Chapter 22 The price of promotion to the sixth level

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  Chapter 22 The Price of Upgrading to the Sixth Grade
  The news that Li Luo was a fifth-grade water element soon spread throughout Nanfeng Academy, which naturally caused a heated discussion.

  "I didn't expect that Li Luo could be able to turn around after death. I have never heard of it before." "

  It is said to be a treasure of heaven and earth left by his parents. This kind of treasure is extremely rare." "

  I have a good father. Mom really makes people envious and jealous."

  "It's okay. It's just a fifth-grade water sign, which is not too special. Moreover, the college entrance examination is less than a month away. In such a short period of time, he Can he still catch up with those top students?"

  "Yes, the three people he defeated, Bei Kun, couldn't even enter the top ten in one hospital. And it is said that the top ten in one hospital are all in the Seven Seal Realm, Song Yunfeng, Lu Qing'er These two are the most terrifying. It is said that they have reached the eighth seal, and the latter may be higher." "

  Well, Li Luo has lost a most important period of time. I don't think he can catch up in less than a month."

  And when . While everyone in the school was talking about Li Luo, he himself had ended his practice for the day and left the school quickly.

  "Today's battle with Bei Kun, although I won in the end, was a little more difficult than I thought. If I hadn't used the light phase power in the "Water Light Phase" to cause visual deviation on Bei Kun, This battle will be delayed for some time."

  In the carriage going home, Li Luo was reflecting on today's battle, but his expression was not much relaxed, but rather dissatisfied and solemn.

  Calculated in this way, at present, even if he relies on the specificity of "Water and Light Phase" and his proficiency in the phase of opposites, his combat power should not be afraid of anyone in the Six Seal Realm, but if he faces someone in the Seven Seal Realm, opponent, then the chance of winning will be much smaller.

  "Not enough, far from enough."

  Li Luo said to himself. His goal was to enter Shengxuanxing Academy, and every year, only a handful of people from Nanfeng Academy could enter Shengxuanxing Academy. If they were not the top few, I'm afraid the chances are slim.

  Now that the big exam is less than a month away, if he wants to catch up, not only will his phase power level have to be improved, but the fifth-grade "Water and Light Phase" may also have to go further.

  Only in this way can he confidently fight against someone of Lu Qing'er's level.

  But again, it is not an easy task for the fifth-grade "water-light phase" to reach the sixth-grade. "Let's go back and
  talk to Sister Cai Wei first."

  Li Luo grinned. He felt that if he said it was still necessary If there is a large amount of fifth-grade spiritual water and strange light, Cai Wei might swallow him, right?
  Old house, counting house.

  Cai Wei was sitting at the desk, flipping through the account books carefully. Today she was wearing a light yellow dress, her oval cheeks were delicate and charming, and she had a charm that no girl could possess.

  She looked at it for a long time and seemed a little tired. Then she leaned forward without any trace, and gently placed the slightly heavy Waves on the table.


  Cai Wei's whole body relaxed a little, and she breathed a sigh of relief quietly.

  But at this moment, the door was suddenly pushed open, and Li Luo stepped in: "Sister Cai Wei." As

  soon as the voice fell, he saw the scene in front of him, and Cai Wei didn't come back to her senses for a while, the beauty He stared at Li Luo with some astonishment.

  The atmosphere froze for several breaths.

  Cai Wei's forward-leaning body suddenly sat upright like an electric shock. A light blush appeared on her fair oval face, while her beautiful eyes stared at Li Luo with shame.

  "Didn't you know who knocked on the door when you came in?"

  Li Luo had cold sweat on his forehead. He quickly lowered his head and said, "Sister Cai Wei, I will definitely pay attention next time!"

  Seeing that his attitude was extremely correct, Cai Wei's shame and annoyance eased a lot. , but still said angrily: "What else do you have to do, Young Master?"

  Li Luo looked behind him, then closed the door behind him and said, "I want to show you a treasure, Sister Cai Wei."

  As soon as his voice fell, he was stunned, because he saw Cai Wei lift one hand, holding a crossbow with a shining cold light. At the same time, a dangerous smile appeared on the latter's beautiful oval cheeks: "Young Master Palace Master, I am a fortune teller."

  Li Luo hurriedly raised his hand and said with a wry smile, "Sister Cai Wei, what are you doing?"

  Cai Wei raised her slender eyebrows lightly, looked at Li Luo, and said, "Then What is the treasure you are talking about?"

  Li Luo was a little confused, but he didn't say anything more. With a thought in his mind, he saw blue phase force beginning to rise from his body, and there seemed to be a faint sound of water flowing.

  He revealed his five qualities.


  The crossbow in Cai Wei's hand suddenly fell down, her eyes widened, and she said in shock: "You, do you have a phase?"

  Li Luo nodded and said: "Five-grade phase."

  Cai Wei's oval face was full of shock , after a long while, he gradually came back to his senses and said, "Did the two palace masters leave the means to help you solve it?" Li Luo smiled and nodded.

  Cai Wei suddenly thought of her previous actions, and her cheeks suddenly became hot. The ambiguity of what Li Luo just said was quite profound. She was not an ignorant girl, so she thought for a moment what Luo Li was going to do.

  She couldn't help but feel ashamed and angry, Cai Wei, Cai Wei, you are really embarrassing.

  However, Cai Wei had seen a lot of strong winds and waves, so she quickly calmed down and said with a smile as if nothing had happened: "Congratulations to the Young Palace Master. If Qing'e knows about this, she will definitely be happy for you."

  Li Luo nodded and said, "There is one more thing. I'm afraid Sister Cai Wei has also guessed it."

  "Do you still need the magical light of spiritual water?" Cai Wei frowned slightly.

  "Well, and I'm afraid this time I need fifth-grade spiritual water and strange light. This thing left by my parents needs the continuous nourishment of spiritual water and strange light, otherwise it may dissipate if it goes on for a long time." Li Luo did not say that he could have unlimited Instead of using spiritual water and strange light to improve the rank of the Prime Minister, he told a lie. After all, this matter was too important and he didn't want to expose it for the time being.

  "Fifth grade spiritual water and strange light" Cai Wei frowned, her slender eyebrows touching together.

  The fourth-grade spiritual water and strange light are available on the market for about a thousand days' worth of gold, but the fifth-grade ones cost a full five thousand days' worth of gold.

  This is definitely an expensive consumable.

  If Li Luo only needed a few, it might not be a problem, but with previous experience, Cai Wei understood that what Li Luo wanted was probably hundreds. That was not a small amount

  Cai Wei's expression changed, but in the end, what surprised Li Luo was that she did not find any excuse to shirk the blame. Instead, she nodded: "I understand, and I will try my best to meet your needs." She raised her head

  , Seeing Li Luo's slightly surprised face, he couldn't help but smile and said, "Do you think I didn't reject you?" "

  You are the young master of Luo Lan Mansion, and the entire Luo Lan Mansion's property belongs to you. With Qing'e, so as long as you don't really do something too ridiculous, you can do whatever you want." "

  What's more, if you have the prime minister, the impact on Luo Lan Mansion will be far greater than these spiritual water miracles. The price of light is higher, so what reason do I have to refuse you?"

  Li Luo was moved and said: "Sister Cai Wei, you are so considerate." "

  Then can you help me get dozens of fifth-grade Lingshui Qi first? Light?"

  Cai Wei rubbed her brows with her small white hands and said, "Yes, yes, but if we need so much next time, our funds will not be enough.

  " From this industry, the Chamber of Commerce's income is only more than 300,000 heavenly gold. Before, Li Luo spent about 150,000 to purchase fourth-grade spiritual water and magical light. Now he is purchasing dozens of fifth-grade spiritual water and magical light. If it's all gone, the remaining funds will basically be consumed.

  Cai Wei pondered for a moment and said: "Young Master, I plan to sell some of Luolan Mansion's properties and chamber of commerce in Tianshu County."

  "The current Luolan Mansion does not have much power in Tianshu County, so the industry is too bloated. Many industries are a burden to us. In addition, the three families in Tianshu County are still stumbling upon each other. This continues , will only cause greater losses and involve our energy." "

  The other reason is the three companies. Now these three companies are showing signs of joining forces to fight against Luolan Mansion. This is because their interests are consistent. If we split some industries If it is thrown out, as long as it works well, it will inevitably cause them to fight, and then they will also have conflicts with each other, so it will be difficult to achieve coordination in confronting the Luo Lan Mansion." Li Luo also looked thoughtful

  . , After a while, he nodded and praised: "Sister Cai Wei, this is a strong man's wrist-cutting, two peaches kill three men." "I don't know much about these, just leave

  everything to Sister Cai Wei. No matter what, I will support you." Li Luo He waved his hand and said directly.

  "Then I would like to thank the young master for his trust." Cai Wei said with a smile on her lips.

  Li Luo waved his hand, then thought of something, and said, "By the way, doesn't our Luolan Mansion have an industry in Tianshu County that manufactures "Lingshui Qiguang"? If we can make it at home, it should be much cheaper than on the market. Right?"

  Cai Wei said: "The Luolan Mansion has a great business, and of course it also produces "spiritual water and strange light". After all, the supply of such consumables exceeds the demand, and the benefits are huge. However, our Luolan Mansion generally focuses on the third grade and the spiritual beings below it. There are very few people who can prepare the higher-grade water Qiguang, so the output is also very small." "

  As for the fifth-grade spiritual water Qiguang, probably not many people in the entire Tianshu County can refine it. Most of the fifth-grade spiritual water and miraculous lights that are circulating on the market in Tianshu County come from other counties and even the royal city."

  Li Luo suddenly realized that indeed, those who can refine the fifth-grade spiritual water and miraculous light, even if He is a fifth-grade physiognomist. It is probably not difficult for such a person to get a decent offering in a place like Daxia Royal City, so it is normal that this is a rare sight in Tianshu County.

  Li Luo thought for a while and said, "Sister Cai Wei, can you take me to the place where our Luolan Mansion refines the spiritual water and strange light? I am a water element, and I also want to know more about the knowledge of the phase tempering master."

  The price of purchasing spiritual water and strange light is too high, and it is better to say that it is fifth grade now. If you need seventh, eighth or even ninth grade spiritual water and strange light in the future, where should Li Luo look for it? As far as he knew, in the entire Great Xia Kingdom, there were very few spiritual water and strange lights exceeding the seventh grade in a year.

  At that time, most of the time he could only rely on himself to be self-sufficient.

  Therefore, he should also be prepared to become a physiognomist.

  Cai Wei had no objection to this and nodded gently.

  "Okay, I'll take you there tomorrow."

  (End of chapter)

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