Chapter 251 Activating the Purification Tower

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  Chapter 251: Activating the Purification Tower.
  "Is this the Purification Tower?"

  When Li Luo and the other three came to the depths of the dry forest without any hindrance, they saw a white tower appearing in their sight. One meter away from the white tower, there were many The ground is dry with leaves, and a faint black mist flows.

  But within one meter, it is clean and tidy, and any black mist cannot get close.

  Obviously, even if the Purification Tower is currently in an unactivated state, it still has some special abilities, which makes those aliens born in the dry forest dare not get too close or damage it.

  Li Luo and the other three approached curiously. The purification tower was about five or six meters high. The whole tower seemed to be made of jade. But if one looked carefully, they found that it seemed to be some kind of wood with circles of wood grains on it.

  The ancient charm emanates from above.

  You don't need to think about it to know that the material of this purification tower is probably from the Xiangli tree in the school.

  Li Luo gently pushed open the door of the purification tower, and then walked in carefully. However, what surprised the three of them was that the inside of the tower was not dark. On the contrary, there was a faint fluorescent light emitted, which made the people who walked in feel happy. It suddenly became peaceful.

  The inside of the tower is relatively simple, with no extraneous furnishings. There is only a small stone platform in the center of the tower. Standing on the stone platform, looking up and looking around, you can see faint light patterns flickering on the tower wall. .

  "Get ready to start."

  Li Luo stared for a while, and then took out a jade bottle. The jade bottle contained purification dust, which could activate the runes in the purification tower.

  He carefully placed the jade bottle on the groove of the central stone platform.

  The next moment, the stone platform seemed to have a faint light blooming, and the jade bottle shook, and a stream of light suddenly spurted out from it. These streams of light were like stardust, shining with strange light.

  Stardust light particles are flying in the tower, and the mysterious runes on the tower wall are gradually becoming brighter, absorbing these stardust light particles.

  As these purification runes absorbed the power of the stardust light fragments, the purification tower suddenly vibrated slightly, and then a purification light wave swept out from the top of the tower.

  The light waves passed by, and the black mist that filled the dry forest suddenly became violently fluctuating.

  It was as if cold water had been poured into a frying pan.


  In the dry forest, there was a harsh scream, and it was obvious that some of the remaining alien species were affected.

  The purification tower was activated, and purifying light waves erupted, beginning to clear away the power of evil thoughts in this area.

  On the hillside outside the dry forest.

  Jiang Qing'e, Qiu Bai, and Tian Tian looked at the white tower that began to emit purifying light waves, and their expressions moved slightly.

  "We finally started activating the purification tower." Qiu Bai said with a smile.

  "They have almost cleared away the aliens in this withered forest, and it's time to activate them. However, I'm afraid that alien is not something they can deal with, right?" Tian Tian looked at a certain part of the withered forest. They were at this moment. Being on a high ground, coupled with his considerable strength, he was naturally able to sense that somewhere in the dry forest, there was a strange being with strong evil intentions.

  "That alien was originally only capable of the third pattern of the birth pattern, but after devouring the flesh and blood alien, it should be at the level of the fourth pattern now. In the future, when it completely digests the flesh and blood alien, it may even be promoted to the red eclipse level. Maybe."

  And the strength of the fourth pattern of the Shengwen Duan is far beyond that of Li Luo and the other three. If there is a confrontation, Li Luo will probably pay a heavy price.

  "Captain, do we need to take action?" Tian Tian asked with a charming smile. Jiang Qing'e's eyes flashed slightly and she said, "Wait a little longer."

  Tian Tian opened his eyes wide and said, "You don't still want to wait for Li Luo and the others to deal with that alien by themselves, do you?"

  Jiang Qing'e's golden eyes stared at the withered land. Lin's eyes seemed to penetrate the faint black mist and locked onto the area of ​​the purification tower.

  "Let's take a look first and then talk."

  Although if they take action, it will be extremely easy to deal with the aliens here, this is not the result she wants, because it will not be beneficial to Li Luo's growth.

  She didn't mind giving Luo Li the greatest protection, but she didn't want to limit Luo Li's potential because of her protection.

  Deep in the dry forest.

  When Li Luo and the others saw that the activation was activated, they did not stay in the tower, but quickly exited the purification tower, looking solemnly in a certain direction.

  All the other white eclipse aliens in this withered forest have been eliminated by them. The only one that still poses a threat is the human-skin alien that swallowed up the flesh-and-blood alien before. No, it shouldn't be said to be a human-skin alien now, after absorbing it
  . After becoming a flesh and blood alien, the alien has begun to show signs of evolving towards the red eclipse level.

  "Captain, will that alien come over?" Bai Mengmeng asked nervously.

  Li Luo pondered slightly and said: "Whether it comes or not, we are already prepared anyway. We have to try to find out whether it has any effect." "And don't worry too much. Even if you really can't deal with it then, no

  . Are there any reinforcements?" Li Luo comforted with a smile.

  Bai Mengmeng also chuckled. The so-called rescuers naturally refer to Senior Jiang and the others, but she can also see that Senior Jiang is training Li Luo. If Senior Jiang is really needed to save the situation in the end, wouldn't that mean Are they unqualified?
  She is a girl who doesn't care much about the so-called dignity and face, but she can still feel that whether it is Li Luo or Xin Fu, although their personalities are somewhat different, in fact, they still have arrogance in their bones. of.

  Therefore, I am afraid that even if they really encounter a desperate situation, the two of them will choose to try their best to touch each other first.

  Such as right now.

  Bai Mengmeng raised her pretty face and looked at the black mist surging in the distance. At the moment, she hoped that the captain's previous preparations would have some effect.

  And just when Bai Mengmeng's mind was turning, suddenly there was a violent force of evil thoughts rolling in a certain direction in the dry forest, and there was a faint, piercing scream, coming from a distance.

  Immediately afterwards, the faces of Li Luo and the three of them all changed slightly when they noticed that a wave of evil thoughts was like a strong wind, rolling up black smoke in the dry forest, and then rushing towards the direction where they were at full speed, and the ground was shaking slightly. of vibration.

  Sure enough, the alien with human skin is here!
  The black smoke of evil thoughts billowed, and in just a few minutes, it passed through the dry forest and quickly approached the location of the purification tower.

  And in the black smoke, only a terrifying thing was seen moving forward rapidly. The alien was about a few feet long, with a huge body. It lay on the ground like a scorpion, with eight bloody and bright red hands sticking out. Every beat left deep palm prints on the ground.

  Where its face is, there are no nostrils or mouth, only a pair of gray-white human eyes that are spinning, exuding malice and madness.

  It looked through the jungle of dead trees that were rapidly retreating in front of it, and then gradually saw the purification tower that it was extremely disgusted with. At the same time, it also saw the three figures in front of the tower.

  The power of evil thoughts surging on its body suddenly became stronger, and it was full of chaos, killing and distortion.

  Fresh flesh and blood, eat them!
  (End of chapter)

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