Chapter 325 The delicious Xiyang House

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  Chapter 325 Xiyangwu Li

  Luo’s voice caused some low laughter in the audience, but there was no hint of ridicule in the laughter. On the contrary, many people were about to graduate from the Quexiang Academy. The top students are all a little excited.

  The scale and foundation of Xiyang House are indeed much weaker than those of other top spiritual water Qiguang Houses, but this was only in the past, and now with the four-star formula and the eighth-grade purity secret source water, the rise of Xiyang House It's just a matter of time.

  And as Li Luo said, Xiyang House is not large in scale and there are not many tempering masters at the moment, so here you can get enough secret source water pipes with eighth-grade purity.

  This is the most attractive point.

  After all, why do they, the quenching masters, like to go to those top spiritual water and light rooms? Isn't it just because they are strong and possess the secret source of water, which can make their phase quenching skills improve faster and higher.

  But there are a lot of tempering masters in those large-scale spiritual water and strange light rooms. It is impossible for a new person to enter and be able to allocate the best resources. New people entering such a place first have to wait for a while.

  But now, if you enter Xiyang House, this exhausting stage can obviously be omitted.

  How can this not make people excited?
  At this time, all the students realized clearly that the current Xiyang House was no longer the small shabby house with nothing.

  Li Bi took a long breath and finally woke up from this series of shocks. She looked at the young man in the field, with disbelief still in her eyes.

  He actually did it!

  When Li Luo was about to play in person, she was disappointed, thinking that Li Luo was joking with the reputation of Xiyangwu. However, the result now made her cheeks burn a little. It turned out that Li Luo was not joking, but she was too short-sighted. .

  When Li Bi was in a complicated mood, suddenly a figure next to her rushed over and hugged her.

  Li Bi was startled, and when she looked around, it turned out to be her friend Bingtao, whose face was filled with excitement and excitement.

  "What are you doing?" Li Bi rolled her eyes.

  Bingtao grabbed Li Bi's hand excitedly and said: "Wow, Abi, you have such a good vision?! You were able to discover the potential of Xiyangwu in advance?! Did Li Luo tell all this? You?!"

  Some friends around him also looked at me in surprise.

  Li Bi felt a little guilty when they looked at her, but she looked calm and said, "Well, when Junior Li Luo came to me, he must have revealed some information." In fact, she didn't lie either, Li

  Luo I told her that Xiyangwu would have secret source water of eighth grade purity, but she didn't believe it.

  In fact, normal people would not believe it. After all, in the entire Great Xia Spiritual Water Qiguang Realm, Tiangongwu is the only one that has the eighth-grade pure secret source water. So no matter how you look at it, it is not Xiyangwu’s turn.

  "Abi, will you join Xiyangwu?" Bingtao said with a smile.

  Li Bi felt even more guilty. Although she didn't reject Li Luo before, she didn't agree either. Before this game, she could still wait for the price, but now Xiyangwu has turned over instantly. Although she is a fifth-grade physiognomist , but among the top students who graduated from the Xiang Xiang Academy this time, she was not the only fifth-grade one, and with Xiyangwu’s current conditions, the other fifth-grade Xiang Xiang masters would definitely be moved as well.

  Therefore, the question now is not whether she will join Xiyangwu, but whether they will want her.
  Although based on her brief contact with Li Luo, she feels that the other party will most likely accept it, but this kind of thing has not been determined before. , I really don’t dare to praise Haikou, otherwise how embarrassing would it be if the talks collapsed?
  "Probably." Li Bi could only say vaguely.

  "Hehe, let's talk to junior fellow student Li Luo. We are also interested in joining Xiyangwu." Bingtao hugged Li Bi and said with a smile.

  "Yes, yes!" Some other classmates who knew each other nodded repeatedly and looked at Li Bi expectantly.

  Looking at the expectant eyes of these friends, Li Bi felt a little pain in her head. I haven't settled here yet, so how can I care about you. "You don't have to do this, there are so many good choices." She tried to persuade her.

  "Hey, what's a better choice than Xiyang House? Even if it's Tiangong House, although it's the strongest, you still have to be humble and small after entering, and you'll be squeezed by some seniors. I heard that Xiyang House is the highest now. Fourth-grade physiognomist, if we go in, we won't be bullied to the point of being bullied, right?" Bingtao said.

  "We will consider Tiangong House as the first choice, isn't it because it has the secret source water of eighth grade purity? Now that Xiyang House also has it, why bother to work as a coolie." Others nodded in agreement


  Li Bi smiled bitterly, "You all looked down on others before, but now you have to go in with a shy face, but this is human nature. She believes that before the game, few people could guess this result, including herself."

  "I will ask for you, but don't blame me if you are rejected." She sighed and could only say this.

  Bingtao and others also nodded repeatedly. They were not acquainted with Li Luosu, but Li Bi had contacted him at least, and had accepted the invitation before. It would be better to ask Li Luosu for help than to go up to him on his own.

  Li Bi sighed, things in this world are so unpredictable. Who would have thought that Xiyang House, which no one cared about just a moment ago, would now become a popular place.

  She looked at the young man in the field who had a tall and straight body, an unusually handsome appearance, and a smile as bright as the sun. She couldn't help but think that working under him in the future seemed to be a good choice.

  Thinking like this, she glanced at Mei Xuan'er, who was not far away and had been teasing Xiyangwu. At this time, the latter was completely dumb, sitting on the chair with alternating faces of green and white, saying nothing. Not coming out.

  Some of the students from the Quenching Academy around Mei Xuan'er also looked at her with strange looks and smiles.

  This is really how embarrassing it is now despite how much it was ridiculed before.

  Li Bi asked herself, if it were her, the embarrassment in her heart would make her dig a second-entry house on the ground with her toes.

  However, she didn't have a good impression of Mei Xuan'er. Although the other party was mocking Xiyangwu before, he also had intentions towards her, so seeing the other party in such embarrassment now made her feel a little happy.

  You really deserve it.

  In the refining site, after Li Luo completed the promotion of his Xiyang House and saw the reactions of the tempering master students in the site, he understood that the mission of this invitational meeting was successfully completed.

  He was relieved. This time the publicity effect should be in place. Xiyangwu will usher in a real expansion of scale, and this expansion is not comparable to the previous effect when Tang Yun and others joined.

  Although it sounds a bit cruel to say it, compared with the top students like Quexiangyuan, Tang Yun and the others are indeed considered poor students.

  However, in the future, the supply of secret source water to Xiyangwu will become more frequent and abundant.

  Thinking of this, the smile on Li Luo's face showed signs of gradually fading away. He couldn't help but stretched out his hand to support his waist. It was really difficult for me to bear such a huge burden at such a young age.

  Dad and Mom, I really doubt that you ran out on purpose and left this mess to me and Sister Qing'e.
  Li Luo sighed and walked off the platform.

  He still has to work harder to improve his strength, otherwise, if he continues like this, his body will not be able to keep up with the development of Xiyangwu, and the consequences will be like being squeezed into a job.

  (End of chapter)

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