Chapter 270 Stronghold Teleportation Tower

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  Chapter 270 Stronghold Teleportation Tower
  When Jiang Qing'e, Li Luo and the others rushed all the way back to the purification stronghold, it was already two days later.

  Looking at the stronghold covered by a huge light shield, Li Luo and others couldn't help but heave a sigh of relief. During the two days of traveling, they were always tense, for fear of encountering the evil thoughts it left behind somewhere. Illusions arise out of nothing.

  In this vast area, the safest place is probably this stronghold. Only when you return here can you truly relax.

  A group of people walked into the stronghold in a dusty manner. At this time, the stronghold was relatively empty, and there were not many students. They must have been performing purification tasks outside.

  After entering the stronghold, they did not stop, but went straight to the location of the teleportation tower in the center of the stronghold.

  Only there can they send the information about the natural disaster-level alien back to the school, and the school can respond after receiving the information.

  It would be fine if the natural disaster alien just eats other aliens everywhere, but I'm afraid that once its strength recovers to a certain level, it will come to the stronghold.

  After all, for aliens, the fresh flesh and blood of humans and their rich emotions and desires are also full of attraction to them, because they are the source of evil thoughts.

  And if it is really targeted by a large natural disaster-level alien, it will be the worst news for everyone in this stronghold.

  Even in the end, the most tragic ending will evolve.

  The students in the entire stronghold will be slaughtered.

  This is a big event that can shock the university.

  When thinking of that result, the expressions of everyone present, including Jiang Qing'e, became extremely calm and solemn.

  Because they are also in this stronghold, once they get to that point, it will be difficult for them to be alone.

  "Sister Qing'e!"

  As the group of people were walking in silence, a surprising voice suddenly came from the side. Jiang Qing'e's footsteps stopped, and Li Luo's eyes followed the sound.

  Then I saw two teams in front, and there was a very familiar figure among them, that was Si Qiuying.

  I didn't expect that she was also in this stronghold, and I had never seen her before.

  Next to Si Qiuying, there were Yilisha and Qianye. They looked at Li Luo and smiled warmly.

  Si Qiuying trotted over and asked with some confusion: "Sister Qing'e, at this time, aren't you supposed to be preparing to open a third-level purification tower? Why are you back again?" Jiang Qing'e glanced at her and the team members behind her and

  said : "Are you planning to go out on a mission?"

  Si Qiuying nodded obediently.

  Jiang Qing'e pondered slightly and said: "Abort the mission, don't leave the stronghold yet."

  Si Qiuying's brother and sister have a good relationship with her, and Jinque Mansion and Luo Lan Mansion have the same position, although more of them are between the big houses. Although there is a game of interests between the two parties, Jiang Qing'e will not completely stand aside if she can be reminded.

  Si Qiuying suddenly looked shocked, and the team members behind her and another Sanxingyuan team cooperating with them also looked confused.

  However, Jiang Qing'e's prestige in Sanxingyuan is not low, so after hearing such outrageous words, the Sanxingyuan team did not laugh out loud, but asked in confusion: "Classmate Jiang, what happened?"

  Tian Tian rubbed his eyebrows and said: "We met a high-level alien wandering in the outer area. It was devouring other aliens everywhere. Its strength was visually estimated to be natural disaster level, or even major natural disaster level." "According to speculation, it should have come from the dark

  . He ran out of the depths of the cave."

  After she finished speaking, the faces of the Sanxingyuan team, Si Qiuying, Yilisha and others suddenly appeared with horror and horror on their faces, and they said in a voiceless voice: "Great natural disaster level aliens?!"

  The captain of the Sanxingyuan team had a particularly mature appearance. He was young and had a beard. He swallowed a mouthful of saliva and laughed dryly: "Are you really not joking?"

  Qiu Bai said angrily: "Otherwise Are we free to come all the way back now?"

  Yilisha hesitated for a moment and said, "If that big natural disaster-level alien is on the periphery, he may not come to the stronghold, right?" "

  What if?" Li Luo smiled helplessly.

  Yilisha Wuyan, an alien of that level, with their lineup, might not even have the ability to escape if they meet, and they will be wiped out.

  I really don’t dare to gamble.

  "The alien is devouring other aliens wantonly. It should be recovering its own strength. When it is almost restored, it will most likely come towards the stronghold. If you go out at this time, if you really encounter it, You may not be able to bear that price." Jiang Qing'e said again, then said no more and continued to walk quickly towards the center of the stronghold.

  Li Luo and others followed, leaving Si Qiuying and others looking at each other, not knowing what to do.

  "What should I do?" Qianye asked helplessly.

  Originally, they had already planned their advance route this time and were planning to make a big move, but suddenly they received such horrific news. Yilisha touched his chin and said: "Although academic points are important, I feel that they are still not as important as a small life." The

  bearded captain of the Sanxingyuan team they were working with also sighed and said: " If someone else told me this news, I might not believe it, but Jiang Qing'e's words "

  I really have to believe it."

  After all, we have been classmates for three years. Even if I don't have much chance to communicate with Jiang Qing'e, for the future They still understand his cold and arrogant character very well.

  Jiang Qing'e disdains playing tricks with them.

  "Let's stay and see the situation first." Finally, the bearded captain made a decision.

  The others nodded.

  Yilisha looked at the backs of Jiang Qing'e, Li Luo and the others, touched her chin, and suddenly said: "Li Luo seems to have become a lot stronger."

  Qianye's eyes also narrowed slightly and said: "I also felt that although Li Luo was not weak in combat in the past, his phase power level was still slightly weaker. His strength was due to his bipolar state, but this time we met, The feeling he gave me was the same as when I saw Qin Zhulu."

  "It seems that this time in the dark cave, he has improved a lot. Why does this guy feel like he has the possibility of becoming the number one freshman?" Yilisha sighed.

  Si Qiuying on the side bit her lip lightly, with complicated thoughts. Could this Li Luo have made such a big improvement in just half a month?

  She had seen how strong Qin Zhulu was. That day, the former defeated Yilisha and Qianye, the strongest in their team, one against two. It was simply shocking.

  So even if Li Luo's team won the first place in the freshman ranking competition, in the minds of many freshmen, if they want to say that the strongest freshman is most likely to belong to Qin Zhulu.

  Li Luo and the others were able to get first place in the ranking match, but that was just because they didn't meet Qin Zhulu.

  But now, Li Luo may not be weaker than Qin Zhulu.

  And at this rate of improvement, he might actually become the real number one among the freshmen.

  What Jiang Qing'e said that day seems to be not far away from coming true.

  In the center of the stronghold is an exceptionally tall stone tower, which is also the hub of the stronghold. The protective light shield that covers the stronghold is emitted from this.

  Walking into the stone tower, it is quite empty. In the middle of the stone tower, there are dark yellow ancient tree roots. The roots of the tree extend and connect the stone tower.

  The ground where the tree roots are located also has complex light patterns forming an array. This is a teleportation array. Every few days, the school will transmit many resources from here.

  There are also some ordinary tutors from the school in the stone tower, but their strength is average and they are only responsible for maintaining order.

  Jiang Qing'e, Li Luo and the others first found a mentor and told him the information they had obtained.

  "What? Great natural disaster aliens?!"

  When the instructor heard this information, his expression suddenly changed drastically, and his screams echoed in the tower, causing other instructors to gather around him in shock.

  An atmosphere of panic filled the tower.

  After all, these mentors are not considered combatants, they are just distributing and exchanging resources.

  "Teachers, now is not the time to panic."

  Seeing this, Li Luo said in a deep voice: "We need to send the information back to the school immediately, and then ask the school to send support." "

  In addition, if possible, I hope to also send out an alarm. Let other teams that are out on missions start rushing back to their strongholds. Firstly, it is extremely dangerous to be out alone, and secondly, if the big natural disaster really attacks, our combined efforts can be considered as more strength." After hearing Li Luo's suggestion

  , These instructors all nodded their heads.

  Jiang Qing'e thought of something and suddenly asked: "When will the teleportation tower be activated next?"

  The teleportation array here cannot be activated all the time, but has a time limit. It is usually activated once every seven days, and then it must accumulate energy.

  After hearing this, several instructors looked at each other, and soon their expressions gradually became a bit ugly.

  They pointed at the large pile of resources piled up in one place in the tower, and their voices became dry.

  "Just an hour ago"

  "The teleportation tower just completed the transmission."

  (End of this chapter)

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