Chapter 246 Hand Spider and Route

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  Chapter 246: Hand Spider and Route

  Li Luo went unexpectedly smoothly, leaving many students present with expressions of astonishment and surprise. Obviously, they did not expect that these three people would be so smooth when they passed the Confused Heart Pass for the first time. .Many
  of them were blocked for several days when they first experienced the confusion.

  Thinking of the unbearable situation at that time, and then looking at the three newcomers in front of them, these students who had originally planned to watch the show suddenly felt that they had been hit and humiliated.

  Are all newcomers today so mentally determined?

  Compared with the shock of others, Jiang Qing'e was a little surprised, while Qiu Bai and Tian Tian stared at Li Luo and the others with wide eyes. It seemed that this rookie team was more reliable than they thought.

  Originally, they were all mentally prepared to be delayed by this confusion for a day.

  A smile appeared on Jiang Qing'e's delicate and smooth cheeks, and her beautiful smile lit up the dark and depressing atmosphere of the cave.

  Some male students around him couldn't help but cast their gazes over him.

  However, Jiang Qing'e paid no attention to those glances. She also stepped out of the mask. The moment she walked out, her figure did not even pause, but she ignored the interference of evil thoughts from the black mist.

  Qiu Bai and Tian Tian also followed, but they paused for a few seconds and then breathed a sigh of relief.

  "Let's go, let's start taking action."

  Jiang Qing'e said, then stepped forward with her long legs and walked first into the black mist surging around her.

  Li Luo, Bai Mengmeng, and Xin Fu quickly followed Jiang Qing'e's slender figure, while Qiu Bai and Tian Tian were at the back of the team's formation, protecting the three newcomers.

  The two teams gradually moved away, their figures covered by a faint black mist.

  Duze Honglian looked at their disappearing figures and curled his lips. He thought he was going to see a good show, but the result was a bit disappointing.

  "Let's go, we also need to start advancing according to the planned route. Our goal for this purification mission is to activate a third-level purification tower one step ahead of Jiang Qing'e and the others. If there is a chance, we can also try to see if we can Grab the second level three purification tower."

  "If both level three purification towers fall into our hands, then our final points in this dark cave purification mission will definitely surpass Jiang Qing'e and the others." Duze Honglian said .

  Everyone else nodded and looked eager to try. After all, this was indeed a good opportunity to surpass Jiang Qing'e.

  Although the "Black Swan Team" is stronger, Li Luo and the others are a rookie team after all. No matter how outstanding they are, they are still lacking in strength. Therefore, in order to protect them, Jiang Qing'e will be more cautious in many of his choices, and this is inevitable. It will hinder the efficiency of their purification tasks.

  No one had any objections, and Duze Honglian no longer hesitated, stepped out of the light shield, and led the group of people to go in the other direction at full speed.

  After them, more teams began to pour out of the stronghold one after another, and the strangely silent cave began to become lively again.

  A faint black mist filled the surroundings, and inexplicable whispers came from nowhere, lingering in the ears, making people upset.

  Li Luo and his group walked along the road. Every once in a while, there was a stone lamp hanging on a pile on the roadside. Inside the lamp was an energy stone, which could absorb the energy of the world and emit a faint light. It was a kind of guide. Road guide.

  Bai Mengmeng and Xin Fu kept looking around, their bodies tensed, and they were obviously very nervous.

  Li Luo, on the other hand, was much more calm, because the beautiful figure in front of him really gave people a sense of security.

  The journey was a bit boring, and no one spoke, so the atmosphere continued to be dull.


  This dullness lasted for more than a long time. Suddenly, strange sounds came from all directions, and Jiang Qing'e in front of her stopped immediately.

  She raised a hand. Needless to say, the three people behind, Li Luo, Qiu Bai, and Tian Tian, ​​immediately had strength rising in their bodies, and each of them also drew their weapons.

  Under the gaze of Li Luo and others, they could only see the black fog in front of them fluctuating, and the rustling sounds became more intense. Then, they saw many strange things coming out of the black fog.

  It seemed to be some spider-shaped things, but when Li Luo and the others took a closer look, they felt a chill in their hearts, because the spider-shaped claws were actually made up of pale palms.

  On the spider's body, there is a gray-white mouth with dense white teeth.


  The sounds made by these human-hand spiders are like babies laughing. The childish sounds are creepy in this empty environment.

  "These are the lowest level aliens, hand spiders."

  "Their laughter can cause hallucinations, but as long as you cover your ears with phase force, you can block it."

  Jiang Qing'e looked calm and slowly raised the heavy sword in her hand . Get up, then stamp down suddenly.

  The bright light swept across, like a halo.

  Wherever the light force passed by, an astonishing number of hand spiders were turned into ashes amidst the shrill screams.

  "These aliens are really weird and twisted." Li Luo sighed, such an eye-catching appearance really made people's scalp numb.

  "Aliens are originally transformed by evil thoughts, and the evil thoughts in the dark world come from our world, and even from the hearts of each of us." "So

  you can think of these aliens as a combination of various organs in the human body."

  " These hand spiders are just the simplest, they are not even white eclipse level. Only when you see disaster level aliens later will you understand how twisted and weird they can be." Jiang Qing'e said casually, and then

  from He took out a map from his arms and waved, and Li Luo, Qiu Bai and others quickly surrounded him.

  "Our goal today is this first-level purification tower, and then in the next few days, we will gradually advance to clean and activate all the first-level purification towers along the road, and prepare a safe escape route first." Jiang Qing'e Slim Jade He pointed at several first-level purification towers one after another.

  Everyone nodded. Their main targets were some second-level purification towers further away from the stronghold and the final third-level purification tower. However, there were many dangers in the dark cave. Before taking action against those second-level purification towers, they really needed to By clearing the way back, if something unexpected happens, the retreat will be smoother and safer.

  It is a prudent move to plan first and later.

  Tian Tian stared at the route set by Jiang Qing'e for a few seconds, then suddenly blinked and said, "Captain, your route seems to be a bit detoured from the nearest secondary purification tower."

  Jiang Qing'e's expression remained unchanged and she pointed with her finger. One: "Because I plan to go here."

  Li Luo looked, and then his pupils shrank slightly. Where Jiang Qing'e's slender finger pointed, there was a small blood skull symbol.

  That sign is completely different from the other small tower signs, but with the bright red skull sign, you don't need to think about it, it must be an extremely dangerous place in the dark cave.

  Qiu Bai's expression suddenly changed at this moment, and he lost his voice: "Are you going to the restricted area?"

  Tian Tian, ​​on the other hand, was more rational. She glanced at Li Luo and said softly: "Captain, aren't you going? The restricted area, but you want to go to the Dark Spirit Pond outside the restricted area?"

  (End of this chapter)

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