Chapter 154 Impeachment

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  Chapter 154: Impeachment of
  Shengxuanxing Academy, Golden Palace.

  This is the seat of the highest authority of the school. Only Tutor Zi Hui and a few senior tutors Jin Hui are qualified to discuss matters here and decide on some major matters of the school.

  Vice President Su Xin's working hall is located in the Golden Palace.

  At this time, Vice President Su Xin looked at Jiang Qing'e who came to her, and felt a slight headache when she heard that she was going to impeach Shen Jinxiao.

  Next to Jiang Qing'e, there was a middle-aged woman with red hair and a stern face that made people feel fearful.

  This is Jiang Qing'e's current mentor, named Huoxu, who is known for his fiery temper.

  "Su Xin, that bastard Shen Jinxiao is getting more and more extreme now. If you can't cure him, just leave it to me, and he will crush my eggs!" The middle-aged woman named Huoxu raised her eyebrows. snapped.

  Hearing the extremely vulgar words from the other party, Vice President Su Xin couldn't laugh or cry. She could only comfort her: "Teacher Huoxu, don't get so angry now. We'll wait until Instructor Shen Jinxiao arrives before confronting you." Instructor Huoxu snorted coldly

  . With one sound, there are no more words.

  Jiang Qing'e, on the other hand, nodded slightly and said, "Excuse me, Vice President."

  Vice President Su Xin shook her head and chatted with Jiang Qing'e in a warm voice for a moment. Then she saw the door of the room was pushed open, and Shen Jinxiao walked in with a smile on his face. .

  "Vice President." Shen Jinxiao smiled at Vice President Su Xin.

  Vice-President Su Xin nodded slightly and went straight to the point: "You must have known the reason for the matter. Jiang Qing'e impeached you. You are morally corrupt and have no justice in your heart. You obstruct the students' practice with selfish motives." Shen Jinxiao smiled helplessly and

  said : "What a big hat."

  "But... when will ordinary students of Shengxuanxing Academy be able to impeach Master Zihui directly in front of the vice-president? I remember that this process needs to be decided by the Golden Palace, right?"

  "Shen Jinxiao, you are still as neutral as ever. In addition, Qing'e is no longer an ordinary student. She is now a preparatory member of the Seven Stars Pillar of Shengxuanxing Academy. By the end of the year, she will officially start competing for the title of Seven Stars Pillar." Instructor Huoxu sneered.

  Shen Jinxiao was slightly startled. The Seven-Star Pillar of Shengxuanxing Academy is the highest achievement title for students. Once obtained, its status is equivalent to that of Master Zihui, and it has some discussion rights in the academy. If Jiang Qing'e becomes the Seven-Star Pillar Preparatory However, they are indeed different from ordinary students.

  If you just want to compete for the Seven Star Pillar, the first condition is that you must step into the Tiangang General realm. Will Jiang Qing'e be able to step into this realm this year? You must know that the Seven-Star Pillars currently in office basically only started competing for this honorary position after entering the Four-Star Academy.

  "Student Qing'e is really talented. While still in Sanxingyuan, she has the strength to compete for the Seven-Star Pillar." Shen Jinxiao said in admiration as his mind turned.

  "But I really can't understand Qing'e's reasons for impeachment." He shook his head.

  Jiang Qing'e said in a calm voice: "What Instructor Shen Jinxiao did to Li Luo in the teacher selection competition can be regarded as a kind of targeting, and now that the "Twelve Duan Jin" is taken away, people have to doubt it. Your behavior in this matter has gradually deepened, so I say you are unjust." "

  What happened in the division selection competition was just to identify Li Luo's strength. And if it weren't for my actions, how could he attract four people? Are you fighting for the Zihui instructor?"

  Shen Jinxiao said unhurriedly: "As for the Twelve Duan Brocades, this is really a coincidence. I happened to be doing these researches during this time, so I took this technique away and did not I mean to target someone."

  "And I also left a message specifically. If students are in need, they can come to me directly to discuss. Qing'e's indiscriminate decision to go directly to the deputy dean to impeach me would be too big a fuss. ?"

  "Shen Jinxiao, do you really think that no one knows what you are thinking in your belly? Isn't it because Qing'e ended the relationship between you at the beginning, and you hold a grudge for it?" Teacher Huoxu said angrily. "A little chicken like you is qualified to teach students?"

  Shen Jinxiao frowned. This Huoxu was as vulgar as ever. No wonder the male tutors in the school avoided her when they saw her.

  Vice President Su Xin rubbed her eyebrows. This kind of thing was a bit ugly, so she was not willing to bring it to a meeting. If she could resolve it privately, that would be the best result.

  "Teacher Shen Jinxiao, the Twelve Duan Brocades don't have much research value for you. I suggest you give it up temporarily. It won't take long anyway." Vice Dean Su Xin said.

  Shen Jinxiao smiled and said: "Originally, the vice-dean has spoken, so naturally he has to hand it over." "

  But, you also know that the first monthly exam for freshmen is coming soon. As the person in charge of the freshmen, I One, so I took this thing as an extra reward for getting first place in the monthly exam." "

  Haha, I paid for this out of my own pocket."

  Shen Jinxiao smiled apologetically and said, "But don't worry. Well, after the monthly exam is over, if the first-place team says it doesn’t need this item, I will return it to the exchange office and Jiang Qing’e can exchange it for it.” Vice President Su Xin looked at it deeply

  . Looking at Shen Jinxiao, these remarks seemed to be a polite rejection of her mediation. It seemed that Shen Jinxiao's obsession was deeper than she imagined.

  At this point, mediation is basically useless.

  Even if she is the deputy dean, she cannot force a Zihui instructor to do anything, and strictly speaking, what Shen Jinxiao did may not be fair, but it is also within the scope of his authority. .

  Whether it is to take away the twelve pieces of brocade, or use it as an additional reward for the monthly exam.

  "Shen Jinxiao, don't go too far." Instructor Huoxu's voice became calmer at this time, but Vice President Su Xin, who was familiar with her character, knew that this was a sign that she was about to go berserk.

  Shen Jinxiao smiled and seemed not to care.

  But just when Tutor Huoxu was about to explode, Jiang Qing'e reached out to hold her, and then said to Vice President Su Xin: "Since this is the case, let's leave it like this for now. Thank you, Vice President."

  As soon as the voice fell, she stopped staying, turned around and left with Teacher Huoxu. From the beginning to the end, she never glanced at Shen Jinxiao.

  As the two left, Vice President Su Xin rubbed her eyebrows, stared at Shen Jinxiao, and said: "Teacher Shen Jinxiao, our Shengxuanxing Academy does not have some secular ideas. If you really like Jiang Qing'e, Then pursue it openly and honestly. Now your behavior of secretly stumbling has lost your grace." "

  And this will not have any effect on Jiang Qing'e, it will only irritate her." "

  You are indeed a powerful person now. , but do you think it will take a lot of time for Jiang Qing'e to reach this point? If one day, Jiang Qing'e's strength surpasses yours, how will you deal with it?" Shen Jinxiao's eyes moved, and then he smiled lightly and made no comment

  . .

  "If the deputy dean has nothing else to do, then I will leave first." He cupped his hands to deputy dean Su Xin, then turned around and left.

  Vice President Su Xin looked at his leaving figure and narrowed her eyes.

  Shen Jinxiao, you are so obsessed with Jiang Qing'e, what exactly do you want to do?
  (End of chapter)

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