Chapter 191 One Hundred Thousand Points

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  Chapter 191 One Hundred Thousand Points
  When Li Luo and Jiang Qing'e returned to the headquarters of Luo Lan Mansion, before they could rest, they saw Niu Biaobiao appearing in front of him with a steaming cup of Dabu Zhi Tang and a smile on his face. .

  "Young Master, I haven't seen you for a month, and I feel a little more energetic. However, the soup is still unavoidable, so drink it quickly." Niu Biaobiao said with a smile.

  When Li Luo saw Niu Biaobiao, he also smiled and quickly took the tonic soup and said: "I haven't seen Uncle Biao for a month, so I think this tonic soup is very good!"

  He drank it one mouthful at a time, and then said with a smile: "Biao Biao Uncle, regarding the matter of refining the "God-replenishing ointment", I wonder how much imperial liquid is needed?"

  Niu Biaobiao glanced at Li Luo in surprise and said: "It seems that the young master has got it. A little bit of Emperor's Liquid?"

  This Emperor's Liquid is the top cultivation resource in Shengxuanxing Academy. Li Luo was able to get a little bit of it after only one month of entering. This efficiency is indeed quite astonishing.

  Li Luo waved his hand modestly, then took out two small bottles the size of fingernails and handed them to Niu Biaobiao.

  Niu Biaobiao took it, looked at it carefully, and said with a smile: "It is indeed Emperor Liujian, the young palace master is really awesome."

  But before Li Luo could get proud, Niu Biaobiao continued: "According to this weight If so, the young palace master can get another twenty bottles and start refining the soul-tonifying ointment."


  Li Luo squirted out the tonic soup that he hadn't completely swallowed in his mouth. He stared at Niu Biaobiao with wide eyes. What the hell is that? Twenty more bottles?
  Jiang Qing'e on the side also sighed helplessly. Although she had expected that this amount of Emperor's Liquid would not be enough, she did not expect that the gap would be so big.

  Twenty bottles of Emperor Ooze, that’s one hundred thousand points!
  With this amount, even she feels very stressed.

  Li Luo smiled bitterly and said, "Uncle Biao, you are making things difficult for me."

  Niu Biaobiao said: "Young Palace Master, Lao Niu is not fooling you. What you have lost is your own heritage and potential. If it were anyone else, the future would be difficult. This kind of technique that can supplement the foundation of heritage, even if It is extremely rare in this country of Great Xia. Lao Niu happens to have a way here, which is already your luck." Li Luo Mo Ran,

  although his second phase of refining has brought him great strength , and even allowed him to feel the dual-phase power of the powerful feudal prince in advance in the realm of fortune-teller, but obviously, he also paid a huge price for this.

  On the surface, Li Luo now appears to be extremely dazzling with both sides of his personality, but outsiders don't know that there are huge flaws hidden under his bright surface.

  If outsiders knew that he was unable to reach the realm of general worship due to his loss of foundation, the cold looks and ridicule and schadenfreude he would attract would probably be no less than what he endured when he was empty.

  "Uncle Biao, don't worry. Although the exchange conditions for this emperor's fluid are very high, we still have some time. After all, Li Luo is still a long way from reaching the general realm. I think as long as we try our best during this period, If you work hard to earn points, it's still possible to catch up." Jiang Qing'e said softly.

  Li Luo glanced at Jiang Qing'e with a somewhat complicated expression. The meaning behind her words was that she obviously planned to help him bear the one hundred thousand points. However, the Imperial Liquid Serum was also a rare cultivation resource for Jiang Qing'e. It was said that she would need it by the end of the year. Challenging the Seven Star Pillar, if she spent all her points on him, it would undoubtedly delay her cultivation progress.

  Li Luo's heart was heavy and he was about to speak, but he saw Jiang Qing'e's eyes turning over and shaking her head slightly at him.

  In the end, he could only swallow his words and sighed softly in his heart.

  It seems that in the future, he will need to do everything possible to earn points, otherwise Jiang Qing'e will bear too much pressure, which will delay and affect her cultivation progress. This is something Li Luo absolutely cannot accept.

  Niu Biaobiao looked at the two of them with an unusually serious look on his face: "I know that Emperor Liujian is under a lot of pressure, but you are not children anymore. How can you grow without pressure?"

  Li Luo and Jiang Qing'e were a little startled by Niu Biaobiao's extremely rare elder gesture, but they both nodded in agreement. After all, they had never treated Niu Biaobiao as a servant.

  "Besides, do you think this is the only pressure you will bear?" Upon hearing Niu Biaobiao's words, Li Luo and Jiang Qing'e's eyes froze. Jiang Qing'e whispered: "What does Uncle Biao mean?"

  Niu Biaobiao touched his bare head, sighed, and said: "I originally planned to tell you these things at least after you step into Tiangang General's territory. Yes, but the current situation is worse than I expected, so I can only talk to you."

  Li Luo and Jiang Qing'e's expressions became extremely serious. They had already guessed that Niu Biao Biaopo The reason why he stayed at the Luo Lan Mansion headquarters was mysterious. There must be some reason that they didn't know.

  But before Niu Biaobiao didn't tell them, it was hard for them to ask.

  Niu Biaobiao sat down on the side. He looked at the two little guys in front of him, carefully considered his words, and finally said: "Last night, a mysterious powerful man who made a lord broke into the headquarters of Luo Lan Mansion."

  Li Luo and Jiang Qing'e's expressions suddenly changed.

  A strong man who made a prince? ! Breaking into the headquarters of Luolan Mansion at night?

  Which side is this strong? What is the purpose? Do you want to assassinate them directly?
  Jiang Qing'e frowned and said, "A powerful man from the title of Marquis broke into the headquarters of Luo Lan Mansion? Didn't it cause any commotion? I didn't receive any report." Niu Biaobiao smiled and said, "It's just

  a man who didn't dare to It's just a feudal prince who showed up, and he didn't sneak in with his real body. It was just an energy clone that came and was cut down by me."

  Li Luo and Jiang Qing'e fell silent again, and then looked at Feng Qingyun Danjian in front of them with complicated eyes. , a bald middle-aged man who said such shocking words.

  They had vaguely sensed Niu Biaobiao's mystery before. After all, he knew too much, and even knew the rare method of repairing Li Luo's foundation. Could this be a simple cook?

  But many speculations are just speculations after all. When Niu Biaobiao personally said that he chopped off the energy clone of a powerful man last night, not to mention Li Luo, even the usually calm Jiang Qing'e became a little distracted.

  "Uncle Biao."

  Li Luo stared at Niu Biaobiao with a sincere expression: "I knew you were the legendary hermit master. I don't know if you are interested in my knees. I want to dedicate them to you." Jiang Qing'e looked

  at He glanced at Li Luo and knew that he was trying to hide the shock in his heart, so he started to get angry again.

  Niu Biaobiao smiled and said: "What a hermit master? I'm just a loser who can't leave the headquarters of Luo Lan Mansion."

  Li Luo and Jiang Qing'e were a little confused.

  However, Niu Biaobiao did not explain too much on this, but said directly: "Actually, there is a powerful secret force that has been spying on the headquarters of Luo Lan Mansion in recent years, but you didn't notice anything." "They used to do it

  . It was just a peek, but last night, they still stepped into the headquarters of Luo Lan Mansion."

  Niu Biaobiao stared at the two people who were a little distracted.

  "Do you know what they are looking for in the Luo Lan Mansion headquarters?"

  (I won't do the first update... I'll do it in the second update.)
  (End of this chapter)

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