Chapter 347 Surrounded by Wolves

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  Chapter 347 A Pack of Wolves Surrounded
  When Zhao Ziyang and the others appeared, Li Luo's eyes also stayed on him. Sensing the fluctuations of phase force emanating from his body, his eyes also condensed slightly.

  With such strength, it should be the second transformation of Huaxiang Duan, which is similar to Zhu Xuanxiang.

  Li Luo estimated his own strength. If he didn't rely on the power of Dual Phase, he could fight against an opponent in the fifth line of the Shengwen Duan without losing, relying solely on the power contained in his two zodiac palaces. With the burst of power, he can fight the opponent who has transformed into the first stage of transformation. The level of leapfrogging is not low, but the Zhao Ziyang in front of him is obviously a bit beyond this range.

  Fortunately, with the "Phase Bubble Technique" prepared earlier, if a fight really came up, Li Luo was not completely powerless to fight back.

  But the problem is that neither the power of dual phase nor the "Phase Bubble Technique" can last long and can only be used for decisive victory. The guy in front of him has a domineering and powerful phase force. In the previous first contact, the phase force was so pure. With spirituality, it must also be the appearance of the eighth grade.

  So strictly speaking, if Li Luo fights alone, his winning rate is not high.

  There is no way, the gap between the two sides' physical strength level is too big, and Li Luo's ability to achieve this level is already the limit. He believes that the step he can achieve is probably even for Qin, who is pregnant with the eighth-grade gold-devouring demon tiger phase. Even chasing deer may not work.

  "Are you from the Crimson Sand Empire's Golden Dragon Treasure Team?"

  Li Luo glanced at the badges on the chests of the three people across from him. The emblems on them showed that the other party was from the Crimson Sand Empire. This made him slightly surprised. After all, the Crimson Sand Empire But it is much more famous than Snow Wolf Country, and in terms of strength, it is not weaker than Daxia.

  "Three of you, the golden dragon energy is within you, right?"

  At this time, Zhao Ziyang was also looking at the three of them with a smile, his eyes turned, and finally stopped on Lu Qing'er, and said: "From the intelligence, it is this girl, right? "

  Lv Qing'er's pretty face was cold, the cold air slowly rose on her delicate body, and the dead grass under her feet was covered with frost.

  "Is this friend looking for the wrong person? There is a lot of chaos in this mountain forest right now." Li Luo said with a smile.

  Zhao Ziyang smiled, glanced at the three of them, and said lightly: "Leave her to me, and I can let you two go away safely." He didn't say

  much nonsense, and there was a sense of humor in his words. He was domineering, as if he had taken control of the situation.

  However, Zhao Ziyang does have this confidence, because in the previous brief confrontation, he had already figured out the strength of the three opponents. They had three living patterns and not a single transformation. Such a pitiful lineup configuration made it difficult for him
  to It was hard for him to imagine why the Golden Dragon Qi would appear in their team.

  Is it true that the weaker the person, the luckier they are?

  However, facing his domineering words, Qin Zhulu sneered and stamped the ground with the heavy gun in his hand. His strength surged, and there seemed to be a faint roar of a ferocious tiger.

  Li Luo also sighed helplessly and said, "You are really a stick." He

  slowly clenched the two knives in his hands.

  When Zhao Ziyang saw this, a faint smile appeared on his face: "Why don't you appreciate it? The courage to protect your companions is commendable, but you have to do what you can. I won't do anything to her, I just need her help. "

  However, Li Luo and Qin Zhulu remained indifferent.

  Zhao Ziyang shook his head, clenching his fists slowly, and a red phase force flowed through his body, as if magma was flowing, hot and domineering.

  "In this case, we can only deal with you two troublesome guys first, and then take her away."

  He took a step forward with an indifferent expression.

  "Wait a minute." Li Luo suddenly said.

  Zhao Ziyang smiled slightly: "You figured it out?"

  Li Luo did not answer him, but took out a flare from the space ball, and then ejected it directly into the air, and suddenly a wisp of fire rose into the sky.

  This fire tail signal flare is so conspicuous, and if it is released now, it will definitely attract a lot of attention in the forest.

  Li Luo put off the flare, then smiled at Zhao Ziyang and said, "Okay."

  The smile on Zhao Ziyang's face froze little by little, and then a fierce light appeared in his eyes. How dare this bastard play tricks on him? !
  "Do you want to attract other teams to disrupt the situation? You are smart, but it's a pity. I'm afraid you won't be able to wait until that time!"

  Zhao Ziyang stamped his foot, the ground exploded, and his figure shot out like a cannonball. In that sudden crash, it flew directly across the deep stream and landed in front of Li Luo.

  "You grab the other two, and I'll take care of this kid." He opened his mouth, revealing his thick white teeth, and there seemed to be heat rising between his teeth.

  Apparently, Lo Lee's previous behavior had angered him.

  The two companions of Zhao Ziyang both cast sympathetic glances at Li Luo. This boy really has no eyesight. At this time, he still needs to be skinned. Now that he has angered Zhao Ziyang, he may be in trouble. have eaten.

  Zhao Ziyang also has a resolute personality. Once he decides to take action, he does it without any delay. The red power rises hotly and circulates on the surface of the body. Then the heat wave roars and he rushes directly towards Li Luo. When Li Luo saw this, his figure quickly retreated.

  However, Zhao Ziyang's speed exploded even more fiercely. In a few breaths, he appeared in front of Li Luo, and then the fiery and domineering fist wind was packed with fierce force and hit Li Luo heavily.

  The heat wave made Li Luo's skin tingle.

  Facing Zhao Ziyang's fierce offensive, Li Luo was still dodging. It was really unavoidable, so he used all his strength and took the attack with two swords in his hands.


  When the fists and knives come into contact, they seem to make a sound of gold and iron.

  In just a few rounds, Li Luo was covered in the fiery fist shadow. His figure moved in every direction, and as expected, was suppressed by Zhao Ziyang in all aspects.

  Facing Li Luo's dodges, a hint of ridicule appeared in the corner of Zhao Ziyang's mouth.

  "Are you still stalling for time?"

  "Your method is nothing more than to wait for some other teams to enter the stage to create checks and balances. You are very smart, but you have forgotten that in this situation, your strength, which is only the third line of the third line, is really Are you qualified to play with balance?"

  When Li Luo heard this, he glanced at Zhao Ziyang in surprise. This guy who looked domineering and fierce had a delicate mind.

  Even he had never thought of this before.

  No wonder he had vaguely felt a team arriving in the surrounding mountains and forests, but until now no one had intervened to interfere with the situation.

  This is because the strength of their team is so poor, those teams don't really take them seriously, they just treat them as fish.

  And this unequal situation is not conducive to his future plans.

  Li Luo's eyes flashed slightly. He looked at Zhao Ziyang in front of him, with a smile in his eyes. He was indeed a very good opponent.

  During the collision, Li Luo's figure slid back, and then he stamped his feet fiercely. He clenched the two knives in his palms, and his eyes suddenly became sharp at this moment.

  In front, Zhao Ziyang walked like a shooting star, leaping several feet in one step, and then struck with a punch.

  With this punch, the crimson force swept out, as if it had transformed into a giant python, baring its teeth and claws, twisting the air and roaring towards it with extremely domineering power.

  "Tiger General Technique, Red Python Flame Fist!"

  The dead leaves on the ground nearby spontaneously combusted, and even the land became scorched black. Everyone could see that Zhao Ziyang no longer retained this punch.

  The strength of the second transformation of Huaxiang Duan, who possesses the Eighth Grade Appearance, is undoubtedly revealed.

  Facing such a fierce blow from Zhao Ziyang, Li Luo did not choose to dodge. Instead, he took the initiative to meet it with some astonished eyes in the dark.

  The two swords shook and pulled out two sword flowers.

  The shadow of the red python fist quickly enlarged in his eyes, and the next moment, the two phase palaces in Li Luo's body buzzed and vibrated, and the rolling phase force poured out from his two phase force seeds.

  That's not all. The four phase energy bubbles in the two phase palaces also shattered at this time, and billows of phase energy flowed out.

  These forces merge quickly within the body.

  The power of bipolarity!

  Li Luo held two swords in his hands, and the sword light whizzed past, as fast as lightning, and directly collided with the red python fist shadow.

  This time the sound was particularly loud, and the violent force was raging like a storm. Unexpectedly, Li Luo's figure was shaken backwards, and his feet took ten steps back, with each step touching the ground. He stepped on deep footprints, and the energy and blood in his body surged violently and trembled.

  Then no one paid attention to him. In the surrounding mountains and forests, many eyes looked at Zhao Ziyang with some shock.

  Because at this time, his figure also landed on the ground, and then his body shook and he took two steps back. Moreover, the most important thing was that
  there was a slight blood mark on his fist, and there were several drops of blood dripping down the fist. Falling.

  The mountain wind howled by, and the surrounding mountains and forests seemed to have quietly become quiet at this moment.

  (End of chapter)

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