Chapter 330 Ambition

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  Chapter 330 Ambition
  When the eldest princess came to the side hall, she saw the regent who had already arrived. The latter was wearing a python robe and had an imposing manner. His heavy majesty was intimidating.

  "I've met Uncle Wang."

  The eldest princess said with a smile on her face as she came up to greet him and saluted.

  The regent smiled and said: "Luan Yu, the purification of the dark cave has just been completed in the academy, right? Is it going well?" The

  eldest princess nodded and said: "There is no serious problem in the dark cave. After all, Dean Pang is in charge." The

  regent sighed. He said: "Dean Pang is indeed the anchor of our Daxia. With him sitting in the dark cave, our Daxia is so peaceful." The two of them

  said something casually, and then the regent said: "Your Majesty's body But it's okay? Then Li Luo must be of some use, right?"

  The eldest princess's smile did not change, and she seemed not surprised that the regent knew about Li Luo. After all, the regent was so powerful, and his ears and eyes were even better than hers. Although she was already in She tried her best to conceal Li Luo's role, but it was obviously not very effective. Judging from the fact that she found Li Luo twice, the regent could guess some clues. After all, if it had no effect, she would not be able to do it. Such meaningless things.

  "Well, I was so sick that I went to the doctor before. I had no choice but to let Li Luo try it, but it seemed to have some effect, so I decided to let him try it more often. After all, there was no other way." The eldest princess did not hide it. , but took the initiative to tell the situation.

  "This is something that even a powerful man who is good at healing can't do. How can he, a physiognomist, be useful?" The regent couldn't hide his surprise on his face.

  The eldest princess shook her head and said helplessly: "I really don't know. Maybe it's because he is bipolar?"

  She actually couldn't figure this out.

  "Double phase is indeed rare in the realm of physiognomist, but there is no one who is powerful but has dual phase." The regent said.

  But in the end he didn't say more, just smiled and said: "But there are many strange people in this world. Maybe this Li Luo has some unique abilities, but his strength is still too low after all, so he usually treats the king. Sometimes, you should pay more attention to avoid making mistakes. After all, the king's holy body has a lot to do with it."

  "Uncle Wang is right." The eldest princess nodded.

  The two talked for a while, and the regent suddenly smiled slightly and said: "Luan Yu will leave the school in half a year, right? Speaking of your age, it's time to get married. There are many people in Daxia From a famous family, I wonder if there is a family you like? If so, feel free to ask Uncle Wang to help you solve it."

  These sudden words made the eldest princess stunned, but she soon came back to her senses. , smiled shyly: "I have never thought about this problem, and I have never met the person I like." "You should pay

  more attention to it on weekdays. Although Uncle Wang knows that you are arrogant, you are also extremely outstanding. , but the issue of life-long events must not be ignored." said the Prince Regent.

  The eldest princess nodded with a smile, and then said softly: "My lifelong events are actually not as important as Uncle Wang said. If I can see the day when the king successfully takes over the throne, I can rest assured." "Speaking of it.


  She paused and said with a smile: "Uncle Wang, it will be the time for the king to truly ascend the throne in half a year. Uncle Wang has been working really hard these years, but fortunately, the agreement you made with your father has been successfully completed."

  " So for the enthronement ceremony in half a year, I hope Uncle Wang will be well prepared and host it with all his strength."

  The regent sighed and said, "Unknowingly, the little king has reached this age."

  He chuckled and said, "Luan Don't worry, Yu, Uncle Wang will definitely make the enthronement ceremony grand and satisfying for you in half a year." "Thank you

  very much, Uncle Wang." The eldest princess thanked her happily.

  The regent smiled and waved his hand, said a few words again, then turned and left.

  The eldest princess looked at the regent's leaving figure with a smile. It was not until his figure completely disappeared that her smile gradually faded.

  "Do you really want me to confirm the marriage as soon as possible?"

  She whispered to herself, and then sneered in her heart, because she knew the rules of the Wang family. If, as the eldest princess, she confirmed the marriage, then she could not stay in the palace for a long time. , but will go to her feudal county.

  And now the little king is still young. Once she leaves, the Great Xia Center will completely fall into the control of her uncle. At that time, all the power left by the father will be disintegrated. Or be won over by others.

  Once that step is reached, all power will be concentrated on the regent. At that time, who will be the king of Daxia?
  In recent years, the regent has become more and more powerful in Daxia, and many governors of counties and cities are appointed by him. If this continues, even if Uncle Wang really has no ambitions, his subordinates will still push him. , the yellow robe is added to the body. Moreover, does this Uncle Wang really have no ambition?

  The eldest princess's eyes were deep, and then she sighed softly. If she hadn't worked hard to support them all these years, the situation would probably be worse now.

  She has always admired Jiang Qing'e. In fact, a large part of it is because the two people are in similar situations, so they feel sympathy for each other.

  Now I hope that the enthronement ceremony in half a year will go smoothly. If Uncle Wang is willing to hand over power, everyone will be happy.

  If not, this Great Xia will probably usher in a big change.

  Thinking of this, the eldest princess couldn't help but clench her hands tightly, her eyes cold.

  When the regent left the main hall, he boarded the luxurious chariot waiting outside. There was a mighty python emblem on the chariot, symbolizing his identity.

  In the carriage, which was slightly dim, the Regent sat down, his face as calm as water.

  "This little girl Luan Yu is urging me to hand over power." After a while, he smiled faintly, seeming to be talking to himself.

  There seemed to be something swimming in the carriage, and a faint voice came from the darkness: "Isn't this the agreement you made with the old king?" The

  regent said: "I am afraid that the young king is too old. Xiao, once in power, he will not have enough power, but it will harm the royal family."

  His eyes were slightly gloomy, and he said slowly: "Now in Daxia, although my Gong family controls it, in terms of prestige, the Shengxuanxing Academy is better than the royal family. On the one hand, it is a pity that Pang Qianyuan has not left the cave these years, otherwise, who is the one who controls the power in Daxia? I am afraid that something will happen, and Pang Qianyuan can change the dynasty of Daxia with just one word. "

  Daxia was founded by the ancestors of my Gong family. We are the well-deserved rulers here. Shengxuanxing Academy is really dazzling here." "Senior, we should not have

  allowed Shengxuanxing Academy to be in our Daxia ." Create!"

  The regent's eyes were full of dark anger and an absolute control of power.

  "I have made a proposal to Shengxuanxing Academy before. It would be beneficial to both parties if I could be accepted as the vice president of the school. However, Shengxuanxing Academy was too arrogant and actually rejected me. ."

  The anger in the regent's eyes gradually subsided, and finally became calm.

  "Ordinary people say that there are two kings in Daxia, one is the Daxia royal family and the other is Shengxuanxing Academy." "It's really funny. How can

  two kings coexist in a country?"

  The regent's eyelids drooped slightly: "My king After taking power over the years, the majesty of the royal family has gradually deepened. After all, the little king is too young. If he hands over the power at this time, I am afraid that all the years of hard work will be in vain. I am actually doing it for their own good." "Oh, what a "boxing heart

  " "If I didn't know what you did, I would really be moved by you." "

  In addition, although you are the regent of Daxia, your authority belongs to the little king. There are still many people in Daxia who support you. His, and it’s not like the old king didn’t leave some strength behind.”

  "Back then, your ancestors of the Gong family worked hard to build a strange formation to protect the country based on the hundreds of counties in Daxia. Before his death, the control of the strange formation to protect the country should have been handed over to the little king. You If you have a different intention, I'm afraid you won't be able to stop the power of that strange formation to protect the country." In the darkness of the chariot, a low and hoarse laugh came out.

  "If you want to compete with that strange formation that protects the country, you can only have the power of a king." "

  And you, it seems, are still a little behind." "

  Perhaps, you can consider my proposal."

  After hearing this, the regent did not say anything else. There was just a look of indifference in his eyes, and then he slowly closed his eyes.

  Inside the carriage, silence fell.

  (End of chapter)

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