Chapter 337: Phase Bubble Technique

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  Chapter 337: Phase Bubble Technique

  "Want the secret skill of preserving phase?"

  In the office and study room of Yu Hongxi, Jinlong Baoxing, she looked at Li Luo, who came to Baoxing again and came directly to her, and frowned. Pick, said: "This kind of secret technique is relatively rare."

  Li Luo nodded and said: "That's why I came to Jinlong Baoxing to ask President Yu for help. After all, the Golden Dragon Dojo will be opened soon, although it may be a bit of a rush. It's late, but I still want to improve my strength as much as possible."

  Regarding Li Luo's progressive behavior, Yu Hongxi nodded slightly with some appreciation. After all, since Lu Qing'er chose this team configuration, she actually felt that this time I don't have much expectations for winning the mountain worship post, so I can only think of other ways later.

  However, although she did not expect too much, she was quite satisfied to see Li Luo take this Golden Dragon Dojo so seriously. After all, at least, Li Luo did not lie down and enjoy this opportunity with peace of mind.

  Jiang Qing'e summoned a maid, and after giving instructions, the maid respectfully withdrew.

  Then Li Luo waited for a while and saw the maid walking in holding a box. When the box was opened, there were two jade scrolls inside.

  "It's hard to find the secret techniques of existence. Even our Jinlong Baoxing only has two volumes here. You should first see if there are any suitable ones." Yu Hongxi said.

  Li Luo looked at the two jade scrolls with surprise. He was worthy of the Golden Dragon Baoxing. This rare special secret technique could actually take out two jade scrolls at will.

  He stepped forward and carefully opened the two jade scrolls.

  These two secret techniques of existence, one volume is called "Inner Capsule Technique" and the other volume is called "Phase Bubble Technique".

  Internal capsule technique is practiced with special materials to form a special capsule in the body, and excess phase force can be stored in it.

  The Phase Bubble Technique also requires some kind of crystal dust to be practiced together. After this technique is completed, something like bubbles will be formed in the body to store some Phase Force.

  Both have their own merits. The internal capsule technique will store the phase force for a longer period of time, while the phase bubble technique will store a larger amount, but the bubbles will automatically dissipate over time, so they need to be replenished from time to time.

  Li Luo pondered for a long time, and finally chose the "Phase Bubble Technique" because this technique requires the power of water phase, which Li Luo just meets. Of course, the most important thing is that what Li Luo needs now is "quantity". The more phase power he has, the more powerful he will be when he unleashes his dual phase power.

  As for constant replenishment, it is actually not a problem. He has two zodiac signs and absorbs the energy of heaven and earth faster than others, so he does not need to worry about this consumption at all.

  "President Yu, I will choose this "phase bubble technique"." Li Luo said with a smile.

  Yu Hongxi nodded, and then smiled: "Thank you for your patronage. This scroll is worth 3.53 million pieces of heavenly gold."

  Li Luo almost threw the jade scroll in his hand directly into Yu Hongxi's face. On the top, his eyes widened and he said in disbelief: "You want 3.53 million for this secret technique?!" If

  you want to say how powerful this secret technique is, it is not as powerful as this. Not many people are in need of special effects. The price of 3.53 million is simply more expensive than some dragon general skills.

  "Things are rare and expensive, and the price is what it is. No one can be deceived." Yu Hongxi showed a charming smile.

  "Can't afford it!" Li Luo said angrily.

  Now he has to save money to buy some seventh-grade spiritual water. How can he spend more than three million to buy a secret technique? If Sister Cai Wei knew this, she would have to resign on the spot.

  "Hey, look at what Li Taixuan and Tantailan have done. The two of them are out of tune, making this kid miserable even if he spends any money." Yu Hongxi sighed. Li Luo rolled his eyes at her angrily and said, "No more." He

  was about to leave.

  "Wait a minute."

  Yu Hongxi made him stop. She smiled and said, "The kid just can't hold his breath."

  She knocked on the box with her slender fingers and said: "Take it and use it first. It's like I made a little investment in advance for Qing'er's "Mountain Worship Tie". If you can help Qing'er get the "Mountain Worship Tie", this secret volume I can give you the technique for free, but if you can’t get it, I’m sorry. 3.53 million pieces of heavenly gold, if there’s one penny less, I have to go to Jiang Qing’e to ask for it.” Li Luo turned around

  . He stood up and said righteously: "My majestic Young Master of Luolan Mansion, do you think I care about these mere millions?" He stretched out his hand, grabbed the

  jade scroll in his hand, and threw it directly into the space ball. Said: "But Qing'er and I are friends. For the sake of her future, I will definitely do my best to help her." Yu Hongxi looked with interest at the

  man who said harsh words and struck faster than anyone else. Li Luo had a smile in his eyes. Compared with his father, this boy was more flexible and flexible.

  "By the way, President Yu."

  After solving the problem of "Secret Technique of Existence", Li Luo remembered Jiang Qing'e's reminder to him, and immediately asked with a slightly condensed expression: "This time I entered the Golden Dragon Dojo, the one named Lin Suo What is the origin of this person?"

  Yu Hongxi is such a sophisticated person. As soon as Li Luo opened his mouth, she understood what he meant, and immediately smiled lightly and said: "Do you suspect that he is targeting you?" "There is no possibility

  . "?" Li Luo asked.

  "I understand your caution. After all, Luo Lan Mansion is surrounded by wolves, so proper caution is necessary."

  Yu Hongxi understood this quite well, and then said: "But this Lin Suo is not from other forces. He is from the Tianzang County branch of Jinlong Baoxing in Daxia. This time Ye Qiuding was absent for some reason, so this spot was given to someone from within Baoxing." Li Luo was a little surprised when he heard this,

  Lin Suo turned out to be from Jinlong Baoxing Man, if you look at it this way, does he think too much?
  But no matter what, you should still be careful.

  So he didn't ask any more questions about it. After saying something to Yu Hongxi again, he stood up and left. He wanted to go back and perfect the "Xiang Bao Technique" as soon as possible.

  When leaving the room, he looked at Yu Hongxi who continued to look at the documents, hesitated for a moment, and said with a smile: "President Yu, thank you."

  Although the other party had been talking about it as a "paying tribute to the mountain", in fact He was taken care of a lot. Li Luo didn't know whether this care was due to Lu Qing'er or his father, but he had to accept this favor.

  Although the other party's strength and background do not require any gratitude from him, if there is a chance in the future, he will eventually pay it back.

  Yu Hongxi was immersed in reading the documents, without looking up, and just waved his hand casually.

  Then when she heard the door close, she put down the documents, raised her head, and looked at the closed study door. After a while, there was a soft sound.

  "Li Taixuan, Tantai Lan, you are so willing to leave such a big mess."

  (End of Chapter)

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