Chapter 339 Golden Dragon Dojo

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  Chapter 339 Golden Dragon Dojo
  When Li Luo's figure rushed into the energy portal, he felt that the space was distorted. He seemed to have lost all his senses. This feeling seemed to last for a long time, and it seemed to only last for a moment.

  Until a certain moment, the Golden Dragon Secret Key in his hand suddenly became hot, and golden light emitted. The golden light seemed to form some kind of guidance, turning into a golden avenue that pierced the void in front of him.

  Then ripples bloomed in the void and were actually torn apart.

  Li Luo's figure stepped into it, and at the moment he stepped in, there seemed to be an extremely bright golden light piercing his eyes. The golden light was so strong that it seemed to be able to illuminate the heavens.

  Li Luo's eyes were illuminated red by the golden light. After a long time, he gradually calmed down and looked towards the distant void. Only then did he see a continent standing in this space.

  The continent is boundless and vast, but perhaps the distance is too far, so Li Luo can take it in at a glance.

  At this time, he also found that he was wrapped in rich golden light, falling in the direction of the continent at an extremely terrifying speed.

  There are two golden lights beside him, and they are Lu Qing'er and Qin Zhulu. The three golden lights further away are Ning Zhao, Zhu Xuan, and Lin Suo.

  Looking far away, one can see hundreds of golden streams of light falling from the sky.

  Obviously, these are the teams from the Jinlong Baoxing branches of all parties entering the venue.

  It looks spectacular.

  The golden light escaped extremely quickly, but in the blink of an eye, Li Luo and the others appeared above the mainland, with endless mountains and rivers coming into view.

  And at this time, there was a loud roar between heaven and earth, and a green wind swept in from nowhere, blowing directly towards Li Luo.


  The green wind first collided with the golden light outside the body, making a harsh sound. The two seemed to be constantly melting, and then wisps of green wind penetrated the golden light.

  Li Luo had already activated his phase force to protect his whole body, but when the wisps of green wind swept in, the phase force protection that he had put in with all his strength was torn apart like tofu. When it passed by, it cut open the skin, leaving an incision.

  The seemingly inconspicuous incision made Li Luo take a breath of cold air. The sting was so strong that it seemed to hit his soul directly.

  Then more and more Qingfeng poured in, making people start to feel a little confused.

  Li Luo glanced at the other golden lights, and the figures among them all became panicked because of the sudden appearance of Qingfeng.

  "Is this the Qinggang Wind? It's really terrifying."

  Li Luo exclaimed in his heart. This Qinggang Wind is obviously a layer of protection for the Golden Dragon Dojo. If you want to enter the dojo, you have to withstand the baptism of the Qinggang Wind.

  Fortunately, there is a Golden Dragon Secret Key that can withstand most of the Qinggang Wind. Otherwise, with his strength, he might not be able to withstand even one wave, and he would be blown to pieces.

  But even so, it is still difficult to resist alone.

  So Li Luo quickly made a gesture to Lu Qing'er and Qin Zhulu, and then the two quickly came closer, and the golden light spread, protecting the three of them together.

  Over there, Ning Zhao and the other three also gathered together, and then began to work together to resist Qinggang Feng.

  These three people are all in the Huaxiang section. Together, although it is still a bit difficult, they have gradually stabilized their position.

  On the other hand, Li Luo and the other three were having a much harder time. After all, in terms of team configuration, their side was indeed much weaker.

  If it continues like this, it's hard to say that it won't be able to pass through the Qinggang Wind Belt in the end.

  "Li Luo, what should I do?" Lu Qing'er's pretty face was a little solemn. Although she was not very interested in the mountain worship post, she wanted to take Li Luo into the Golden Dragon Dojo to have a chance, but now she couldn't even get in. , that would be a great opportunity wasted.

  Li Luo pondered slightly and said: "We are at a disadvantage because our strength is not as good as the others. This wind belt is long. If the three of us consume too much strength together, it will be extremely detrimental to us."

  "This Qinggang Wind is coming from the front. We can't choose to share the burden like others. It's best to put the person with the strongest defense in front, and the two people behind to assist." Then the two of them turned their eyes to Qin at the same time

  . Chasing deer.

  Qin Zhulu's face twitched. He had the appearance of an upper-level eighth-grade gold-devouring demon tiger, and his physical defense was naturally the strongest, so this human shield was simply talking about him.

  However, Qin Zhulu was still able to work hard and take the overall situation into consideration, so he didn't say anything and silently took a step forward, like a human shield, blocking the way.

  "Xiaolu is still very reliable." Li Luo praised. Qin Zhulu came over with an angry look: "Don't give me random names! Hiss!"

  As soon as he finished speaking, Qinggang Wind swept over him, causing him to grin and gasp in pain.

  Lu Qing'er stretched out her hand and pressed it on Qin Zhulu's back, and the force of ice surged out: "Xuan Ice Armor!" Suddenly the cold air surged

  , forming a pair of ice armor directly on the surface of Qin Zhulu's body, helping him weaken Qinggang Feng the harm caused.

  Li Luo also smiled and stretched out his hand. He used his healing power to quickly recover the wind injuries on Qin Zhulu's body.

  With the support of the two people, Qin Zhulu suddenly became energetic. He roared like thunder and a roar of a tiger, and the strength surged. His whole body swelled up. Golden tiger stripes were looming on the surface of his body, and an evil aura hit his face. Come.


  Qinggang Feng fell on him again. With the help of ice armor and Li Luo's healing power, Qin Zhulu was gradually able to resist it.

  Suddenly the speed of travel increased sharply.

  Not far away, Ning Zhao, Zhu Xuan, and Lin Suo also sensed Li Luo's speed, and immediately cast a look of surprise. Originally, they thought that Li Luo and the others would be in an unusual embarrassment in this wind belt. , I didn’t expect that they would find a clever solution so quickly.

  Above the void, streaks of golden light continued to streak across, and finally gradually passed through the Qinggang Wind Belt, falling into all parts of the earth that had become extremely vast.

  Li Luo and his party finally passed through the wind belt without any danger, and then they noticed a force of attraction coming from below. The golden dragon secret key in their hands gave off a force of traction, which directly led them to fall rapidly. , the space flashed, and the soles of the feet stepped on the hard ground.

  Li Luo immediately raised his head and looked around, and found that they were in a deep mountain covered with ice and snow. The surrounding trees were all in the shape of ice crystals, and there was cold air emanating from them.

  "Is this the Golden Dragon Dojo?" The three of them looked at it curiously.

  "The energy of heaven and earth is so strong, much stronger than the outside world." Lu Qing'er felt the energy surging in the surrounding heaven and earth and exclaimed.

  Li Luo nodded. The location they were in was only on the periphery of the Golden Dragon Dojo. The energy of heaven and earth was already so strong. It could be seen that the conditions for cultivation were even better inside.

  It is indeed a holy land of cultivation that Golden Dragon Dojo has devoted all its efforts to create.

  At this moment, Li Luo suddenly found something in his hand. He opened his palm and found a short golden incense stick. Obviously, this should be the sacrificial object that Yu Hongxi had mentioned before. He lit it in front of some sacrificial objects. This incense can be exchanged for the so-called "Taojin" in this world.

  "Okay, let's get started. All the way east, our goal is to explore rare spiritual plants, hunt spirit beasts, earn Taoist gold, and then go to the Duobao Pond to exchange for treasure phantoms!" Li Luo waved his hand and said .

  Lu Qing'er put her little hand to her mouth and took a few breaths, and said with a smile: "I don't know if this gold is easy to earn."

  Her expression seemed particularly relaxed. This Golden Dragon Dojo is different from the dark cave. The scenery here is beautiful, and Without those annoying aliens, without Qin Zhulu, this would be a very exciting journey.

  As soon as her voice fell, something suddenly fell from above and hit her on the top of her head, causing Lu Qing'er to ouch.

  She quickly stretched out her hand to take the thing that rolled down from her head. When she looked closely, she saw that it seemed to be a snow-white fruit with faint lines and luster on it, and a strange fragrance emanated from it.

  Lu Qing'er held the strange fruit that fell on her head and was stunned for a few seconds. Then she asked Li Luo and Qin Zhulu, "Is this a rare spiritual plant?" Li Luo and Qin Zhulu looked at Lu Qing'er's hands

  . They looked at each other in disbelief, and then said: "It looks a bit similar, why don't you try it?"

  Then they placed the snow-white fruits on the ground, put short golden incense sticks in front of them, and lit them.

  Golden smoke curled up and surrounded the snow-white fruits.

  The next moment, the three of them were surprised to see that the snow-white fruit gradually became insubstantial, and finally disappeared out of thin air.

  At the same time, a hole opened in the void in front of them, and four round gold coins fell out of it, shining with light, and landed in front of the three people.

  Li Luo, Lu Qing'er, and Qin Zhulu couldn't help but fell into silence as they looked at these four special gold coins engraved with golden dragon patterns and faintly exuding a strange charm.

  Is this gold so simple?
  I am used to the difficulty of obtaining Dark Cave Points, but it seems a bit uncomfortable to suddenly find it so easy.

  (End of chapter)

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