Chapter 209 Follow the trend

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  Chapter 209: Following the trend
  When the green light at the mouth of the cyan jade bottle in Yu Hongxi's hand flickered violently, many eyes in the banquet hall were also projected on it.

  They can all feel that the most ferocious Qinggang Wind is brewing and is about to explode.

  And this will also thoroughly filter out the final results.

  These eyes glanced at the field, and there were only two figures at the front, none other than Zhu Xuan and Ye Qiuding.

  Both of these two people are in the third stage of the fortune teller realm. Their strength is strong and they can resist for a longer time after all.

  Behind the two, there are two or three young talents trained by various forces. They are slightly older than Zhu Xuan and others. They have talents, but due to various reasons, they failed in the end. After entering Shengxuanxing Academy, under the cultivation of various forces, he is still considered outstanding.

  Behind them are Li Luo and Qin Zhulu.

  The two of them are considered weak in the field, but their ability to endure until now has surprised many people. They also lamented that there are really endless top students from Shengxuanxing Academy.

  Wang Hejiu, Duze Beixuan and others were further back, and their situation was even worse. Under the impact of the Qinggang wind, they struggled to hold on, but they were still retreating step by step.

  And just when everyone was waiting with bated breath, there was a sudden loud sound of wind in the jade bottle, and then it seemed like a blue light spurted out, roaring out into a billowing blue wind, directly impacting the people in the phase force barrier. to.

  Zhu Xuan and Ye Qiuding were the first to bear the brunt, and then their expressions changed, and their figures suddenly took a few steps back. The surging defenses on their bodies were continuously torn apart by the Qinggang wind.

  Traces of blood appeared on the surface of the body.

  Even the two of them were forced back by the suddenly strengthened Qinggang Wind. The situation of the people behind them was even worse. Several people who were in the second stage of the fortune teller realm retreated step by step and staggered. .

  Li Luo and Qin Zhulu also took a few steps back at the beginning, but Qin Zhulu roared violently, his face turned red, and his skin gradually turned into a faint golden color at this time, as if it was turned into some kind of metal. .

  The defense has obviously been strengthened in some way.

  Even so, the Qinggang Wind still left traces of blood on his body, but his eyes were red, as if he was bursting with ferocity, and he resisted it directly regardless of the pain on the surface of his body.

  Li Luo's physical strength was a little weaker than Qin Zhulu Shang's, so he took more steps to retreat than him, but with the help of the recovery power of his "hard body", he still gritted his teeth and withstood.

  However, he soon discovered that along with this powerful recovery of his physical body, his phase power began to be consumed at an alarming rate.

  Although the "hard body" can bring him a powerful recovery effect, the consumption of phase power cannot be underestimated.

  According to this consumption rate, Li Luo felt that he might not be able to last until the end of this wave of Qinggang wind.

  While Li Luo relied on his "hard body" to persist, Wang Hejiu, Duze Beixuan and others behind him were directly overwhelmed by the violent Qinggang wind. In the end, one after another figures retreated in embarrassment. Had to exit the phase force barrier.

  As they exit the barrier, it means they are eliminated.

  Duze Beixuan's figure staggered back, and then a palm touched his back to block him. He turned around and saw Duze Honglian standing behind him.

  Duze Beixuan's face changed, and he gritted his teeth and said, "How could Li Luo survive the impact of such a strong Qinggang wind?"

  He and Wang Hejiu were obviously stronger than Li Luo, but they couldn't resist it for as long as Li Luo.

  Duze Honglian also frowned and stared at Li Luo's figure, saying: "Although Qinggang Feng also left wounds on his body, if you look carefully, you will find that those wounds are recovering quickly. "

  "If I guessed correctly, this is the healing power of the water phase and the wood phase. He has dual phases. The superposition of the two healing powers can greatly increase the body's recovery. This is why he can stand better than you. The main reason why it lasts longer.”

  Wang Hejiu and Duze Beixuan frowned when they heard this. This guy's dual power is really troublesome.

  Obviously speaking of the single phase, the grade is not very high, but when the two phases are combined, it can produce extraordinary effects.

  "However, the fluctuations in his phase power are rapidly weakening, which shows that this kind of healing body strengthening the physical body consumes a lot of phase power. With his level of phase power, he will not be able to survive this wave of Qinggang Wind." Ze Honglian obviously still has a good eye, and he explained in one sentence what was Li Luo's problem at this time.

  "So in my opinion, the only people who can resist this wave of green wind and stay are Zhu Xuan, Ye Qiuding, and Qin Zhulu." Wang Hejiu and Duze Beixuan nodded. With this result, they

  can Accept it, after all, Qin Zhulu is indeed very strong, and if he can stay, they can be regarded as accepting it. But Li Luomo, it's better to be eliminated with them so that they can feel better.

  The Qinggang Wind was still raging in the field, and just as Duze Honglian expected, more and more people began to be gradually forced back. After a short while, only four figures were left in the field.

  It was Zhu Xuan, Ye Qiuding, Qin Zhulu and Li Luo.

  Zhu Xuan and Ye Qiuding looked a little embarrassed with their broken clothes and bleeding blood, but they were still able to bear it with their strong physical strength.

  Qin Zhulu, on the other hand, relied on his own ferocity and the eighth-grade gold-devouring demon tiger phase to strengthen his defense, and gritted his teeth and persisted.

  A series of eyes were cast on Li Luo.

  Because even Duze Honglian could feel his phase power being rapidly depleted, how could other stronger people present not know this?

  So depending on the situation, Li Luo can last for thirty breaths at most. After thirty breaths, his physical strength will be exhausted and he will be forced to play.

  From this point of view, the three people who finally obtained the Golden Dragon Secret Key should be Zhu Xuan, Ye Qiuding, and Qin Zhulu.

  On the steps, Lu Qing'er clasped her hands tightly, with some worry in her eyes.

  Jiang Qing'e, who was outside the court, had a calm expression, her golden eyes staring at the figure who never chose to give up despite the raging Qinggang wind.

  Yu Hongxi was also staring at Li Luo. At this time, Li Luo could persist until now, which indeed surprised her, but it should be over here.

  The dual phases of water and wood can certainly improve Li Luo's resilience, but after all, he is only at the first stage of the phase master realm. In terms of the strength of phase power, he is ultimately weaker than Qin Zhulu and others.

  Under the gazes of those eyes, Li Luo's own expression was not too disturbing.
  He felt the two Xiangli seeds in his body gradually drying up, and the stinging pain coming from outside his body brought huge pressure. Under that kind of pressure, his state of mind completely calmed down.

  Like a frozen lake.


  He whispered softly in his heart.

  Then, the feeling of breakthrough that he had been suppressing for the past few days was completely released at this time. Under the impact of the internal and external pressure, the seeds of Xiangli in the two Xiang Palaces suddenly and violently trembled.

  On those two Xiangli seeds, more and more Xiangli spots appeared. Finally, the marks began to connect, as if forming a peculiar pattern.

  A strange buzzing sound vibrates within the body.

  The energy of heaven and earth around Li Luo also fluctuated at this time. The energy of heaven and earth suddenly roared in from his body.

  It's like an initiation.

  The energy of heaven and earth poured into the body, flowing directly along the meridians, and finally poured into the two Xiangli seeds like birds flying into the forest.

  As a result, the two seeds, whose original power was about to be exhausted, once again bloomed with brilliance.

  At the same time, the phase force on the surface of Li Luo's body fluctuated greatly, and the healing power exploded, making his "hard body" even stronger, and he could directly withstand all the incoming Qingfeng Gang.

  There was a brief silence in the banquet hall, and soon there were many exclamations.

  Even Yu Hongxi, the eldest princess and others opened their eyes slightly.

  Naturally, they were able to discover that
  at the previous moment, Li Luo's phase power level had broken through to the second stage of the physiognomist realm, the birth pattern stage.

  This guy actually took advantage of the pressure brought by Qingfeng Gang and took advantage of the situation to complete a small breakthrough
  (End of Chapter)

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