Chapter 264: Incidents in the restricted area

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  Chapter 264 Changes in the Restricted Area Outside the
  Dark Spirit Pond, Wang Yufeng, Song Qiuyu, and Tifa Jingming stared at the incomplete Dark Spirit Leaf in Li Luo's hand with changing eyes.

  The three of them were not fools. When Li Luo took out the Dark Spirit Leaf, which could only allow two people to enter the Dark Spirit Pond, they knew what Li Luo had planned.

  It's nothing more than sowing dissension and killing three people with two peaches.

  If this dark spirit leaf is taken, no matter how it is used, one person will miss it, so no matter who that person is, there will definitely be a grudge in their heart.

  Even though he may choose to give in generously now, once some grudges exist, there will always be some changes in their relationship in the future.

  Therefore, this Dark Spirit Leaf is really "poisonous".

  But Li Luo obviously didn't hide his intentions. The other party could choose not to do so, as long as they could resist the temptation to enter the Dark Spirit Pond to practice in advance.

  As long as the three of them can resolutely get rid of this temptation, Li Luo's plan will come to nothing.

  However, Li Luo didn't think Wang Yufeng and Song Qiuyu could be so firm in character.

  "So, do you want it? If not, I will take it back." Li Luo said lightly.

  With that said, he planned to take back the Dark Spirit Leaf.

  However, Song Qiuyu took the lead and stretched out her hand to grab the Dark Spirit Leaf from Li Luo's hand. She threw a small bottle over with a gloomy expression, which turned out to be half a bottle of Emperor's Liquid.

  Li Luo took the wooden bottle, turned around and left without saying a word, not caring at all about how they wanted to use this dark spirit leaf.

  Song Qiuyu looked at Li Luo's back, and then faced Wang Yufeng, Tifa Jingming said: "You two can use this dark spirit leaf, I can wait until next time." Wang Yufeng's eyes flickered and said: "Qiu Yu,

  you There is no need to make such a big sacrifice."

  "If we really want to distribute this Dark Spirit Leaf, we should distribute it in the fairest way, that is, according to the strength of the contribution."

  Hearing what he said, Song Qiuyu secretly screamed, looked up, and saw that Tifa Jingming, who had not spoken until now, looked slightly stiff, but he recovered in an instant.

  Tifa Jingming nodded with a smile and said: "This is indeed the fairest way. Qiu Yu, you and the captain can enter the Dark Spirit Pond first. I'll wait for the next time." Wang Yufeng heard this and said apologetically: "Don't worry

  . , Jingming, we will not let you suffer, we will stay in the dark cave for a while, and then we will find an opportunity to compensate you."

  Tifa Jingming smiled and waved his hand.

  Song Qiuyu hesitated to speak. Tifa Jingming had known her for many years and was a family friend. He was her best friend in Shengxuanxing Academy. Her reason told her that now she should speak up for Tifa Jingming. , and firmly stand on the latter position.

  But doing so would embarrass Wang Yufeng.

  This obviously doesn't fit her character either.

  So, in the end, she had no choice but to remain silent.

  But she also knew in her heart that her silence would definitely disappoint Detifa Jingming, which would also cause some cracks in the relationship between the two parties.

  But what can she do.

  Neither she nor Wang Yufeng could give up the temptation brought by the Dark Spirit Leaves. They could indeed wait for the next wave of Dark Spirit Leaves, but then they would lose the opportunity and the effect of practicing in them would be greatly reduced.

  Neither man was willing to bear the loss.

  At present, Li Luo sent a dark spirit leaf. Although it contained poison, the two of them still couldn't abandon it.

  She could only say that she underestimated Li Luo's methods. The other party did not use any force and did not rely on Jiang Qing'e to exert pressure. In fact, in that case, she had nothing to fear.

  But she never expected that Li Luo's counterattack would only be to take out a broken Dark Spirit Leaf.

  This dark spirit leaf caused cracks to appear in some relationships that she had worked hard for many years.

  This price is actually very heavy.

  So at this moment, Song Qiuyu couldn't help but feel some regret. Why had he lost his temper and provoked this Li Luo before?
  Although this guy is not as powerful as Jiang Qing'e, these methods are more lethal than Jiang Qing'e.

  However, Li Luo no longer cares about Song Qiuyu's regrets. During this trip to the Dark Spirit Pond, his strength increased by two levels, he received a large number of school points, and he made a lot of money.

  He walked towards Jiang Qing'e and his party, and then towards Tian Tian, ​​Qiu Bai said apologetically: "Sorry, I was delayed for so long in Dark Spirit Pond." They

  stayed here for most of the day, and during this time , Duze Honglian, Ye Qiuding and others must have continued to advance, and have even opened a second-level purification tower. In terms of progress, they are probably lagging behind.

  Tian Tian gave a sweet smile and said, "It's not as easy as chopping firewood to sharpen a knife. Your team's strength has improved a lot, which will also help us advance the second-level purification tower later." After doing so much for favors, of course they don't I mind doing it all the way to the end. As for Duze Honglian, it doesn't matter if they are proud just once.

  From now on, under the leadership of the captain, there will be many opportunities to suppress them.

  Jiang Qing'e took out the map and glanced at it. Sure enough, she saw the signs of two second-level purification towers lit up. Looking carefully, she saw that the name of the team next to one of them was Duze Honglian and the others.

  "There's no rush, it's not like there's no chance of catching up." Jiang Qing'e said calmly.

  Li Luo nodded and was about to speak when suddenly an earth-shattering roar came from the mountains in the distance. The roar seemed to bring up sound waves, rolling in from a distance and turning into a strong wind roaring through the mountains and forests.

  At the same time, the energy in the world suddenly became violent.

  Everyone present changed their expressions because of this sudden change.

  A series of horrified eyes were cast into the depths of the mountain forest, which was the direction from which the roar came. It was a restricted area. It was said that there were no aliens in it. The only thing that existed was the Heavenly General whose strength was more terrifying than the aliens
  . Spiritual beast!
  But why did this beast, which had never made any movement before, suddenly become restless today? !
  Everyone panicked, and Qiu Bai and Tian Tian's expressions became serious. Even from such a long distance, they could still see a black wolf smoke rising into the sky, with violent energy raging from it.

  In the black smoke, there was a huge creature that could not be seen running past.

  But gradually, their expressions suddenly changed, because they discovered that the direction of the behemoth's flight was towards them? !

  Others also discovered this and immediately looked horrified.

  "No need to panic."

  Jiang Qing'e spoke out at this time, and her cold voice gradually calmed down everyone's panic: "Outside the restricted area, it is said that there are handwriting runes engraved by the dean himself. This beast cannot escape. ."

  When everyone heard this, they looked at each other suspiciously. They didn't know this news, but with Jiang Qing'e's rank, she would probably be more valued in the academy, so it's not surprising to know some secrets.

  Therefore, everyone's panic subsided for a moment, and then they looked at it from a distance, planning to run away as soon as something went wrong.

  Li Luo was also looking at the monstrous movement deep in the mountains. His brows were slightly furrowed because he could faintly feel that the violent beast gave him a sense of familiarity.

  After thinking for a few seconds, his pupils suddenly shrank.

  Wasn't the vicious feeling he felt in the Dark Spirit Pool exactly the same?

  It turns out that the vicious feeling came from this heavenly general-level spirit beast in the restricted area!
  Is it because of him that this beast is so restless at this time?

  Li Luo's expression changed, was it because he picked the Dark Spirit Leaf? No, those dark spirit leaves are not that big of a treasure, and it is impossible to make a heavenly general level spirit beast become so violent.

  And from the previous perception, Li Luo clearly felt a sense of greed and hunger.

  It was as if it wanted to devour him.

  So, is it not because of Dark Spirit Leaf, or because of some reasons within himself?
  In the depths of the Dark Spirit Pond, the only power Li Luo had shown that was different from ordinary people.
  Li Luo's eyes flashed, and it was the power of two phases.

  The power of dual-phase is the symbolic power of the powerful feudal lord. It is said that this heavenly general level spirit beast is also in the stage of sprinting to the feudal lord level. Perhaps it sensed his dual-phase, so it was so greedy and tried to devour him. To help yourself advance?
  It really is a beast, so cruel and rough.

  Li Luo swallowed a mouthful of saliva, because he felt that his guess was probably close to the truth. This made him a little uneasy. He did not expect that one day he would be targeted for being bipolar.

  This world is really dangerous.

  I wonder if the so-called runes written by the dean that Sister Qing'e mentioned are true? If the handwriting and runes disappeared because of too long, wouldn't he be targeted by a spirit beast at the top of the Heavenly General level today?

  Thinking of that scene, Li Luo felt a little weak in his legs.

  Boom boom!

  The mountains were shaking, and black smoke billowed into the sky, rushing toward the outside of the mountains. As the violent aura that permeated the world got closer, some students present began to run away uncontrollably.

  And just when Li Luo was considering running away first, suddenly a mysterious stream of light erupted on a peak outside the mountain range.

  The stream of light flashed out in the sky, as if forming an ancient character of light.

  seal up!
  The ancient characters circulated in the sky, breathing mysterious power. As the ancient characters appeared, the black smoke that was originally rushing toward the mountains suddenly stopped.

  In the black smoke, a huge creature roared furiously at the ancient characters, and strong winds swept through, shaking the mountains and forests.

  (End of chapter)

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