Chapter 358 Plan

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  Chapter 358 Plan:
  Regarding Lu Qing'er's sudden and huge contrast in response, Li Luo was stunned for two seconds, and then said with shame: "In this Golden Dragon Dojo, it is still very difficult to chop and feed dogs." Lu Qing'er rolled her eyes at him

  . , said: "I'm just making this metaphor."

  "But there is one thing I don't understand. This Lin Suo came from Daxia Jinlong Baoxing. Once the dojo is over, he will be sent back. Isn't he afraid that he will be sent back after he returns?" Are you facing your mother's anger?" Li Luo asked with some doubts.

  Lu Qing'er smiled faintly and said: "That's why he went to Jinlong Peak. If my prediction is correct, his goal is to get a mountain worship sticker." "As long as he

  gets a mountain worship sticker, then there will be someone outside in advance. Be prepared for the response, and then he will be teleported to the designated location, not the headquarters of our Daxia Jinlong Baohang." "

  Obviously, Lin Suo is lurking in the Tianzang County branch of Daxia Jinlong Baohang. It has been a long time coming. He is here for me, and he has a very thorough plan."

  Li Luo was startled and said, "To know so much about the Golden Dragon Dojo."

  Lu Qing'er nodded slightly and said, "It should be the Golden Dragon Dojo. Internal people, of course, this Jinlong Baoxing may not be our headquarters in Daxia, but the headquarters of other countries, or other Chinese states." "Is it just to

  deal with you after all this effort? Or is it to deal with your mother? Li Luo frowned.

  It's not that he thinks Lu Qing'er is not qualified, it's just that she is still just a girl now. Her strength shouldn't allow people to have such far-reaching plans, right?

  "That's not clear."

  Lu Qing'er hesitated for a moment and finally said this. In fact, she had some guesses in her heart. Although her mother was in charge of Daxia Jinlong Baohang, it was unlikely that she would be too eye-catching. Then Lin Suo's mission this time is obviously to destroy her to obtain the Golden Dragon Qi, and there is undoubtedly a deeper involvement in this.

  It cannot be said that it has something to do with her father whom she has not seen for many years.

  But the relationship involved in this matter is a bit deep. There is no need to tell Li Luo. After all, it is not a good thing to know.

  Li Luo didn't ask any more questions, but nodded and said: "No matter what Lin Suo's purpose is, the Golden Dragon Qi must be taken back. I promised your mother to protect you in the Golden Dragon Dojo. If you are killed like this, I've been tricked, I really don't dare to see your mother anymore."

  Lu Qing'er said with a smile: "Not only do we have to get back the Golden Dragon Qi, but we also don't let that guy get the mountain worship sticker. I hope he can pass it back to the big country intact. Xia Headquarters, although our Jinlong Baoxing is kind to others, the Bodhisattva lowers his eyebrows and the Vajra eyes are angry. In addition to being kind, our Jinlong Baoxing also has some other methods." "If Lin Suo falls into our hands, I don't think his bones will be broken again

  . If you are tough, you should be able to pry out some useful information."

  Lu Qing'er spoke softly, but the coldness contained in it made Li Luo look at her in shock.

  This was the first time he had seen Lu Qing'er show this side. The usually arrogant and pretty girl actually inherited Yu Hongxi's cold personality at critical moments, but she never showed it at ordinary times. .

  Lu Qing'er woke up when she saw the look in Li Luo's eyes. She quickly calmed down her emotions and said coyly: "It was Lin Suo who had evil intentions first. It's reasonable for me to want to kill him, right?

  " Swallowing a mouthful of saliva, he nodded with a dry smile: "Actually, it's more reasonable."

  Lu Qing'er suddenly sighed and said: "But the problem now is that our team, even if there are three of us together, is probably not Lin Suo's." Opponent?"

  Li Luo nodded and said: "Be confident, you can get rid of this fear."

  Lu Qing'er punched Li Luo, but at this time it was still raw, and then she asked: "Are you looking for foreign aid?"

  Li Luo raised his chin and signaled Lu Qing'er to look around. The latter glanced around and saw that many of the teams that had been surrounding here had now left quietly.

  These teams gathered because of Lu Qing'er's golden dragon energy. Now that the golden dragon energy has been destroyed, who is still willing to stay here? As for offending a powerful enemy who has transformed into the third phase of his transformation for them, not even Zhao Yang, Gu Ying or the others are willing to do so, let alone others?
  After all, there is no deep relationship between them, and it can even be regarded as a competitive relationship.

  As they looked at the gradually becoming empty surroundings, Qin Zhulu also walked over with a heavy gun. At this time, he looked quite heroic, his body was covered with bloodstains, and he looked very miserable, but his eyes were... There was no sign of pain at all, but instead he was full of excitement and fanaticism. This made Luo Li a little speechless. How dare he be beaten so violently that this guy was so passionate? Could it be that most beasts are masochists?
  "Then Ning Zhao and Zhu Xuan also ran away. It seems they don't intend to help us deal with Lin Suo." Qin Zhulu came over, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and said.

  Li Luo was not surprised by this. If those two people had such a sense of responsibility, they would not send Lin Suo to follow them.

  "These two bastards, they caused everything. If they hadn't caused this thing, Lin Suo wouldn't have had the chance to take action." Lu Qing'er gritted her silver teeth, her face covered with frost.

  Originally, they were doing well here. Under the control of Li Luo, they already had the close protection of Zhao Weiyang, Gu Ying and other four teams. If Zhu Xuan and the others hadn't come to cause conflicts, even if Lin Suo had the strength of the third transformation of the Huaxiang Duan, , is also difficult to obtain.

  "When I get back, I will make sure my mother takes care of them!" she said bitterly.

  "Let's forget about these two losers for the time being. Now that they are missing one of the three, it will be difficult for them to compete for the Baishan post. It's like stealing the chicken but losing the rice." Li Luo shook his head and said.

  "Then what should we do? Do we really have to rely on the three of us to go find Lin Suo to settle the score?" Lu Qing'er said worriedly.

  The three of them, Li Luo and Qin Zhulu are the third pattern of the birth pattern, and she is only the first pattern. No matter who they are, there is a huge gap between them and Na Linsuo. If they meet alone, she may not even be able to get a round here. However, even Li Luo and Qin Zhulu could not survive five rounds.

  There is no way, the strength is completely different.

  Facing such a powerful enemy, Lu Qing'er really didn't know what chance they would have of winning.

  "It is indeed difficult." Qin Zhulu also said in a low voice. Although he was not afraid of fighting and was not afraid of Lin Suo, whether he was afraid or not was one thing, and whether he could beat him or not was another thing.

  Li Luo was silent for a moment and said: "Do you believe me?"

  Lu Qing'er said with a smile: "Of course I believe in the treasure boy who can even deal with natural disaster-level aliens."

  Qin Zhulu snorted and said nothing, just heavy He waved his hands, then turned around and sat down to rest. This conversation was really nerve-wracking. Fortunately, no girl spoke to him like that, otherwise he would have punched her with his big fist.

  This Li Luo is really pitiful.

  But whoever allowed him to grow up to be so virtuous deserved it.

  Li Luo looked at Qin Zhulu who was walking aside with some dissatisfaction, "What kind of look are you looking at? I haven't sympathized with you yet. Why are you still looking at me with pity?"
  He shook his head and ignored this fool. Although Lu Qing'er and Qin Zhulu had different reactions, their answers were very consistent.

  Moreover, this Golden Dragon Dojo has near-death protection, so it doesn’t matter how much you mess around, you won’t die anyway.

  "I need to make some preparations these days."

  Li Luo touched the dark red bracelet on his other wrist with his fingers. If he had any other trump card, it would be the power of the three-tailed wolf in this bracelet. It's just that this power is too dangerous, and he must make some preparations.

  "Next, we continue to move towards the Duobao Pond, because the Duobao Pond is also a very important part that can improve our overall strength. If we can get some powerful treasures there, it will also give us more ability to deal with Lin Suo. A little chance of winning."

  As Li Luo spoke, he glanced at the two swords at his waist. After using them for so long, these two swords were about to reach their limit, so he urgently needed to replace them.

  So he hoped that he could find a suitable Noble Phantasm in that treasure pool so that he could cope with the fierce battle that would span an entire rank.

  (End of chapter)

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