must still control it as much as possible.

  After all, there is a high probability that he is the representative of the One Star Academy.

  Opening the document, the first thing that caught my eye were the two representatives of the Four-Star Academy from Lanyuan Saint Academy. These should be the two strongest people on the other side.

  "Representative of the Four-Star Academy of Lanyuan Sacred Academy, Zhongnan, with an eighth-grade rock physique. His strength has reached the level of Tiangang General. He is known as the strongest shield of Lanyuan Sacred Academy. Danger: five stars." Behind it, there is

  also There is a clear portrait of a young man with a slightly ordinary face. His eyebrows are slightly dark and thick, his skin is slightly gray, and his body is thick, giving people an unspeakable sense of oppression. "Eighth grade rock phase, Tiangang general level strength."

  Li Luo's eyes narrowed slightly. Sure enough, other holy schools should not be underestimated. Zhongnan's strength is definitely at the level of the Seven Star Pillar even in the Shengxuan Star School. The five-star rating given in the information is considered the highest.

  He continued to read.

  "Liang Kui, the representative of the Four-Star Academy, is an eighth-grade thunder prime minister. His strength has reached the level of Tiangang General. He is known as the strongest spear in Lanyuan Saint Academy. The danger level is: 4.5 stars."

  The portrait of this person is that of a man with a somewhat ferocious or even ugly face. His brows are always furrowed, and the fierceness on his face makes people feel intimidated and afraid to approach him at first glance.

  Li Luo's eyes flickered, these two people should be the strongest in Lanyuan Saint Academy, and in their Shengxuanxing Academy, there is a high probability that there will be Gong Shenjun in the Four Star Academy. After all, he is the strongest Seven Star Pillar. The second candidate besides Gong Shenjun may be the eldest princess or another Seven Star Pillar.

  Because he didn't know much about the exact strength of Gong Shenjun and the eldest princess, it was difficult to evaluate what the outcome of this top-notch battle would be.

  As for the representatives of the Four-Star Academy, he didn't care much, so his eyes immediately slid down and looked at the Three-Star Academy of Lanyuan Saint Academy. This was the information he was concerned about.

  Because there will be Jiang Qing'e's opponent here.

  As his eyes slid down, the first thing that came into view was a portrait, which surprised Li Luo a little, because that was also a girl with a good appearance and temperament. The girl had a slim figure and a peach-shaped face. , skin like snow, red lips lifted slightly, and a faint smile that is a bit sultry.

  "Zhao Huiyin is a representative of the Sanxing Academy. She is an eighth-grade gold physicist. She is in the second level of the Earthly Evil General. She is suspected to have reached the Glazed Evil Body. This woman is called the Fox of the Blue Abyss. She is cunning and difficult to deal with, and her danger level is five stars."

  Li Luo paused for a moment on Zhao Huiyin's information, and was a little surprised, because Zhao Huiyin's danger level was actually a little higher than that of Liang Kui. Of course, this kind of danger level did not simply refer to strength, but It corresponds to college-level opponents of the same level. After all, no matter how strong Liang Kui is, he will not fight against students from the Samsung College.

  Moreover, Zhao Huiyin's eighth-grade metal appearance also surprised him. After all, judging from his appearance, Zhao Huiyin did not seem to have the sharpness and aggressiveness of his metal appearance.

  Li Luo tapped the portrait with his finger. He felt that this Zhao Huiyin might be Jiang Qing'e's opponent in the ticket competition this time.

  It doesn't seem simple, but he has absolute confidence in Jiang Qing'e. Of course, maybe not just him, but the entire Shengxuanxing Academy should be like this. After all, Jiang Qing'e is qualified to compete for the title of the strongest three-star academy student in the entire Eastern China. people.

  His eyes continued to move down.

  "Yan Tai, the representative of the Three-Star Academy, the eighth-grade fire phase, the Earth Evil General's second evil body level, the golden evil body level, the danger level: four stars." "Fu Xiu, the representative of the Two-Star Academy, the eighth-grade sound phase, the

  transformation The third transformation of the phase section, the danger level: four stars."

  "Fan Fan, the representative of the Erxing Academy, the lower eight bone phase, the third transformation of the phase transformation section, the danger level: four stars."

  This information did not dwell on too much, Li Luo's He looked at the last page. If he was the representative of the Yixing Academy of Shengxuanxing Academy, then there was a high probability that the person who appeared here would become his opponent.

  (End of chapter)

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