Chapter 181 The Power of Bi-Phase

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  Chapter 181 The Power of Dual Phase
  In the mountain stream where the ground is littered.

  Wang Hejiu and Duze Beixuan slowly walked out of the poisonous fog. They glanced at the location of Xin Fu, with a little smile on their faces.

  "Li Luo, your team has been reduced now." Wang Hejiu turned his eyes to Li Luo ahead. Although Xin Fu blocked their offensive earlier, he also paid a huge price. At least, in the next During the battle, Xin Fu had no strength to take action.

  Without Xin Fu's secret surveillance, they were able to concentrate their efforts on dealing with Li Luo, so in this battle, their Kinmen team had an absolute advantage.

  "How else can you make a comeback?" Duze Beixuan also sneered and stared at Li Luo.

  Li Luo looked at the two of them with a rather calm expression and said, "You know? Making a comeback is one of the characteristics of the protagonist." Wang Hejiu said with a smile: "Are

  you still dreaming about your Spring and Autumn Dream? Li Luo, can you Every student who entered Shengxuanxing Academy thought that they were the protagonist before, because they were sought after by thousands of people and regarded as geniuses." "But only when they

  arrived at Shengxuanxing Academy did they understand that, in fact, they were just They are just a little better than ordinary people. Here, there are people who are better than them." "

  You should wake up too."

  Li Luo shook his head and sighed: "It seems you still don't believe it."

  "Then I will Let me tell you about the second characteristic of the protagonist, that is, he likes to achieve breakthroughs in battles."


  He took a long breath. At this moment, the energy of heaven and earth around him seemed to be a little restless. Then Wang Hejiu and Du Ze Beixuan were shocked to see two kinds of energy of heaven and earth billowing towards Li Luo. Rushing through the body.

  That’s water energy and wood energy!

  With the infusion of these two energies, the phase force fluctuations released from Li Luo's body also increased steadily at this time. In just a few moments, his phase force level reached the level of an upper-level flower seed.

  Improved a small rank.

  Wang Hejiu and Duze Beixuan looked at Li Luo, whose momentum had increased a lot, and their expressions were slightly ugly.

  "Do you believe it now?" Li Luo showed a gentle smile.

  Wang Hejiu said calmly: "You just deliberately accepted the attacks from the two of us, putting your body and the species in your body in an extreme fighting state, and then under that huge pressure, you let the Xiangzhong took advantage of this to complete the breakthrough."

  "Li Luo, you are really brave. Are you not afraid that if you lose your ability, the internal and external pressure will explode and directly explode your own Xiangli seeds?"

  Li Luo smiled and said: "Looking at it now, didn't it explode?"

  "Also, don't overestimate yourself too much. You did put pressure on me, but if you want to use this pressure to crush me, you would be thinking A little more."

  Duze Beixuan said with an expressionless face: "It's just a small step, from lower-level flower planting to upper-level flower planting. Do you really think this can change anything?" "Stop procrastinating

  . , get rid of him." This sentence was said to Wang Hejiu.

  Wang Hejiu nodded, and immediately the two of them followed the same pattern again. Sound waves erupted like Kun's chant, rolling up the poisonous gas and sweeping towards Li Luo like a poisonous gas storm.

  The momentum is a bit alarming.

  Li Luo looked at the billowing sonic poisonous gas, his face gradually became cold and serious, his eyes closed a little bit, and the two knives in his hands pointed diagonally at the ground.

  Gradually, two phases of different colors surged out, each covering a dagger.

  Li Luo closed his two knives, the blades collided, and then he slowly sharpened them.


  The sound of blades slicing across each other resounded in the mountain stream.

  And at the moment when the tips of the two daggers collided, the two mutual forces in Li Luo's body seemed to vibrate with some special fluctuations. At the tips of the two daggers, there seemed to be a bright light bursting out at this moment!

  An astonishing phase force appeared.

  The two swords suddenly slashed down, and only two blades of about ten feet or so crossed and shot out. The phase force surging above the sword light was far more powerful than Li Luo's own phase force level.

  In just a few breaths, the cross sword light directly collided with the sweeping sonic poison gas. At that moment, the harsh sound of the sonic poison gas stopped abruptly. Wherever the sword light passed, all the rolling poison gas was strangled.

  The light of the knife passed by, and the mountain stream returned to calm, leaving only the rocks that were cut open on the ground and the openings were as smooth as mirrors.

  The expressions of Wang Hejiu and Duze Beixuan solidified little by little at this time. There was some fear rising in those eyes.

  Their joint physiognomy was actually wiped out by Li Luo's sword?

  "The strength of the phase force just now."

  Wang Hejiu's face twitched slightly, and his voice became hoarse: "It has surpassed the first line." "

  It is the power of two phases." Duze Beixuan gritted his teeth, his eyes Jealousy and unwillingness emerge.

  "But he probably doesn't have a very stable grasp of this, so he may not be able to pronounce it a second time."

  Before he could finish his words, Li Luo's two sword blades touched together again and slid down slowly. Finally slide it to the tip of the double knife.

  There was another cross, and the sword light of about ten feet suddenly shot out, pointing directly at Wang Hejiu, Duze Beixuan.

  Upon seeing this, the two people's expressions suddenly changed. They let out a low roar, and the physical strength in their bodies exploded with all their strength. At the same time, they used their special skills to collide head-on with the rapidly slashing sword light.

  There seemed to be a sound of gold and iron, and then the phase force shock wave suddenly swept across, the surrounding gravel splashed, and the water splashed into water droplets all over the sky.

  Wang Hejiu, who was holding a folding fan, and Duze Beixuan, who was holding a spear, slid back more than ten steps from the ground, their hands shaking.

  His face became increasingly gloomy and angry.

  Is this the power of bipolar? It was obvious that Li Luo had just broken through to the upper level flower seed, but the strength of the phase force that exploded actually suppressed the first lines of both of their raw lines.

  "It's extremely difficult to master the power of dual phase. I think he's just showing off, so he can't do it again."

  But before Duze Beixuan's voice could speak, Wang Hejiu interrupted him: "You'd better say less. Well, the current Li Luo should indeed have initially entered the state of dual-phase power, but this state should be extremely short-lived. Now, we should not continue to fight with him head-on. As long as we retreat first and wait for some time , when he exits this state, he will no longer be able to resist."

  Being suddenly interrupted, Duze Beixuan was a little dissatisfied, but in the end he didn't say much. After all, the most important thing at the moment was to defeat Li Luo.

  "Then let's retreat first."

  As Duze Beixuan agreed, the two figures began to retreat quickly.

  However, as soon as their figures moved, a dark shadow suddenly emerged and covered them, making them unable to distinguish their direction for a while.

  In the jungle, Xin Fu pulled down his hood, completely covering his face that was paler due to the depletion of phase power, and murmured with difficulty: "Captain, there really isn't a drop left." "Damn it, it's Xin

  . Talisman!" In the shadows, Duze Beixuan was a little angry. Didn't the previous heavy blow allow Xin Fu to fully display his combat power?

  Wang Hejiu also felt a little bored. The shadow was not very lethal, but it could isolate them from their sense of direction. If they moved around inside, they might be sent to Li Luo on their own initiative.

  However, just when they were about to forcefully expel the shadow screen with force, a rustling sound suddenly came from the ground, and then they felt something wrapped around their feet.

  "Don't panic, it's Qi Luozi!" Duze Beixuan reflexively wanted to cut off those things, but Wang Hejiu quickly stopped him.

  call out!
  As soon as his voice fell, the vines that entangled them suddenly retracted, pulling the two of them flying upside down, and finally shot out into the shadows.

  The figures of the two fell next to Qi Luozi, and Wang Hejiu immediately said: "Back off first!"

  However, the three of them turned around and saw that the one-way road in the mountain stream behind them suddenly appeared with dozens of separate roads. , making people unable to distinguish between true and false for a while.

  "It's a phantom." Wang Hejiu's face was as dark as water. Obviously, this was Bai Mengmeng's obstruction.

  Although this phantom does not have much effect, at this time, it is enough to delay their retreat.

  At this time, Li Luo's eyes were slightly closed, and the tips of his two swords passed by, as if a light point containing two kinds of power slowly fell and fell into the ground.

  The next moment, the ground broke open, and an emerald-like tree grew at an astonishing speed, with lush branches and leaves. In just ten breaths, it became a tree of about two meters.

  Not far away, when Wang Hejiu and Duze Beixuan saw this scene, their eyes suddenly froze.

  "This is the Tiger General's Technique, planting trees into soldiers?"

  "Why does it grow so fast? What does he want to do?"

  (End of Chapter)

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