Chapter 249 Strange Eyes

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  Chapter 249: In the strange

  dry forest, black mist flows.

  The moment the weird-eyed monster appeared, its special mind-capturing power made the eyes of the three of them, Li and Luo, become vacant and vacant.


  The eye monster made a harsh sound, and then the huge eyeball flew over like a balloon, and the claw wind roared towards the three of them.

  Its claws are extremely sharp, with black energy lingering on them. Once hit, the evil pollution will invade the human body along the wound, causing fatal injuries.

  The black claw directly hit Li Luo's Tianling cover on the head, but at the moment of the hit, the black claw penetrated through the top of Li Luo's head.

  This sudden change made the strange eyes stunned. When he looked again, he saw that the figures of Li Luo and the others were gradually becoming illusory.


  The eye monster made a squeaking sound, seeming a little angry.

  "It is indeed a dark cave, killing people every step of the way." A sighing voice sounded from the side, and Li Luo and the other two people were seen walking out from behind a big tree. At this time, their eyes were protected by the flow of phase force.

  Fortunately, for the sake of caution, Li Luo did not explore the path with his body. Instead, he asked Bai Mengmeng to move the phantom ahead, and the three of them followed the phantom cautiously.

  The mind-bewitching ability activated by this strange eye before was only lost on the three phantoms.

  "Captain, you are so awesome." Bai Mengmeng applauded and praised.

  "It's obvious that your phantom is very powerful." Li Luo praised.

  call out!
  When the two people were talking about each other's business, Xin Fu's figure had turned into a shadow and shot out. With the help of the connection between the shadows, he jumped several times and appeared behind the strange eyes, with the dagger in his hand. On the top, the shadow power was hesitant, like a spike, stabbing hard at the eye monster's huge eye.

  But at this moment, a forest-white aura suddenly rose from the strange body, and its claws shot out like lightning, colliding with Xin Fu's attack.

  The sound of gold and iron sounded, and sparks flew everywhere.

  Xin Fu's figure shot backwards and disappeared into the shadows.

  "Be careful, this is a white eclipse-level alien, its strength is not weak, it should be at the level of the second line in the raw line section." At the same time, Xin Fu's voice also came from the shadows.

  "Is this the second pattern of the birth pattern?"

  Li Luo narrowed his eyes slightly. This strength is much stronger than that of him and Xin Fu, but the good thing is that the special ability of the weird eyes can be activated by looking at each other. has been resolved.

  "Mengmeng, be careful and protect yourself."

  Li Luo reminded quickly, and then his figure shot out quickly. On the two knives in his hands, the water light flowed at high speed, making a buzzing and vibrating sound, which seemed to be connected to the air. All were cut.

  In Li Luo's body, the two Xiangli seeds burst out with light at this time, and streams of Xiangli flowed out, providing him with strength.

  He rushed straight towards the strange creature in front of him, and the blade seemed to pass by with the sound of water, and slashed towards the latter with streaks of light and shadow.

  The strange-eyed creature also screamed, its dark claws entwined with white aura, and clashed with the double swords swung by Li Luo like lightning more than ten times.

  Sparks fly.

  Li Luo's face was solemn. Although there was huge pressure from the two swords, he did not take half a step back. Instead, he took all the weird attacks. After all, although the opponent had the second pattern of the raw pattern section, He has great strength, but he also possesses duality. If he really wants to fight hard, the opponent doesn't have much advantage.

  However, as the fierce battle between the two sides continued, the huge eyeballs of the strange eyes gradually turned red, as if their emotions became extremely irritable and unstable.

  The next moment, a gray-white light suddenly shot out from his eyeballs, pointing directly at the door in front of Li Luo.

  Its speed is extremely fast.

  But at this moment, behind Li Luo, starlight power erupted, and a light butterfly transformed by starlight power struck and collided with the gray-white light.

  But the starlight butterfly only resisted for a moment before being directly turned into nothingness by the gray-white light.

  However, in this instant, Li Luo's figure had already retreated, and the gray-white light penetrated the light butterfly and hit a big tree behind.

  Suddenly the tree began to rot at an alarming rate. This scene also made Li Luo's expression change slightly. This weird thing is really tricky. These attacks are weird and extremely lethal. If Bai Mengmeng hadn't stepped in to help stop him before, he would have been forced to do so now. Quite embarrassed.

  The strange-eyed creature failed to succeed in its attack, and became even more furious. It turned around and pounced on Bai Mengmeng who was behind him.

  However, at this moment, a faint light flashed in the shadows, and Xin Fu rushed out. The sudden attack was like a violent storm, sharp and shocking. The sharp force of the ghost light broke through the defense of the strange creature and fell on the huge monster. On the eyeballs, marks were suddenly scratched, and gray-white viscous liquid flowed out.

  At this time, the strange-eyed creature seemed to be stimulated and became more and more crazy. Gray light burst out from its eyes, forcing Xin Fu to retreat quickly.

  It hurriedly chased for a few steps, and suddenly the soil under its feet became sticky, like a quagmire, and its legs sank directly into it.

  At this moment, Li Luo's figure appeared in front of the strange eye. When it appeared, the latter seemed to have had a premonition. In the huge eyes, gray-white light condensed and suddenly shot out.

  "Captain, be careful!" Bai Mengmeng's exclamation sounded from behind.

  But this time, Li Luo did not dodge. He raised the tip of the knife in his hand, and phase force condensed from the tip of the knife. Then, in Bai Mengmeng's astonished eyes, a light with little lethality was formed. ball.

  "Water light ball."

  Li Luo whispered in his heart, and the water light ball suddenly burst out with bright light, and the strong light penetrated some of the nearby black fog.

  What surprised Bai Mengmeng and Xin Fu was that when the water ball exploded, the strange eye erupted into a shrill scream, and gray gas was constantly moving in its huge eyes, sticky. Thick liquid flowed out of its eyes, and finally its eyeball emitted black smoke and began to dry up quickly until it completely dissipated.

  Xin Fu's figure emerged from beside Li Luo, and his face under the hood was a little shocked: "Why is it dead?"

  Bai Mengmeng also trotted over and said, "It seems to be afraid of strong light."

  Li Luo nodded, Said: "Although this weird eye possesses some weird abilities, it also has an extremely obvious flaw, that is, its eyes are too big and it is a little afraid of light." "In fact, in previous battles, it was clearly visible on several occasions

  . It avoids the light, but if you observe it carefully, it is not difficult to find its weakness."

  Xin Fu suddenly realized, and said: "But Captain, the light of your water polo is too strong. Ordinary water polo doesn't have this level, right?" "

  Exclusively made. ."

  Li Luo said with a smile, and then he looked at the place where the strange creature disappeared, and saw only a black fragment remaining on the ground, which contained a certain degree of evil power.

  He bent down, carefully picked up the fragment of evil thoughts, and then put it into the bottle he carried with him.

  After returning to the school, these are the vouchers in exchange for school points.

  "Victory in the first battle."

  Li Luo was obviously very happy after solving this strange creature. After all, this was the first time they faced the alien. Although the opponent's weird ability brought them some trouble, fortunately, they were finally defeated by them. Solved it together.

  "Next, let's continue cleaning up in this direction."

  Li Luo raised his head and looked at the black mist ahead. After winning the first battle, they gained some confidence.

  Bai Mengmeng and Xin Fu both nodded, then made some preparations before continuing to set off.

  On the hillside outside the dry forest.

  Jiang Qing'e, Qiu Bai, and Tian Tian had rays of Xiangli surging in their eyes, and they saw the battle in the dry forest. When the latter two saw Li Luo and the others defeating the strange creatures, their faces were filled with tears. Some surprise appeared.

  "That's right. Not only do you know how to use phantoms to open the way, but you can also find the weaknesses of aliens." Tian Tian praised them. The performance of the three of them, Li Luo, was much better than she expected.

  "The most important thing is that instead of going directly to the purification tower to activate it, we chose to clear the aliens in the dry forest first to avoid being besieged later." "Although I was a little unprepared at first, this efficiency is

  still It's very good, the team with the number one freshman really has some skills." Qiu Bai also nodded and expressed his approval.

  Jiang Qing'e's golden eyes reflected the withered forest where the black mist was surging, and her eyes passed over a certain place where the black mist was particularly thick.

  “This is just the beginning”

  “We’ll wait until they successfully activate this purification tower”

  (End of Chapter)

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