Chapter 297 Dark Red Bracelet

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  Chapter 297 Dark Red Bracelet
  About half a day after the eldest princess arrived at the stronghold, a large number of reinforcements arrived one after another just as she said.

  The appearance of reinforcements boosted the morale in the stronghold, and cheers resounded non-stop.

  The leader of this group of reinforcements was Gong Shenjun. He led a group of people outside the stronghold, and his eyes were immediately attracted by the stone seal of the three-tailed giant beast.

  They were all a little surprised.

  "Didn't you say that this place was attacked by a natural disaster alien? How could it turn into a spirit beast?" "

  This seal is quite complicated. Was it made by the eldest princess?" "

  It's amazing." "

  It seems like Our trip was in vain, the eldest princess has already eliminated the crisis here."

  A group of old students from the Four-Star Academy praised again and again. Although they could not figure out the mystery of this sealing formation, it did not hinder them. Feel its depth.

  Gong Shenjun was also a little distracted, and immediately shook his head and said: "This should not be Luan Yu's handiwork. The power remaining on it is not hers." But there were more doubts in his heart. In this stronghold, except for the eldest princess

  , Who else can solve this crisis?

  Who caused this seal?
  Under these doubts, the rescue team rushed into the stronghold amid many cheers.

  In the stronghold, many students lined up to greet them, and from behind the crowd, the eldest princess, Duze Honglian and others also came to greet them.

  "Luan Yu, I didn't expect you to be one step ahead." Gong Shenjun said with a gentle smile on his face.

  But there was something strange in his eyes when he looked at the eldest princess, because the eldest princess arrived too fast this time. In terms of distance, the eldest princess was farther away than he was.

  But she came faster than him in the end, which shows that the eldest princess simply put all her strength into this rescue.

  Although rescue is a duty, for example, he rushed over quickly after receiving the notice, but if you want to say that it is the kind of extreme rush that is extremely consuming, then it is not that serious.

  After all, in his previous judgment, if Stronghold No. 13 is really targeted by a natural disaster-level alien, it will most likely be a disaster. With their speed, even if they rush there, it will be a wasted trip.

  With this kind of mentality, how can we get there as soon as possible?

  The eldest princess seemed to be a little too hasty.

  This made Degong Shenjun feel a little confused and strange. After all, he knew the character of the eldest princess very well. She seemed approachable on the surface, but she was not really that gentle on the inside. As members of the royal family, they had seen too many people. I am always intrigued by others, so maybe I have put on some masks for myself since I was very young.

  The eldest princess has it, and so does he.

  Because he knew the character of the eldest princess, Gong Shenjun was a little surprised by her extreme rescue this time.

  "Is it because Jiang Qing'e is also in this stronghold? Is this a way to win over her?" Gong Shenjun's eyes flickered, thinking in his mind.

  After all, he also knew that the eldest princess had been trying to build a good relationship with Jiang Qing'e recently. After all, the latter did have potential worth her investment.

  A slight smile appeared on the pretty face of the eldest princess, and she said: "After all, there is such a big crisis here. If we arrive late, we don't know how many students will suffer, so we can only try our best to rush on, hoping that we can be there in time.

  " After hearing this, some of the students were moved and looked at the eldest princess with more gratitude.

  Although it seemed that Li Luo had taken action to deal with the last three-tailed beast, the eldest princess was able to come as quickly as possible, which also showed her concern and goodwill towards other students.

  Gong Shenjun smiled slightly, how could he not know that this was the eldest princess trying to win over people's hearts, but after all, she was indeed the first to come for support. Even he could not say anything. He could only say: "It seems that this rescue The blame will fall on you."

  When the eldest princess heard this, her expression froze for a moment, and then she showed a bright smile and said, "Brother, do you think I can deal with a big spirit beast that is starting to reach the feudal level?" Palace God Jun was startled:

  " Starting to touch the great spirit beasts of the feudal lord level?"

  His eyes narrowed slightly. Even if he met a great spirit beast of this level, it would be difficult to deal with it. After all, he is only at the top of the Tiangang general level. He is not yet there. Starting to touch the feudal level. "What's going on with the sealed statue outside?"

  Others were also a little surprised. If the eldest princess hadn't taken action, then who had solved the crisis in the stronghold this time?
  "Actually, my trip was in vain. Even if I didn't come, there wouldn't be much trouble in this stronghold." The eldest princess said calmly, but she didn't have any intention of grabbing credit. That would be too much. Low level.

  "What's going on? Apart from you, who else here can compete with a great spirit beast of this level?" Gong Shenjun frowned and asked.

  Jiang Qing'e? But even if she has potential, she is still only at the Disha General level. If she waits for her to step into the Tiangang General level, maybe Gong Shenjun will still think that it is possible.

  "Li Luo did it." The eldest princess's bright face was a little complicated.

  As soon as these words came out, not only the students of the Four-Star Academy suddenly lost their minds, but even Gong Shenjun opened his mouth slightly and looked at the eldest princess with a slightly gloomy look.

  After a while, he gradually recovered and said: "You mean Li Luo has solved this big spirit beast?" The other

  four-star courtyard veterans couldn't help but want to laugh out loud, how could this be possible, but they finally They still swallowed their voices because they found that the eldest princess looked very serious and did not mean to joke. Moreover, after hearing this, the students around them did not refute the words at all, but nodded in agreement.

  This made them look at each other, a little confused as to what was going on. Li Luo, a freshman in the One-Star Academy, came to the dark cave for the first time to gain experience, wasn't he? How could it be possible to solve such a huge crisis that even the Company Commander Princess and Gong Shenjun could not solve alone?

  "It was indeed Li Luo who did it."

  Beside the eldest princess, Duze Honglian also spoke up, with a slightly complicated expression. She didn't expect that one day she would help Li Luo clarify, but this was really the truth.

  Then, she briefly explained Li Luo's plan and the final process of using Dean's power to seal the town and seal the big spirit beast.

  Following Duze Honglian's narration, Gong Shenjun's expression couldn't help but become more solemn, and his eyes became slightly deeper.

  The other senior students from the Four-Star Academy also looked a bit shocked and incredulous. At this moment, their views on Li Luo had obviously changed dramatically.

  How could a new student do this in such a desperate situation?
  It is not simple to have such a courageous mind.

  Gong Shenjun gradually came back to his senses. He glanced ahead, but did not see the figures of Li Luo and Jiang Qing'e. He said: "Junior Li Luo, you really do miraculous things many times." No one expected that he could actually think of it

  . This incredible way to resolve the crisis, of course there is some luck involved, but for many things in the world, luck is only a supplement. Li Luo can think of such a plan and has the courage to execute it, which is enough to show his Outstanding.

  Gong Shenjun's eyes flashed slightly. In fact, he had never underestimated Li Luo like others from the beginning because he did not believe that such outstanding people as Li Taixuan and Tantai Lan would really give birth to a useless son.

  However, at this moment, he still felt that he still seemed to have underestimated the young master of Luo Lan Mansion, who had not attracted much attention before.
  "This dark red bracelet suddenly appeared after you sealed the three-tailed giant beast. "?"

  When Gong Shenjun and the others arrived at the stronghold, Jiang Qing'e and Li Luo were gathered together in a stone tower room inside the stronghold, and at this time, she naturally held Li Luo's hand with one of her slender palms. Hand, golden eyes looked thoughtfully at the dark red bracelet on Li Luo's wrist.

  During the previous break, Li Luo took the initiative to tell Jiang Qing'e about the dark red bracelet. After all, the relationship between the two was too close, and he did not keep many secrets from the latter.

  Li Luo looked at Jiang Qing'e's exquisite and beautiful face in front of him. Her snow-like skin was so delicate that it made people have the urge to caress them. The two people's palms were clasped together, as if they were holding a piece of warm and smooth jade. Li Luo couldn't help but hook her palm with his fingers.

  "Don't make trouble."

  Jiang Qing'e glanced at him, and the amorous look in that glance almost made Li Luo's soul fly away.

  Jiang Qing'e let go of her hand and muttered: "There is a power in this dark red bracelet that even my phase force cannot penetrate. That power is too vast and I can't touch it at all. It shouldn't come from the three tails." Giant beast."

  She thought for a moment, stared at Li Luo with her golden eyes, and spoke slowly.

  "I'm afraid this is the dean's handiwork."

  "This is what he left for you."

  (End of Chapter)

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