Chapter 179 The cooperation of physiognomy

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  Chapter 179 The cooperation of physiognomy

  The water glow on Li Luo's sword circulated, passing through the water droplets in the sky, and collided head-on with the tip of the spear that was like the roar of a wild beast. The fierce force impact directly shook all the floating water droplets into mist.

  Li Luo's body trembled and he took a step back.

  At the same time, a folding fan surging with dark green power came like lightning, spitting out fishy smell like a poisonous snake.

  Li Luo drew his other dagger, and saw the power of water sweeping out, forming a water mirror: "Water Light Magic Mirror!"

  The folding fan hit the water mirror, and the powerful poisonous power exploded. The water mirror shattered instantly, but the rebound force shocked the folding fan, and Li Luo also took advantage of this moment to slip. Shoot and retreat, avoiding the attack.

  However, he had a head-on collision with two powerful enemies one after another, and the opponent's attack was as merciless as a rainstorm, so Li Luo's palms holding the two swords were faintly stained with blood, and his arms began to tingle.

  Fortunately, he possesses the "Water-Light Phase" and the Wood Phase. Each of these three phases has a certain degree of healing and recovery power. Therefore, whenever there is an injury in the body, the healing properties of these three powers will explode. Recover injuries quickly.

  This was the main reason why Li Luo was able to persevere under the heavy rain attack jointly launched by Wang Hejiu and Du Zebeixuan.

  As for Li Luo's tenacity, Wang Hejiu and Duze Beixuan were also a little shocked. Their offensive had clearly suppressed Li Luo to the point where he couldn't even breathe, but Li Luo was able to hold on and never collapsed. .

  This makes people feel perverted. Even if the power of the water element is good at lasting, it is not so tenacious, right?
  Wang Hejiu's eyes met with Duze Beixuan's, and they both saw the cruelty in the other's eyes. Li Luo was now at the end of his strength, and as long as they continued to strengthen their offensive, they would definitely defeat him.

  The two of them took a step together, and their combined strength surged like a raging wave.

  However, Li Luo was obviously aware of their intentions, and immediately took a few steps back. The power of the wood phase surged on a short knife, and it suddenly exploded.

  "Tiger General's Technique, the Binding of Ten Thousand Trees!"

  The surrounding trees suddenly shook at this moment, and the tree vines shot out like giant pythons, wrapping around Wang Hejiu and Duze Beixuan.

  On these vines, there are small flowers swaying and growing out, as if they are absorbing the power of light, which makes the vines become more tenacious.

  Li Luo also infused this Tiger General Technique with the power of light to strengthen it.

  "Tiger General Technique, Heavy Water Technique!"

  After performing the "Binding of Ten Thousand Trees", Li Luo also cast a water element technique that he had prepared for a long time in one breath, and saw dark blue water spraying from his mouth. Then he came out and landed on those trees and vines.

  Suddenly, the strength of the waving vines suddenly increased greatly, and they seemed to become extremely heavy.

  Moreover, if you can observe the details, you will find that there is faint sand flowing in the heavy water transformed by the phase force.

  This is not an ordinary heavy water technique, because Li Luo also infused it with the power of earth, which will increase its heaviness.

  The two physiognomies performed by Li Luo this time were obviously more perfect than when he faced Duze Beixuan in the teacher selection competition.

  Previously, he tried his best to resist the joint attack of Wang Hejiu and Wang Hejiu. He was secretly using the power of water, light and wood to prepare for this counterattack.


  The vines tore through the air, carrying the sharp sound of breaking wind, and slammed into Wang Hejiu and Duze Beixuan.

  When the two saw this, they immediately mobilized to welcome him with all their strength.

  boom! boom!
  The gun fans carrying the powerful force turned into afterimages and collided with the trees and vines that were thrown at them. At the moment of the collision, the expressions of Wang Hejiu and Duze Beixuan changed.

  "What a heavy power!"

  Wang Hejiu frowned. The power contained in those vines seemed to weigh as much as ten thousand pounds. Even his palms were slightly numb when they collided.

  "This is Li Luo's fusion physiognomy!"

  Duze Beixuan said quickly, with a gloomy look on his face, because he had lost to Li Luo's two fusion physiognomy techniques in the previous division selection competition.

  And this time, he could clearly feel that the power of Li Luo's fusion technique seemed to have become stronger. "As expected of Dual Phase, even if he has not mastered the power of Dual Phase, this fusion phase technique is still so difficult." Wang Hejiu sighed and said.

  "But Li Luo, do you really think we are not ready to face this kind of fusion physiognomy?" "

  This kind of physiognomy can surprise you the first time, but it won't be as effective the second time."

  Wang Hejiu took a deep breath . In one breath, dark green light patterns seemed to be squirming on his face, finally converging on his mouth.

  His mouth suddenly opened, and dark green power swept out: "Tiger General Technique, Poisonous Storm!"

  Woo woo!

  The dark green phase force seemed to turn into a poisonous storm, raging in all directions. The poisonous storm collided with the tree vines, and a hissing sound suddenly erupted, and the power on the tree vines began to melt.

  At the same time, Duze Beixuan also took a step forward, also opened his mouth, and the dark blue phase force exploded: "Tiger General Technique, Kun Yin!"

  Woo hoo!

  The dark blue sound waves suddenly erupted and swept across, enveloping Wang Hejiu's howling poisonous storm. It actually strangled all the trees and vines that were sweeping in, and swept away towards where Li Luo was.

  Li Luo's expression changed and he retreated sharply. He did not expect that Wang Hejiu and Duze Beixuan would also use a kind of coordination between physiognomy to directly defeat all his attacks this time.

  Sure enough, these students who can stand out in Shengxuanxing Academy are not fuel-efficient lamps. After a period of adaptation, they also began to show the power of cooperation. In this case, Li Luo's fusion physiognomy can take advantage of The advantages gained are also rapidly being weakened.

  He looked at the sonic poisonous gas that was rapidly expanding in his pupils. The power contained in it was already quite astonishing.

  Li Luo was silent for a few breaths and said softly: "Xin Fu, can you help me stop it?"

  Shadows moved on the side, and Xin Fu's voice became much more solemn than before: "This is no problem, but at this level I can only block the attack once, and I won’t have the strength to help you after that.”

  “Are you sure you can handle it alone in the future?”

  Li Luo smiled, feeling the intense movement of the two stars in the two palaces in his body. The beating Xiangli seeds nodded slightly.

  "Okay." Seeing this, Xin Fu didn't ask any more questions and just replied with one word.

  Li Luo's figure quickly retreated.

  The surrounding shadows began to squirm at this time. Xin Fu stepped out of the shadows, and the boundless shadows poured out like ink, giving an overwhelming feeling.

  The sonic poisonous gas billowed in front of him. Xin Fu clasped his hands, and a deep voice sounded: "Shadow screen!"

  The shadow suddenly erupted, as if turning into a dark world, filling the entire mountain stream.

  The sonic poisonous gas raged past, colliding with the spreading dark shadow.

  Boom boom!

  The low sound of phase force tearing constantly sounded in the darkness.

  This stalemate lasted for about half a minute. Suddenly, the black curtain began to be riddled with holes, and finally was suddenly torn apart.

  Sonic poisonous gas billowed, completely destroying it.

  In the shadow, Xin Fu's figure flew out awkwardly and crashed into the bushes. He leaned weakly against the tree trunk, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, looked at the dark green scars on his body, and shook his head helplessly.

  It's a pity that if the qualifying battle can be delayed a little longer, he will be able to enter the raw level, and then the opponent's advantage will not be as huge as it is now.

  He looked in the direction of Li Luo and murmured: "Captain, let's see your performance next."

  (First update.)
  (End of this chapter)

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