Chapter 218 Hongni Spiritual Water

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  Chapter 218 Hongni Lingshui Li
  Luo’s words caused some commotion among many physiognomist masters. People looked at him in astonishment. They felt that the improvement of the physiognomy quenching technique of the young palace master was as casual as drinking water. .A
  few days ago, it was only second grade, but today it is third grade?

  You must know that these people can only reach the third level after several years of practice, and what about Li Luo? It seems like it’s only been more than half a year, right?

  Is this talent for practicing the phase quenching technique so high?
  "Young Palace Master is really a genius who practices the phase quenching technique."

  Even Tang Yun sighed, but it didn't seem too unbelievable. After all, genius cannot be judged by common sense. Before the third level of phase quenching master, there were only some basics. If you have enough talent, you can improve very quickly.

  "However, the young palace master has just advanced to the third level, and I am afraid he is not very skilled in refining the third level spiritual water and strange light. Are you sure this assessment is still necessary?" Tang Yun asked.

  Tang Yun is now a fourth-level phase-refining master, only one step away from the fifth-level master. Although Li Luo has now reached the third level, there is still a gap in refining experience and ability between the two parties.

  So even though Li Luo showed his overwhelming advantage in the first two assessments, Tang Yun was not too worried about this third assessment.

  Under the same material conditions, he himself has an advantage in experience and ability. It is not that easy for Li Luo to win.

  Facing Tang Yun's inquiry, Li Luo smiled and said: "Since the assessment has been set before, how can it be canceled easily? You don't have to feel any pressure, just perform your best." Tang Yun looked at Li Luo with a gentle smile, and felt in his

  heart The emotions are complicated. The young palace master is really an upright person. His mind is impressive.

  "It's almost time, get ready to start." Li Luo glanced around and then smiled.

  Then a large wave of people rushed to the venue where the previous assessment was conducted. Two refining rooms stood on both sides of the spacious open space, with the same materials neatly stacked in them.

  After the previous two assessments, everyone was familiar with it, so Li Luo and Tang Yun didn't say anything more and each entered a refining room covered by transparent crystal glass.

  Jiang Qing'e, Cai Wei, and Yan Lingqing stood together, each with their own unique looks, attracting many eyes to look at them secretly.

  Jiang Qing'e's golden eyes glanced around in all directions, and she had a feeling that there seemed to be more eyes staring at the Xiyangwu headquarters today than usual.

  "Lingqing, although the Young Palace Master has reached the third level of Prime Minister, he should still be inferior to Tang Yun, right?" Cai Wei asked Yan Lingqing, a professional, in a low voice.

  Yan Lingqing crossed his arms and said, "In fact, normally speaking, even if Li Luo is talented in the phase quenching technique, he would not be able to compete with a senior fourth-grade phase quenching master in the tempering power of spiritual water and strange light."

  " Even more, not to mention the tempering power, I suspect that when Li Luo refines the third-grade spiritual water and strange light, he will fail a lot." "If the

  person on the stage is not Li Luo, I almost feel that this assessment is useless. How necessary it is."

  Yan Lingqing said it very straightforwardly, because from her professional point of view, Li Luo's current behavior is that a newly advanced third-grade physiognomist is challenging a senior fourth-grade physiognomist.

  This is not the same as the previous two assessments. After all, Li Luo is very familiar with the first and second-grade spiritual water and strange lights. However, the third-grade spiritual water and strange lights are not only exponentially more complex, but also the most critical thing. Yes, Li Luo was not too familiar with it.

  This will lead to some inevitable mistakes when he is refining.

  When Cai Wei heard this, her eyebrows furrowed and she asked worriedly: "Then the young palace master has no chance of winning in this assessment?"

  Yan Lingqing tilted her head slightly, and a smile appeared on her cold face: "I also said just now Well, the points I mentioned are all if it is not Li Luo who plays."

  "I can't see through this guy."

  Her eyes glanced at Li Luo's slender and tall figure in the refining room, and a meaningful smile appeared on her lips. The refining between the two parties did seem to be extremely fair. The materials were the same, and neither could be used. Secret source water. But because Li Luo had assisted Yan Lingqing in refining the spiritual water, Yan Lingqing was probably the only one who could vaguely guess the source of Li Luo's secret source water.

  The physiognomist of these branches all thought that their young palace master was as open-minded and fair as the sea, but they never expected that under that guy's handsome face was a fox-like smile.

  This is really being fooled, and I have to sigh with emotion at the Young Mansion Master's open-mindedness and uprightness.

  However, Yan Lingqing would not be pedantic and think there was anything wrong with Li Luo's tactics, because this was originally an overt and covert fight.

  While Cai Wei and Yan Lingqing were talking, the refining in the field had already begun.

  The spiritual water Qiguang refined by both parties is a third-grade spiritual water called "Hongni Spiritual Water". This is a two-star formula developed by Xiyangwu. The grade is not very high, but it is just right for both parties to use. Contest.

  As the president of the Xiyangwu branch, Tang Yun is naturally no stranger to the "Hongni Spiritual Water", so he is extremely skilled in refining it at the moment. He can only see the materials being transformed by the power of the water element in his hands. Wrapped, then quickly crushed, the power of the water phase merges with the material, and the impurities contained in the material are dissolved by tempering again and again.

  The smooth refining technique made many people nod secretly.

  Being able to become the president of the branch, Tang Yun's own ability cannot be underestimated. It seems that it won't be long before he can reach the threshold of the fifth-grade physiognomist.

  And a fifth-grade physiognomist, even if placed anywhere in Daxia, can be regarded as a high-level talent.

  Some eyes turned to the refining room opposite, and then the eyes of the tempering masters at the headquarters showed worries.

  Because they saw that compared with Tang Yun, who was refining smoothly, Li Luo's refining techniques were much more jerky. There were even mistakes in refining some materials from time to time, which led to Li Luo's refining process. , far behind Tang Yun.

  Regarding this point, everyone understands that this is because Li Luo has just advanced to the third level, so he is still a little unfamiliar with the refining of the third level spiritual water and strange light. This is inevitable. After all, no matter how talented he is, he is still a little unfamiliar with it at the beginning. Mistakes will happen when you are not very familiar with the magical light of spiritual water.

  Li Luo's performance here is pretty good. After all, although there are occasional mistakes in refining materials, he is slowly completing it.

  Time passed quietly under the nervous gaze of everyone.

  And when inside the Xiyangwu headquarters, the last assessment was carried out in a tense atmosphere.

  In a private room of a street-facing restaurant outside the headquarters.

  Pei Hao was sitting leisurely, and Pang Qianchi was sitting opposite him. However, the latter looked a little anxious, and his eyes were cast towards the Xiyangwu headquarters in the distance from time to time, but due to the distance, he could not see the scene there.

  "Pei Hao is in charge, aren't you worried?" Pang Qianchi looked at Pei Hao, who looked like he was sitting firmly on the fishing platform, and couldn't help but ask.

  Pei Hao smiled slightly, picked up the teapot and poured himself a cup of tea. Then he looked at the Xiyangwu headquarters in the distance, with a cold light passing through his eyes.

  "The fun is about to begin."

  "I don't know if Li Luo can catch my big gift package?"

  (End of Chapter)

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