Chapter 290 Reinforcements Arrive

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  Chapter 290: Reinforcement When

  the purification mask gradually melted into nothingness in the horrified sight of many students, the sticky black rain also suddenly stopped at this time. This black rain was formed by the Smiling Face Demon using the power of its own evil thoughts. , it would not use it unless it was a last resort. Now that the most troublesome purification mask has been broken, it naturally stopped using such methods.

  The black rain stopped, but there was no joy at all on the faces of Duze Honglian, Qiu Bai, Tian Tian and others, because in the black mist outside the stronghold, countless twisted aliens slowly emerged, and there were Weird whispers came from all directions, constantly arousing negative emotions in people's hearts.

  The Smiling Demon stood on the spot, and the weird smile on his face became extremely intense at this time. The corners of his mouth were split to his ears, and black saliva dripped from between his sharp teeth, as if he had smelled these living flesh and blood. fragrance.

  After paying a considerable price, this stronghold was finally breached, and then it was time for it to enjoy the delicious food.

  It made a harsh whistle, and then the countless twisted aliens in the black mist suddenly swept out like a black tide.

  Within the stronghold, many students looked at this scene with panic expressions.

  Duze Honglian and others also turned slightly pale, but immediately they turned their eyes to Jiang Qing'e and said: "Let's fight!"

  Jiang Qing'e held the epee in her jade hand. Although the injuries in her body had not fully recovered, at this time, she served as a stronghold The inner backbone must stand up no matter what, to stabilize people's morale.

  Then she slowly raised the heavy sword in her hand, and the light force suddenly burst out, like a bright sun.

  She took a deep breath, and her cold voice rang in the ears of all the students.

  "My heart has no fear!"

  "I will live forever!"

  The war slogan passed down from generation to generation in the school seems to be engraved in the bones of all students. When it sounds, the eyes of the students who were originally panic began to gradually become calm. and stand firm.

  There is an indescribable belief arising in my heart.

  "I have no fear in my heart!"

  "We will live forever!"

  A series of deep voices sounded one after another, and then converged into a torrent that echoed over the stronghold.

  The inexplicable whispers coming from all directions were abruptly eliminated at this moment.

  "Get ready to meet the enemy!" Jiang Qing'e's cold voice sounded again.

  Rays of radiance of phase power continued to bloom in the stronghold. All the students gradually grasped their weapons tightly and looked at the aliens coming like a tide.

  Although some people are still afraid, they also understand that resistance is death, and failure to resist is still death.

  In this case, at least die a little nicer.

  In this thought, the alien torrent rushed directly into the stronghold, and then came into contact with many students, and a fierce battle broke out in an instant.

  Some students were fighting with blood, their eyes were red, and all the strength in their bodies was pouring out as if they were free of charge, killing the twisted aliens that were attacking.

  There were also students who were drowned by the aliens in the screams. Their flesh and blood were torn apart and swallowed up in an instant, and it was difficult to even leave a whole corpse behind.

  The bloody and cruel side of the dark cave is fully revealed at this time.

  Jiang Qing'e, Duze Honglian, Qiu Bai and other students from the Sanxing Academy were at the forefront of the battle line. They were under tremendous pressure and blocked the largest number of aliens. However, even so, they faced a torrent of aliens. During the offensive, the strongholds were gradually being demolished.

  Jiang Qing'e slashed out with her sword, and flames danced above the sword light. Wherever the sword light passed, those aliens were turned into ashes.

  However, even in such a desperate situation, there was still no hint of fear in her golden eyes. Instead, her gaze passed through the torrent of aliens and locked onto the Smiling Demon behind who had never made a move.

  "Duze Honglian." She suddenly said.

  At this time, the red steel whip in Duze Honglian's hand was like a fire python, turning into thousands of fire shadows, clearing away the aliens. When she heard Jiang Qing'e's voice, her eyes were also cast.

  "The Smiling Face Demon consumes a lot of money. Let's work together to fight it. Qiu Bai, Tian Tian and others try to hold the line of defense!" Jiang Qing'e said.

  Duze Honglian was silent for a moment. The two of them were considered to be the strongest ones present. Jiang Qing'e was still recovering from her injuries. Even if the two of them joined forces, they might not be able to match the Smiling Demon.

  If you go up like this, you will never come back.

  However, continuing to stick here and waiting for the phase power to be exhausted is also a dead end.

  "Let's go, I, Duze Honglian, can do anything you Jiang Qing'e dares to do." Finally, she said coldly.

  The two of them stopped talking and quickly cleared away the aliens coming in front of them. Then they fixed their eyes resolutely on the Smiling Demon behind the torrent of aliens and were about to leave. When Qiu Bai, Tian Tian and others saw this, their eyes were full of sadness. They also knew that once the two of them left, they might not be able to come back.

  But right now, do they have any other options?
  Just give it your all.

  However, just when Jiang Qing'e and Duze Honglian were about to rush out, everyone suddenly felt that the ground of the stronghold seemed to be shaking.

  The vibrating sound continued to intensify.

  It was like a small earthquake.

  There were expressions of surprise and doubt on the faces of some students, and even more uneasiness. Could it be that the natural disaster alien is using some amazing methods?
  Jiang Qing'e and Duze Honglian were also affected and stopped, but they soon sensed that the source of the vibration seemed to come from the rear of the stronghold.

  Immediately, the two women's eyes were cast back, their expressions were startled and suspicious.

  boom! boom!
  The shaking became more and more violent.

  Vaguely, they seemed to see a huge shadow rolling in from a distance, carrying a monstrous aura.

  At the same time, there seemed to be some sound coming from nowhere.

  Gradually, the sound became clearer.

  "Get out of the way!"

  "Get out of the way!"

  The voice reached Jiang Qing'e's ears, making her stunned for a moment, and then a smile bloomed on her cheeks: "It's Li Luo!" "

  Li Luo?" "Duze Honglian was also shocked. That boy actually dared to come back?

  What on earth did he do with this kind of movement?
  "Everyone, stay away!" Jiang Qing'e immediately shouted without thinking.

  Many students in the stronghold looked confused, but they still obeyed the instructions and evaded one after another, hiding on the high walls of the stronghold.

  At this moment, explosions were heard from behind the stronghold, and buildings collapsed, sending up smoke and dust all over the sky.

  A figure fled in front of him in a panic, not daring to stop for a moment.

  "Li Luo!"

  Yilisha and Si Qiuying looked at that familiar figure and couldn't help but widen their eyes.


  On a high wall, Bai Mengmeng's cheeks bloomed with joy.

  It's just that the extremely embarrassed figure didn't pay attention to them for a moment. He stamped his feet, and the force in his body exploded. The figure was ejected directly, and finally passed over many high walls vigorously, directly in the eyes of many shocked eyes. , fell outside the stronghold directly in front.

  And here, you will face the raging torrent of aliens and the aliens from natural disasters.

  Is this looking for death? !
  However, among the many shocked eyes, Li Luo, who landed in front of the stronghold, reached out and touched a handful of wet hair, then looked directly at the smiling demon, pointed the tip of the knife at the latter, and shouted like thunder, with an imposing manner. Like a rainbow.

  "Face Dog, the guardian beast of our Saint Xuanxing Academy has arrived, why don't you die?!"

  As Li Luo's loud shout fell, a roar suddenly resounded from the smoke and dust that filled the stronghold, and then all the students were horrified to see a huge shadow fly out of it, and finally Like a small mountain, it landed suddenly in front of the stronghold, just not far behind Li Luo.

  The dark sky and earth were filled with chaos.

  But the battlefield seemed to be divided at this time.

  Li Luo stood alone in the center. The three-tailed giant beast behind him seemed to be marching with overwhelming power, and the three tails were flying slowly like a python.

  It was obviously only the strength of the physiognomist realm, but at this moment, the alien torrent stopped abruptly, and at the same time began to retreat in panic.

  The weird smile on the face of the Smiling Demon further back also faded away bit by bit at this time.

  Because it sensed a very strong threat from the three-tailed giant beast.

  Is this the human boy who moved in as a reinforcement?
  (End of chapter)

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