Chapter 205 A Gathering of Heroes

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  Chapter 205: Heroes Gather
  Today's eldest princess is dressed in a gorgeous palace dress, her long hair is rolled up, and she is wearing a golden walking stick, swaying gently, with little golden lights flashing.

  The eldest princess has a slightly tall figure, with excellent waist proportions, a white and elegant neck, and majestic peaks that outline a thrilling arc. However, going down, there are slender waist and straight long legs.

  Her beautiful face exuded an aura of nobility.

  It has to be said that even Li Luo has to admit that in Shengxuanxing Academy, the eldest princess is probably one of the few people who can compete with Jiang Qing'e in appearance and temperament.

  At this time, the eldest princess looked at Li Luo and Jiang Qing'e with a gentle smile on her beautiful face.

  "I've met the eldest princess."

  Li Luo and Jiang Qing'e also stepped forward and said hello.

  The eldest princess chatted with Jiang Qing'e in a gentle tone, then turned her eyes to Li Luo and said with a smile: "Li Luo should know about that, right?"

  Li Luo understood that what she was talking about should be the treatment of the little emperor. He nodded immediately and said: "I will try my best, but the eldest princess should not have high expectations." The eldest princess

  said softly: "You don't have to worry about anything. I have long been used to it over the years."

  In fact, How could she have any expectations? She invited Li Luo to treat the little emperor just to improve the relationship with Jiang Qing'e. She also understood that both parties should have a tacit understanding of this.

  Li Luo nodded. Although he understood this, he still had to get vaccinated first.

  "Let's go in first." The eldest princess smiled at the two of them, then turned around and led them into the pavilion.

  Inside the pavilion, the lights were brightly lit, just like daylight.

  Entering it, you can hear the boiling and noisy sounds, which makes people feel slightly refreshed.

  There are many people in the spacious hall, clustered together in twos and threes, laughing and chatting with each other, and the people who can be here are not ordinary people, and they all have powerful forces behind them.

  "Jiang Qing'e, Luo Lan Mansion has been troubled a lot recently. I didn't expect you to be in the mood to attend the banquet?" As soon as the three of them entered the hall, a voice that was neither salty nor light came from the side.

  Li Luo looked and saw that the flaming red lips were none other than Duze Honglian. Next to him, there was Duze Beixuan, who was also staring at him with a faint sneer.

  "I didn't expect that you, who was bloodbathed by me once in the ranking battle, would be in the mood to attend such a banquet." Jiang Qing'e said lightly.

  Du Ze's red lotus and willow eyebrows stand upright.

  "Honglian, in today's atmosphere, don't let others see the joke." The eldest princess on the side said with a smile.

  Duze Honglian was obviously a little wary of the eldest princess. He immediately restrained his anger, picked up the wine glass in his hand, and toasted to the eldest princess: "The eldest princess is right." Then he glanced at Jiang Qing'e and Jiang Qing'e lightly

  . Li Luo glanced at him and turned away with Duze Beixuan.

  "Duze Honglian has been suppressed by you for so many years. It seems that the resentment is really quite big." The eldest princess said helplessly.

  "My defeated general can only use his words. It seems that next time we meet, we need to be more aggressive, otherwise we will not be able to remember him." Jiang Qing'e said calmly.

  The eldest princess was speechless. Jiang Qing'e actually held a grudge.

  She immediately changed her words, looked at Li Luo, and said with a smile: "Today, there are many young talents who are here for the Golden Dragon Secret Key. Li Luo, you just meet the requirements. You can try it when the time comes."

  Li Luo smiled and said: "The competition is not small, I can only give it a try and see if I have the luck."

  As he spoke, his eyes scanned the bright banquet hall, and then he spotted a familiar figure.

  The figure was as strong as a ferocious beast. He stood silently by the pillar and did not communicate with anyone. He exuded the aura that no strangers should enter.

  Qin Zhulu.

  This guy was actually invited? But it's not surprising that Qin Zhulu's father is the general of the Great Xia Royal Court, and his status is also very high, so he will naturally be invited. In addition to Qin Zhulu, Li Luo found many familiar figures. Wang Hejiu and other students of the same school level were all present. At this time, he was walking towards Duze Beixuan.

  Moreover, there are not only students from the same college level, but also students from the Second Star College.

  For example, the Ye Qiuding he met when he was with Jiang Qing'e before had a familiar figure beside him, looking at him with some annoyance.

  Li Luo's eyes met with his and he recognized him. It seemed to be the guy who helped Song Qiuyu in Tianshu County before. His name was Mo Ling, right? From the Ink House.

  Li Luo didn't pay much attention to him, and then he saw a figure walking towards them, attracting a lot of attention wherever he passed.

  That figure was tall and straight, with great momentum. He was clearly the Palace God Jun.

  He came directly to where they were, then raised his glass and said with a smile: "Are Junior Sister Jiang and Junior Brother Li Luo here too?" Upon hearing this, the two of them

  nodded towards him.

  Gong Shenjun smiled at the eldest princess and said: "The relationship between Luan Yu and Jiang Xuemei has been getting better and better recently." The

  eldest princess smiled like a flower: "There is no need for you to envy the relationship between us girls, right?"

  Gong Shenjun She smiled and then whispered: "There was movement among the guards in the palace today. Did you bring the king out?" The

  eldest princess said, "Brother Huang is very well-informed."

  "After all, it is such a big thing."

  Gong Shenjun looked at it. He turned to Li Luo and said, "Is it because you want Junior Li Luo to give it a try? In fact, you can just go back and ask Junior Li Luo to go to the palace." "But

  now that everyone has come out, there is no use saying this. I just want to go down. You should be more careful this time, after all, the king’s safety is the most important thing.”

  Gong Shenjun reminded.

  The eldest princess smiled and nodded: "Brother Huang said, I should pay more attention later."

  Gong Shenjun smiled at Li Luo again and said, "I'll leave it to Junior Li Luo to deal with the king. There's no need to feel any pressure. Just treat it as a try." After saying this, he smiled gently at

  Jiang Qing'e and turned around to leave. .

  Jiang Qing'e looked at his back and said with a gleam in her eyes: "Senior Gong Shen Jun is indeed a dragon among men. It is easy for the royal court to produce heroes. It is really a blessing." The eldest princess did not speak, her face as beautiful as the heavenly fragrance

  . With a full smile, she raised her wine glass and touched it gently with Jiang Qing'e.

  Li Luo also kept smiling on the side. Sometimes, having too many heroes may not be a blessing.

  While they were talking here, there was excitement outside the banquet hall, and then everyone saw Yu Hongxi and Lu Qing'er walking in surrounded by people.

  Yu Hongxi was walking in the front, and beside him was a middle-aged man with red hair. He walked with majestic momentum, like an angry lion.

  "That's the master of Jiyan Mansion, Zhu Qinghuo."

  Jiang Qing'e said to Li Luo, and Li Luo's eyes were looking at Yuhongxi. Behind Zhu Qinghuo, there was Lu Qing'er, and behind her Next to him, there was a young man with a tall and straight body.

  The young man also had red hair, a handsome face, and a hint of domineering look.

  "That's Zhu Xuan, the son of Zhu Qinghuo. He is now a student of the Second Star Academy. The "Fire Immortal Team" he led won the first place in the Second Star Academy this time." Hearing Jiang Qing'e's voice, Li Luo's eyes flashed slightly

  . Ning, is this person the captain of the Fire Immortal Team?
  (End of chapter)

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