Chapter 311 Cute Butterfly Spiritual Water

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  Chapter 311 In the Mengdie Spiritual Water
  Refining Room, the first refining result surprised both Li Luo and Bai Mengmeng.

  And just as Li Luo thought, the girl in front of him was definitely a rare treasure with her talent in researching the magical light of spiritual water.

  This four-star formula, even if it is only a third-grade spiritual water, its value is already extremely astonishing. At the very least, today's Xiyangwu may not be able to obtain it even if it spends all its financial resources.

  Half a year ago, Xiyang House was hardly ranked among the Lingshui Qiguang Houses in the entire Daxia. With the addition of Li Luo, under the high-purity secret source water, Xiyang House Lingshui Qiguang House was The quality of the light has finally improved, and it is barely qualified to compete with some of the stronger Lingshui Qiguangwu.

  But this cannot ignore the weak foundation of Xiyangwu. Especially with the rebellion of Han Zhi, the previous president of Xiyangwu headquarters, Xiyangwu was severely damaged. If Li Luo hadn't stepped forward to turn the tide that time, I'm afraid Xiyangwu would have been destroyed. Yangwu is already facing bankruptcy.

  But Li Luo also understands that if Xiyangwu wants to truly become the top spiritual water and light house in Daxia, it is not enough for him to use the secret source water to support it. High-quality tempering masters and high-star formulas must be used. Indispensable.

  But both are rare, especially the latter.

  It's just that Li Luo never thought that he would be so lucky. After entering Shengxuanxing Academy, he would be assigned a genius who researched the formula of spiritual water and strange light.

  At this moment, he just wanted to say sincerely to the instructor Xi Chan who facilitated this team, teacher, thank you for your love!

  At the same time, the eyes looking at Bai Mengmeng became particularly "affectionate".

  Bai Mengmeng, who was cheering, noticed his gaze and immediately became shy. She quickly let go of her little hand and whispered: "Captain, please wipe your mouth quickly." Li Luo heard this and quickly touched the corner of

  his mouth. Is it exposed? It's so embarrassing.

  But when she touched it, nothing happened. She immediately understood that Bai Mengmeng had tricked her and couldn't help but glare at her.

  Bai Mengmeng covered her mouth and snickered, and then said with some confusion: "Captain, it's your first time to refine this spiritual water, how come your refining power is so high? You haven't used the secret source water yet." Although

  she It is a four-star formula, but it was also the first time that Li Luo successfully refined it. There should be many flaws, so she originally thought that it would be good if the tempering power could reach about 58%, but she did not expect that Li Luo actually reached it. Sixty percent.

  "You will know later."

  Li Luo smiled. He didn't use the secret source water. It was just because he could condense the secret source water himself, so he naturally added it when refining it.


  Li Luo thought of something and said with some shame: "I haven't made that "aftertaste spirit water" yet." He had made an

  agreement with Bai Mengmeng before that when she made a four-star formula, he would also Solve her taste problem, but what he didn't expect was that Bai Mengmeng would be so efficient.

  Bai Mengmeng smiled playfully and said, "There's no rush. After all, I've been here for so many years, so I won't miss this moment and a half." "Don't worry, the

  aftertaste spirit water should be finished soon. I will complete it as soon as possible." Li Luo promised.

  Bai Mengmeng nodded, then she solemnly handed the formula to Li Luo, and said: "Captain, this four-star formula will be yours from now on." Her eyes looked particularly bright when she looked at the formula

  . Tenderness, because this is her hard work over the years.

  Li Luo also took it with great solemnity, and then carefully put it away, saying: "Mengmeng, don't worry, I won't waste your efforts. In the future, this spiritual water will definitely occupy the most dazzling position among the third-grade spiritual water in Daxia." Location."

  As far as he knew, in the entire third-grade spiritual water market in Daxia, even the top ten spiritual water Qiguang Houses only had four-star formulas.

  In the past few days, he has evolved his water-light phase to the seventh level and produced a stronger version of the secret source water. The combination of the two will definitely make this spiritual water a blockbuster.

  At that time, in the third-grade spiritual water market, Xiyang House had the qualifications to compete with the top ten spiritual water Qiguang Houses.

  Bai Mengmeng laughed and said, "Captain, you haven't given it a name yet." Li Luo thought for a while and said, "Let's call it 'Cute Butterfly Spirit Water'." Bai Mengmeng was startled

  . Is it taken from her name and her water nightmare butterfly appearance?

  She said a little shyly: "Isn't this not good?"

  Li Luo said seriously: "This is your hard work. I want everyone in Daxia to know that this spiritual water was created by a man named Bai Meng. Developed by a cute girl."

  Bai Mengmeng looked at Li Luo with her big watery eyes for a while, then nodded gently with a smile on her lips.

  The two talked for a while again, and then Li Luo started to tidy up the table. After he had put everything away, he suddenly felt that the refining room had become much quieter. So he looked at Bai Mengmeng, and was shocked to find that the girl was sitting there. He fell asleep on the chair, leaning on the tabletop.

  The black hair hangs down, half covering her pure and white face.

  Li Luo looked at the faint black circles under Bai Mengmeng's eyes. It was obvious that yesterday's overnight research consumed a lot of her energy. This was not simply staying up late, because under that kind of high-load deduction, it was very taxing on her mind. .

  Previously, she was relying on her excitement to hold on, but now that everything has settled, she naturally can't hold on anymore.

  Li Luo was a little touched. The other party's four-star formula really helped him a lot.

  He stepped forward and called softly twice, but found that Bai Mengmeng made no movement. He had obviously entered a deep sleep directly, and this was not a place to sleep, so he hesitated and stretched out his arm. He picked up the girl and prepared to take her back to her room.

  "So light."

  Li Luo said, feeling the fragile and boneless weight of the girl in his arms, and then carried her out of the refining room.

  When Li Luo carried Bai Mengmeng to the living room on the first floor, there was a sudden knock on the door.

  Li Luo had no time on his hands at this time, so he casually called: "Xin Fu, open the door."

  A voice came from the shadows in the room: "Are you sure?"

  Li Luo was stunned and asked you to open the door. Are you sure? ah? Immediately he said angrily: "Nonsense."


  For some reason, Li Luo heard some excitement in Xin Fu's voice.

  He thought for a few seconds, and then suddenly came back to his senses. He glanced at Bai Mengmeng, who was sleeping soundly in his arms, then looked at the door, and said quickly: "Fuck, wait!" Click


  Shadows moved and the door was opened immediately.

  Sunlight spread through the cracks in the door, and then it happened to shine on Li Luo. At the door, there were two slender figures standing tall, their eyes shining along the sun.

  Finally, he saw Li Luo holding Bai Mengmeng across his arms.

  Li Luo also saw the two women.

  Jiang Qing'e, Lu Qing'er.
  So the atmosphere seemed to be a little stagnant at this time.

  (End of chapter)

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