Chapter 323 Sixty-six percent

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  Chapter 323 Sixty-six percent

  When the presiding instructor announced the tempering power of Li Luo's bottle of spiritual water, as expected, the whole audience was shocked and uproar broke out.

  Amid the uproar, Han Zhi looked a little confused at first. He even couldn't help but want to ask the instructor if he was wrong. Maybe it was not 66%, but 56%.

  But maybe the instructor also understood the shock of this result, so before he could ask the question, he solemnly announced again: "Xiyangwu Li Luo, tempering strength, 66%." "That's correct

  . !”

  The uproar in the field became quieter.

  Now that the instructor has confirmed it again, there is no point in questioning it.

  The confusion on Han Zhi's face dissipated, replaced by some distortion, because among the people present, he was the only one who could not accept this result.

  He couldn't believe that Li Luo, a third-grade physiognomist, could actually reach the same level as him in refining third-grade spiritual water.

  Why? !
  What he refined is a four-star formula! Although Li Luo has the upper-seventh-grade secret source water from Xiyangwu, the lower-seventh-grade secret source water given to him by Osawa House is not much different, so with this advantage, it is impossible for Li Luo to reach this level. of.

  No matter how evil the tempering genius is, he will never be so perverted!

  Although the two people have the same tempering power at the moment, everyone understands that this is definitely a major setback for Han Zhi. After all, the spirit water tempered by a fifth-grade tempering master in this situation can The strength is the same as that of a third-grade physiognomist. No matter how thick-faced he is, I'm afraid he won't be able to say it's a draw.

  Otherwise, would your two-level strength be cultivated like a dog?
  However, Han Zhi's blow was not over yet, because the host instructor continued to speak: "The results of the third-level invitational meeting are out, and the final winner is Li Luo from Xiyangwu."

  "Although he and Han Zhi from Osawa House both have a tempering power of 66%, Li Luo is slightly ahead in terms of the scale on the tempering needle, so according to the rules, I judge Li Luo as the best in the game. "

  After saying this, he took out two test quenching needles and put them into the spiritual water refined by Li Luo and Han Zhi respectively. After taking them out, he raised the two test quenching needles high.

  Many people present focused their eyes and had an insight into the subtleties. In the end, they saw that although Li Luo and Han Zhi were both on the 66% mark, Li Luo's was slightly higher.

  This is actually not obvious. If it were a normal time, no one would care about this gap. But since today is a game, it can only be calculated according to the most accurate scale.

  Therefore, the instructor judged Li Luo as the best in the game, and he was not showing favoritism.

  But as soon as he said these words, Han Zhi's energy and blood simply poured into his head. He could no longer maintain his gentleness and calmness, his face was ashen, and his whole body was trembling.

  If he loses to a third-grade physiognomist, what dignity will he have in the future?
  The tempering masters of Osawa House had friction with him and ridiculed him a lot. Now that he lost this game, you can imagine how difficult his future life in Osawa House will be.

  "Cheating! He must have cheated!" Thinking of this, Han Zhi couldn't bear it anymore and his voice became sharp.

  "Teacher, you are also a phase quenching master. You should also understand how a third-grade phase quenching master can refine 66% of the third-grade spiritual water. And the most important thing is that Xiyang House only has a three-star formula. Can a star-rated formula reach this level?"

  Han Zhi stepped forward and shouted sharply.

  Several other fifth-grade physiognomist masters in the field also nodded in agreement, and they could not accept that they lost to a third-grade physiognomist.

  The instructor looked at Li Luo with a calm expression and said, "You should also have something to say, right?"

  Li Luo had tried his best to hide it until now, just to let Xiyangwu show his face at this invitation meeting. On this occasion , should be the best opportunity.

  Li Luo smiled. This tutor was considerate. He nodded to thank the other person, and then took a step forward under the gaze of many eyes.

  "This former president of Xiyangwu betrayed Xiyangwu. The previous Xiyangwu did only have three-star formulas, but because you burned down Xiyangwu's research laboratory before you left, we, Xiyangwu, worked hard after that, and finally With the help of noble people, I worked hard to develop a four-star third-grade spiritual water formula." "

  This is the bottle of spiritual water I have refined now, and its name is "Cute Butterfly Spiritual Water"." "

  So, Don't use the old almanac to judge people anymore."

  The instructor on the side frowned. This Li Luo was really cruel. He slapped Han Zhi hard in front of so many people. Not only did he He was defined as a traitor and even announced the burning of the other party's research laboratory. As for the Fire Research Laboratory, it is still taboo in the Lingshui Qiguang world, because the research on the formula has gathered the efforts of many tempering masters. In fact, no one blamed Han Zhi for changing jobs, but you just left. To trick his old club into doing something like this is too mean and cruel.

  Although all the forces in Daxia City were well aware of this matter before, many students in the Quenching Academy were not aware of it. Therefore, after Li Luo said this, the instructor could clearly feel that there were many people in the field. The look he looked at Han Zhi turned disgusting.

  At the same time, I felt some sympathy for Xiyangwu.

  Han Zhi's face was livid, his hands were clenched, and there was some anger and panic in his eyes. Li Luo's move was really cruel, and it was going to completely ruin his reputation in the Great Xia Lingshui Qiguang Realm.

  At this time, a shrill roar suddenly came from the venue: "I didn't expect that there would be such a vicious person in the world, a ruthless person who cheats on everything, is ungrateful, and has no descendants!" "You are really an embarrassment to the noble Prime Minister

  . I'm sorry, if I were a physiognomist, I would rather resign from all my positions than be in the same room with a despicable and despicable person like you!" The voice was so angry and sad that many people looked at him

  . It was projected away, and then I saw a young man with split eyes uttering accusations as if he was vomiting blood.

  "Don't look at me, I'm just a spectator with a sense of justice." Facing the gaze, the young man said in a low voice.

  The corners of the mouths of some students nearby were twitching. You are so damn good at telling lies. Didn't you just hold up a banner supporting Luo Li?

  Are we experiencing collective amnesia?
  "Damn it, this Yu Lang!"

  Duze Beixuan was so angry that his liver ached. What this guy said next was simply inciting the prime minister of Da Ze House to resign.

  Duze Honglian also had an expressionless face. This Li Luo and Yu Lang sang together, obviously intending to completely ruin Han Zhi. When the time comes, Dazewu, which has taken over Han Zhi, will also be affected.

  It's really annoying.

  Han Zhi on the stage was also shaking with anger, but at this time he could only choose to ignore the disgusted looks in the audience, and instead killed Li Luo for cheating: "Li Luo, even if this is a four-star formula for you, It's impossible for you to reach 66% of the tempering power! You must have something else you haven't said!"

  The other four fifth-grade tempering masters in the field also nodded. They are all experts, so they also understand that even a four-star The first-class formula is not enough for Li Luo to achieve this result. After all, who has refined the formula that is not a four-star formula?
  However, facing Han Zhi's doubts, the smile on Li Luo's face became stronger and stronger, and even the gaze he looked at the former became softer for a while.

  Where can I find such a good compliment?

  If you, that bitch, hadn't burned down the laboratory, I would have thought you were pretending to surrender to the enemy.

  So, he coughed and bent slightly to face the many eyes in the field, with a bright smile on his handsome face.

  "Then, I will announce it to everyone."

  "After half a year of recuperation and hard work, Xiyangwu has finally made some insignificant gains, and now I will solemnly recommend Xiyangwu to everyone. An emerging product of Yangwu."

  Li Luo took out a crystal tube, in which there was a mysterious liquid floating and shining with strange light under the sunlight.

  All eyes are cast away.

  Some people seemed to have guessed something, and their expressions changed a little.

  "That's right, maybe someone has guessed that it's not anything special, just a secret source of water." "

  It's just a secret source of water."

  Li Luo smiled slightly.

  "Purity, eighth grade."

  (End of chapter)

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