Chapter 377 Ticket Competition

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  Chapter 377:

  The girl’s hug and thank you for the ticket game soon stopped. Bai Mengmeng wiped away her tears, holding the finished rainbow cloud cake in her hands, with a look of unfinished content on her cheeks.

  "Don't worry, there will be plenty of opportunities to eat all kinds of delicious food slowly in the future." Li Luo comforted him with a smile.

  Bai Mengmeng nodded vigorously, looked at Li Luo with big eyes, and once again expressed her most sincere gratitude: "Captain, thank you very much!" "

  Hey, what are you thanking for? You have helped me so much, Xiyang You have at least half of the credit for the house's performance this month, and this is what I promised you to do, so don't blame me for waiting so long to do it." Li Luo waved his hand and said with a smile.

  Bai Mengmeng shook his head. Everyone has different values ​​for different things. Perhaps in Li Luo's view, helping her treat her taste is not a big deal, and its value is far less than a four-star spiritual water. The formula of light, but in her mind, the two cannot be compared at all.

  In the past, she only ate every day to maintain her body's needs. The feeling of chewing wax tortured her every time. However, she was unwilling to show this emotion, lest it attract some... A strange look.

  "Captain, for all the formulas for spiritual water and strange light that I research in the future, Xiyangwu will definitely be given priority!" she said.

  "It's so embarrassing. You don't have to have eight or nine formulas. It's enough. It's too much. I feel ashamed." Li Luo looked ashamed, but what he said was not polite at all.

  Bai Mengmeng covered her mouth and smiled softly. Talking to the captain always made people feel happy.

  "By the way, do you have any research on the secret source water and source light?" Li Luo suddenly remembered what Cai Wei mentioned two days ago and asked immediately.

  "My Water Nightmare Butterfly phase is biased toward the water phase, so I have also dabbled in the research of arcane source water. However, in the past, I focused on researching formulas, and rarely touched on arcane source water."

  Bai Mengmeng looked at Li Luo and said, "Captain, do you still need the secret source water? The purity of the secret source water in Xiyang House is hard to find in the entire Great Xia." "The secret source water is refined

  from The cost is extremely high, and the future Xiyang House will always need some other secret sources of water to support it," Li Luo explained.

  Bai Mengmeng nodded slightly and said with a smile: "Since the captain needs it, I can study it when I have time in the future and see if I can get some results." Li Luo was so moved that he said: "Don't worry, Mengmeng, when the time

  comes I will definitely give you a satisfactory purchase price."

  Bai Mengmeng smiled, but she didn't care about it.

  While the two were talking, the door of the refining room was suddenly pushed open through a gap, and Xin Fu's voice came faintly: "Teacher Xi Chan is here, let you go up." Li Luo and

  Bai Mengmeng were both attracted by this elusive guy. Startled, the former stared at Xin Fu outside the crack of the door with evil eyes. When on earth was this kid here? He is simply a voyeur.

  But this was not the time to care about this. He and Bai Mengmeng cleaned up a little, then left the refining room and came to the living room on the first floor. Then, on the coffee table next to the window, they saw under the morning light. Instructor Xi Chan appears to be intellectual and elegant.

  "Oh? I really have the fifth tattoo. It seems that I have gained a lot of benefits in the Golden Dragon Dojo." Instructor Xi Chan held the hot tea in his white fingers, glanced at Li Luo, raised his eyebrows slightly, and said a little surprised .

  Li Luo responded with a smile: "I'm just lucky, I followed him around." "

  I heard that Qin Zhulu also has the fifth tattoo?" Instructor Xi Chan asked.

  Li Luo nodded.

  "If you put it this way, you and Qin Zhulu are now the strongest in the One-Star Academy of our Shengxuanxing Academy, followed by Wang Hejiu and Bai Doudou. After this month of practice, they have also reached the fourth pattern. level." Instructor Xi Chan said.

  "Theoretically, that's the case." Li Luo smiled. Before his water and light phase reached the seventh level, if they were at the same phase power level, the combat effectiveness between him and Qin Zhulu might be about the same. Now that his water-light phase has evolved to the seventh level, an improvement that is almost like a transformation, if the two of them fight again, Li Luo should have a considerable advantage.

  Especially his bow and arrow offensive, that kind of instant burst, Qin Zhulu may not be able to prevent it.

  Of course, these are all on the premise that the power of the three-tailed Sirius is not used. So in a sense, he can now be regarded as the real number one person in the One Star Academy of Shengxuanxing Academy.

  However, instructor Xi Chan gently shook his head at this moment and said: "But this is not enough."

  Bai Mengmeng and Xin Fu were both surprised. Isn't the fifth line enough?

  Li Luo was also surprised and asked: "Isn't it enough to compete in the Holy Grail War?"

  Instructor Xi Chan seemed to smile and said: "Li Luo, when did you become so innocent and cute? With your fifth pattern, you still Do you want to stand out in the Holy Grail War? What I didn't mention is the ticket match a month later." "

  Ticket match? Isn't it a training match?" Li Luo asked doubtfully.

  "It's okay to call it a training match, but the price of this training match is quite high, because only the winner of the training match can get a ticket to participate in the "Holy Grail War". This is the new rule of this Holy Grail War. From a certain In a sense, this so-called ticket match can be regarded as the prelude to the Holy Grail War in advance." Instructor Xi Chan nodded slightly and said.

  "The competitor that our Holy Xuanxing Academy is assigned to this time is the "Lanyuan Holy Academy". This Holy Academy is not weak in strength and is quite famous among the many Holy Academy in the Eastern China."

  Li Luo, Xin Fu, and Bai Mengmeng looked at each other in confusion. So, if they couldn't defeat the "Lanyuan Holy Academy", wouldn't they not even be qualified to participate in the Holy Grail War?
  This is no child's play.

  They all know how much the major holy schools in the Eastern China regard the Holy Grail War. It is not just a simple battle for fame, but also a battle for the "Dragon Bone Holy Grail". This holy object can help them suppress the Holy Grail War. With this object suppressing the secret caves under the schools, the universities will save countless training resources and even the lives of students.

  This is a real benefit that cannot be given up!
  But now, in this so-called training match, only one of the two holy schools can win the ticket to the Holy Grail War.

  This is a rhythm that directly eliminates one party in advance.

  Li Luo's expression gradually became solemn, and the rhythm instantly changed from a relaxed training match to a bloody knockout match.

  Is this a sign that the Holy Grail War is about to begin?
  It hasn't really started yet, but the flames of war are already filling the air.

  "What is the mechanism of this ticket competition? After all, we are only students of the One Star Academy, so the pressure should not be on us, right?" Li Luo asked.

  "You are wrong about this. Whether it is the ticket match or the Holy Grail War later on, the students who arrive at the Four-Star Academy cannot be absent, and each has their own role. After all, as a member of the academy, regardless of the academy level Everyone, high and low, will participate in it and help their respective schools."

  Instructor Xi Chan put down the tea cup and said: "Of course, if we want to talk about pressure, it will definitely be the four-star academy, the three-star academy and other high-star academies. There are more, but this does not mean that the students of Low Star Academy have no role. Your existence is also a very important part." "Leave aside the

  Holy Grail War for now, there will be a ticket match in one month, when the two Holy Academy , seven people will be selected from each of them. These seven people will come from the four college levels. Except for one person from the One Star College, the other three star colleges will send two people as representatives." "The seven people will be students from the same college level

  . For the opponent, the winner of four out of seven games will win the ticket to the Holy Grail War."

  Li Luo said thoughtfully, "Looking at it this way, only the strongest people in their respective colleges can become this representative." "

  Mentor, I heard that If you help the school obtain tickets for this competition, will the school give you a heavy reward?"

  Instructor Xi Chan nodded and said with a smile: "If you get the ticket, the school will open a treasure house, and you can choose the golden eye treasure in it."

  Li Luo sighed.

  "Although I have always adhered to the principle of keeping a low profile, as a member of Shengxuanxing Academy, my love for the school is so deep, so as the representative of the One Star Academy and the strongest, I have no choice but to do my part."

  (End of chapter)

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