Chapter 35 It’s a draw

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  Chapter 35: Draw

  Around the battle stage, the crowd surged, but at this time, there was silence.

  Everyone stared dumbly at the spectator who blocked Song Yunfeng, and then looked at the hourglass that had elapsed.

  The battle here was so fierce that they didn't pay attention to the passage of time before. But when they came back to their senses, it turned out that it was already at
  this moment. They suddenly understood that Song Yunfeng wanted to exhaust Li Luo's phase power before. But he didn't expect that Li Luo was also delaying time.

  When the hourglass expires, there is no winner or loser in the battle. According to the previous rules, it will be judged as a draw.

  In other words, the competition between Li Luo and Song Yunfeng ended in a draw.

  And this ending was beyond everyone's expectations.

  Because no matter from any point of view, this competition should not have such a result. There is a huge disparity in strength between Song Yunfeng and Li Luo. Therefore, in the eyes of many people, this competition will be Song Yunfeng's victory. Such a victory.

  No matter how hard Li Luo struggled, he could not gain the slightest benefit from Song Yunfeng, who had a seventh-grade physical appearance and an eighth-level physical strength.

  But the result?

  In their eyes, this game that should have been crushed was suddenly turned into a draw by Li Luo.
  At this moment, they looked at Li Luo on the stage who looked slightly pale due to the exhaustion of his phase power. Their eyes were on In the silence, some admiration gradually emerged.

  Even Bei Kun looked constipated at this time, and his expression was extremely exciting.

  Ti Faqing, who was on the side, was also looking at the stage in a daze, her beautiful eyes showing the shock she suffered in her heart. After a long time, she exhaled heavily and looked at Li Luo deeply with her beautiful eyes.

  Although the latter's face was a little pale at this moment, she seemed to vaguely see dazzling light emanating from his body bit by bit.

  This reminded Deti Faqing of the legendary figure on the honorary monument of Nanfeng Academy.

  But immediately, Ti Faqing shook her head. Although Li Luo performed a miracle, he was still far behind Jiang Qing'e.

  On the battlefield, Song Yunfeng remained dazed for a moment, glaring at the spectators angrily: "I'm obviously going to defeat him, he has no strength anymore, and I will win for sure!" "Give me one more second, and it's just a matter of time.

  " Seconds!"

  The spectators frowned and looked at Song Yunfeng who had lost his composure. The latter used to be calm and gentle in Nanfeng Academy, but he was completely motionless now.

  "The rules are the rules. After the hourglass runs out, if there is still no winner, it will be a draw." The spectator said.

  "You fart!" Song Yunfeng roared with a ferocious face.

  How could he accept the result of this draw? This draw would simply make him lose face.

  However, the spectators ignored him, looked around, and then announced: "The final result of this competition is a draw!" "

  Brother Luo is awesome!"

  When his voice fell, there were countless excited madmen in the second courtyard. The shouts were overwhelming, and all the students in the Second Academy were excited. Li Luo's competition greatly enhanced their reputation in the Second Academy.

  Yu Lang, who was covered in bandages, opened his mouth and muttered: "Is this pervert really about to rise? Even Song Yunfeng was defeated." Amidst

  the deafening cheers, Lu Qing'er stared at Li Luo's figure quietly with her bright eyes. , at this moment, she seemed to see the young man who was obviously very immature when he first entered Nanfeng Academy, but was always one step ahead of them in the practice of physiognomy, and finally came to teach them beginners with a face full of leisure. .

  At that time, Li Luo was undoubtedly dazzling.

  Even at that time, Lu Qing'er secretly admired him and targeted him.

  It was just the appearance of Kong Xiang that completely destroyed Li Luo's halo. After that, he avoided her, so she had no choice but not to disturb him.

  "I knew, Li Luo, you would stand up again, and then you would be truly dazzling." "

  But you are not enough now. I want to see you reach the peak, and then..." "

  Beat You."

  Lu Qing'er's long hair was fluttering, and her bright eyes were filled with burning fighting spirit. She glanced at Li Luo again, and then turned around and left without stopping here.

  Who would have thought that Lu Qing'er, who seemed to have a quiet and sweet temperament, could be so strong and warlike in her heart. On the battlefield, Li Luo looked at the gloomy Song Yunfeng in front of him and sighed: "I gave you a chance, but you couldn't seize it. Song Yunfeng, you are such a waste." Song Yunfeng stared at Li Luo fiercely


  "If you miss this time, Song Yunfeng, you probably won't have much chance in the future."

  However, Li Luo was not afraid of his fierce gaze. Instead, he stepped forward, patted his shoulder lightly, and said with a smile: "You are slandering my parents." Let's figure this out next time."

  Song Yunfeng gritted his teeth and sneered: "Okay, I'll wait."

  Li Luo nodded and didn't say anything to him, just walked past and got off the platform. , and then left the square surrounded by the excitement of many students from the Second Academy.

  As he left, the atmosphere in the square gradually weakened. Many people looked at Song Yunfeng strangely, and then dispersed one after another.

  In today's matter, Li Luo was originally going to admit defeat, but Song Yunfeng decided to attack other people's parents. However, he tried his best to provoke Li Luo out, but failed to win. This matter is really a tragedy. joke.

  It is conceivable that this matter will inevitably spread in Nanfeng Academy for a long time in the future, and he, Song Yunfeng, will be a supporting role to set off the protagonist in this story.

  On the high platform at the edge of the square, the old dean and the tutors were also somewhat silent. This result was also beyond their expectations.

  After a moment of silence, the old dean finally sighed and said: "This Li Luo never thought about winning from the beginning to the end. His purpose was to drag it to a draw."

  "And what people didn't expect is that he actually did it."

  Xu Shanyue was smiling from ear to ear at this time. Li Luo was so proud of him today. That was Song Yunfeng, who was in the first hospital. The top student second only to Lu Qing'er, but this time, he was forced to a draw by Li Luo.

  So who says that their second hospital can’t produce talents?
  No one would think it was just a draw, because the strength gap between Li Luo and Song Yunfeng was indeed too big. His phase power was only at the Six Seal Realm, and his own water phase was only at the fifth level, but what about Song Yunfeng? Eight Seal Phase Strength, Seventh-Rank Red Eagle Phase To be honest, this overall gap, even if they are mentors, they don’t know how to complete the reversal, and Li Luo can force the situation to a draw, which is already considered a feeling. Incredible.

  Do you really think that everyone is a genius like Jiang Qing'e, who possesses the ninth grade?

  Lin Feng's face was as dark as the bottom of a pot. Facing Xu Shanyue's proud laughter, he endured it and finally said: "Li Luo's performance today is indeed impeccable, but there is a time limit for the preliminaries. What about the college entrance examination after that? At that time, you have to rely on your true ability, and these opportunistic methods are of no use."

  Xu Shanyue snorted coldly: "Li Luo may not be able to go further by then."

  "Go further. , that’s just the Seven Seal Realm." Lin Feng said expressionlessly.

  The old dean waved his hand to stop the habitual quarrel between the two people. He looked at the direction in which Li Luo left, then stared at Lin Feng and Xu Shanyue, his face became much more serious, and said: "Li Luo when the time comes How he performs is his business, but I have to remind you that in this college entrance examination, our Nanfeng College must maintain its reputation as the number one college in Tianshu County. If something goes wrong by then, huh." The final cold

  words The snort made many instructors tremble.

  Especially Lin Feng, he understood that the old dean's words were more for him, because the first college gathered the best students of Nanfeng Academy and occupied the most resources of Nanfeng Academy, and the college entrance examination was to verify every time Is the first hospital worth these resources?

  As far as Lin Feng knows, the last tutor of the first college was kicked out of Nanfeng by the old dean because of a previous college entrance exam that almost caused Nanfeng College to lose its reputation as the number one college in Tianshu County. School.

  So if he goes wrong in the college entrance examination here, I'm afraid the old dean won't let him go.

  Thinking of that result, Lin Feng's heart trembled, and he quickly assured: "Dean, don't worry, the strength of our first college is obvious to all, and we will definitely be able to maintain the honor of the school." "That's the best." The old dean looked like


  . He calmed down a little, then said no more, turned and left.

  As he left, many tutors looked at each other and heaved a sigh of relief. The angry old dean was really scary. "
  But this year, Dongyuan Academy is coming very menacingly, and Dongyuan Academy is the Governor's Palace." The school that fully supports it has become very powerful in recent years, catching up with Nanfeng Academy. Now the number one person in Dongyuan Academy is the son of the governor. He should be called Shi Kun, right? His own talent is extremely high, and in terms of strength, he will not be inferior. Yu Lu Qing'er, so this year's college entrance examination will probably put a lot of pressure on our Nanfeng College." After the old dean left, some instructors couldn't help but expressed worry.

  Lin Feng glanced at the instructor and said calmly: "After all, the foundation of Dongyuan Academy is not as good as that of Nanfeng Academy. If they want to snatch this sign, they have to ask my colleagues in the academy if they agree." After the words fell, he

  said Is turning around and leaving.

  The others looked at each other, a little dissatisfied with Lin Feng's arrogance, but they had no choice but to mutter in the end.

  "Just pull it, and then it will come off. It depends on how you end up."

  (End of Chapter)

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