Chapter 201 Strong Body

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  Chapter 201 Strengthening the Body
  In the next two days, Li Luo lived an extremely busy life. First of all, he could not stop practicing the phase quenching technique. Now his completion rate of refining third-grade spiritual water and strange light began to become higher and higher. As long as he waits for a breakthrough within a certain period of time, he will be able to refine the third-grade spiritual water and strange light for the first time. At that time, he will be a serious third-grade physiognomist.

  In addition to practicing the phase-quenching technique, you must also maintain your own cultivation. And I don't know if Jiang Qing'e is trying to temper him. Now she has to forcefully drag him into the training room every day, and then beat him for an hour.

  Euphemistically called it, it promotes his cultivation.

  And every time Li Luo came out of the training room with trembling legs, holding on to the wall.

  It's hard to say how effective this kind of tempering is, but Li Luo can clearly feel that his physical body's ability to resist blows has improved. After being
  beaten, Li Luo had to start to master the healing effects of water and wood.

  In a workshop.

  There was an injured little beast lying on the table in front of Li Luo. There was a blood mark visible to the naked eye on its body. He looked calm and stretched out his hands to cover the blood mark.

  The phase force in the body surged, and the power of the water phase and the wood phase formed a very brief intersection between the palms, but also released a powerful healing power.

  In just ten breaths, the blood scar on the little beast's body healed rapidly.

  The treatment effect is quite good.

  But Li Luo is not surprised by this. Both the water phase and the wood phase have the ability to heal, and his water phase power also contains some light phase power.

  The power of light is actually also good at healing.

  It's just that among the water and light phases, the light phase is only the auxiliary phase after all, so its power is not as strong as the water phase. Otherwise, these three healing effects would burst out at the same time. Li Luo felt that as long as he was not killed by someone, he would be able to recover quickly.

  Li Luo let the cured little beast go, looking thoughtful. He had been proficient in this healing power for a day, and during this period he had cured many injuries.

  So I have some preliminary understanding of this healing power.

  To be honest, he felt that he seemed to have neglected this kind of healing power in the past. In the past, he only valued the sense of power brought by these forces, but forgot that the treatment itself could also bring some miraculous effects.

  "It can be developed."

  On the third day, the training room.

  Jiang Qing'e casually picked up a wooden spear, stared at Li Luo opposite him with her golden eyes, and said with a smile: "Are you ready for today's portion?" "I

  always feel that you are deliberately trying to vent my anger in the past two days. You won't still be there." Are you angry because you concealed your lifespan before?" Li Luo said helplessly.

  "No way."

  Jiang Qing'e showed an innocent smile and said, "I'm really just training you. In this kind of battle, your phase power will become more proficient."

  Li Luo stared at that beautiful face , beautiful women are good at lying, and with Jiang Qing'e's appearance, I am afraid that lies will be regarded as heartfelt and sincere words.

  In the end, he could only nod and admit defeat, and said at the same time: "I won't take action today."

  He dropped the weapon in his hand, walked to a position about ten meters away from Jiang Qing'e, and said: "Today you try to use intensive physiognomy to attack. My body."

  Li Luo put his hands together, and the two palaces in his body vibrated. The power of the water phase and the wood phase surged out, and at the same time, they were also mixed with the power of the light phase.

  The three healing powers were activated at the same time and were guided into the flesh and blood by Li Luo. At this moment, the surface of Li Luo's skin actually bloomed with shimmer. These shimmers seemed to form some vague light patterns, looming.

  Jiang Qing'e raised her eyebrows slightly when she saw this scene. She could feel that Li Luo's body seemed to be filled with vigorous vitality at this moment.

  "Is it the healing power of the water element or the wood element?"

  "After two days of research, you used it on yourself?"

  She said with great interest, and then gently raised her slender jade hand, and saw the bright light force erupting from her body, like a radiance. day.

  The next moment, she took out the shot with one hand, and saw countless rays of light power whizzing out as if they turned into needle lights, overwhelming Li Luo.

  laugh! laugh!
  Facing those Xiangli needle arrows, Li Luo did not dodge, but let them fall on his body. Immediately, blood marks appeared on his body, and his skin and flesh were torn apart. .

  Severe pain came over him, but Li Luo remained silent.

  He looked at his body. Although injuries continued to appear, the flesh and blood was showing an extremely active attitude, repairing those injuries at an astonishing speed.

  A look of surprise flashed across Li Luo's eyes. Sure enough, in this state, his body possesses extremely tenacious and powerful resilience. If this is a life-and-death fight with someone, he will use this to occupy a huge amount of power. The advantages.

  The light arrows all over the sky finally dissipated. Jiang Qing'e walked up to Li Luo and looked at his body that was completely unscathed even though it was covered in blood. She nodded lightly and said, "As expected of the dual phase of water and wood, this kind of healing power is obviously just The initial activation can increase the physical body's recovery power to this level."

  She was a little surprised. Although the water-wood dual phase has a healing effect, the effect is not that strong, right? Although her previous attack only used a little strength, it was not weak for Li Luo's level.

  "I call this state "hard body", which can improve the physical body's recovery power in a short period of time. However, because this consumes a lot of phase power, it does not last long." Li Luo said with a little proud smile. .

  Jiang Qing'e smiled and said: "Actually, many strong people with water and wood elements will use this method to strengthen their bodies, so it's not too special. It is said that some truly strong people can exert this power to the extreme. At that level, their bodies are almost equivalent to immortality."


  "I don't know why, but the healing and restorative properties of your Xiangli are extra special. Is this the advantage of bipolar?" Li Luo grinned. The reason for the stronger therapeutic effect is of course

  . He also possesses a light phase. Although it is only an auxiliary phase and not as powerful as the two water and wood main phases, it can still achieve an amplifying effect.

  Jiang Qing'e nodded slightly and said: "That's it for today. In addition, today is the first assessment of the branch's prime ministers, right? How have they performed in the past two days?" "Listening to Elder Zheng Ping's report, they all seem to be very diligent

  . I'm refining the spiritual water and strange light, and there's nothing wrong with it." Li Luo said.

  However, this kind of calmness made Jiang Qing'e's beautiful eyebrows frown slightly. She would rather the other party's methods were exposed as soon as possible. Being on guard at all times would make people feel unsure.

  "It's useless to think too much, just take advantage of the situation." Li Luo said calmly when he saw this.

  "Go to the Xiyangwu headquarters first and complete the first assessment."

  Li Luo has been planning for these three assessments for a long time, which will also determine whether he can finally win over the tempering masters of these branches. Therefore, today's assessment must be given some attention and heavy hammering.

  (End of chapter)

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