Chapter 150 Personality Charm

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  Chapter 150 The
  sudden appearance of Duze Beixuan, Qi Luozi, Xin Fu, and Bai Mengmeng with their charisma suddenly aroused the atmosphere in the area. No one expected that it was originally just a confrontation between Li Luo and Wang Hejiu. In the end, it turned into a confrontation between two teams.

  "Tsk, tsk, are these two Zihui teams facing each other here?" "

  This is a big show!"

  Many onlookers whispered, looking like they were watching the fun.

  "Wang Hejiu, you are shameless, ugly, and useless!" At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded from the crowd.

  As soon as the voice fell, someone echoed from the other direction: "Wang Hejiu, you are shameless, ugly, hard to fight and useless!" Everyone was stunned, and then burst into laughter


  Wang Hejiu looked a little gloomy, glanced at the crowd, and said sternly: "Who? Do you dare to stand up and say it?!" "

  Don't dare!" the first voice replied without hesitation.

  There were veins pulsing on Wang Hejiu's forehead, strength surged all over his body, and anger surged in his eyes.

  However, Li Luo couldn't help but laugh. Although the voice just now was deliberately suppressed, he couldn't tell that it was Yu Lang.

  The second person who echoed was obviously Zhao Kuo.

  Just when Wang Hejiu was angry, his expression suddenly became stern, because he noticed a strong and unusually strong wind suddenly falling from the sky.

  A long spear was inserted into the field, the gun body vibrated and made a buzzing sound.

  "Hmph, who dares to bully my sister?!"

  A cold voice sounded, and a figure fell from the sky and landed next to the spear. She grabbed the gun body and pointed the tip of the gun at Qi Luozi on the sidelines.

  That's white beans.

  There was an uproar around them, but no one expected that Bai Doudou would get involved.

  When Wang Hejiu saw Bai Doudou, his expression became serious and he said coldly: "Bai Doudou, what's going on here has nothing to do with you." "

  Whoever touches my sister, it does matter." Bai Doudou Cold response.

  Wang Hejiu's face twitched, and when he was about to speak, he suddenly felt a fierce and oppressive aura appear. He raised his head and looked at a high platform on the right, only to see Qin Zhulu's figure standing there, with his arms folded across his chest. , looking down expressionlessly.

  He didn't speak, but the pressure made even Wang Hejiu feel extremely fearful.


  The uproar around him became even more intense, and even Qin Zhulu showed up!
  Wang Hejiu turned to Li Luo with a gloomy expression, and the latter said with a sigh: "Did you see it? This is the charm of personality. If we come to the academy to practice, if we make people angry, wouldn't it mean that we have failed?" Wang Hejiu said calmly

  . : "Li Luo, don't be so talkative. I hope we won't meet in the ranking match at the end of the month."

  He turned to Lu Qing'er and his voice became softer: "Qing'er, I will not give up." "

  Also. , you who are engaged should not provoke others. Even for the sake of Qing'er's reputation, you should stay away from her, otherwise you will end up offending President Yu and Jinlong Baoxing, and you will suffer no good consequences. "

  This Wang Hejiu is not a kind person either. Even though he is frustrated and wants to retreat, he still stabs him without any hesitation, and then turns around and leaves.

  Duze Beixuan glanced at Li Luo coldly, then turned and left.

  Qi Luozi, who was on the edge, even withdrew from the crowd early. The excitement ended in an anticlimactic manner.

  Everyone was a little regretful, but it was a pity that they could not see the wonderful showdown of these Zihui students in advance.

  Li Luo looked at their leaving figures, and then turned his eyes to Bai Doudou and Qin Zhulu. He was not too surprised that Bai Doudou would come forward, because it was entirely because of Bai Mengmeng, who was obviously a fanatic about caring for his sister. magic.

  But Qin Zhulu is really a bit unexpected.

  While Li Luo was thinking, Qin Zhulu turned around and left.

  "You, captain, seem to care for your teammates." Li Luo sighed to Lu Qing'er.

  Lu Qing'er shook her head and said, "Then you underestimate him too much. Do you know that in just three days, he applied to Instructor Cao Sheng eighteen times to change the group? But in the end They were all rejected by Instructor Cao Sheng."

  "Yesterday during practice, Instructor Cao Sheng asked him to compete with Yin Yue, but he jumped out of the window and ran away, making Yin Yue almost cry."

  Li Luo looked confused. This Is Qin Zhulu so afraid of women? This simply refreshed his understanding.

  "I'm really worried about the future of the General's Mansion." Li Luo sighed. The General must also have a headache. He did nothing despite everything, but the General's Mansion may be in danger of destruction.

  It would be easier than having a super powerful enemy appear and destroy the general's mansion.

  Lu Qing'er didn't care too much about why Qin Zhulu showed up, but turned her eyes and looked at Li Luo in front of her, her beautiful eyes sparkling: "Young Master is very handsome today." Li Luo waved his hand indifferently

  , Said: "Don't talk about things that everyone knows, tired."

  "Then I wonder what the young palace master thinks of Wang Hejiu's last words just now?" Lu Qing'er took off the coat wrapped around her waist and put it on, folding it He tightened his collar, his black hair moving in the wind, and then his tone was a little careless.

  "What are you talking about?" Li Luo was stunned, and then said seriously: "People like him are dirty at heart, and everything they think is not serious, but the friendship between us is enough to withstand any influence." He paused

  . , asked: "Your mother won't beat me up for this, right? That structure is too small, how can you command such a big stall like Daxia Jinlong Baoxian?" Lu Qing'er glared at him: "Don't say bad things about

  my mother ."

  Li Luo sighed and said: "If you also think that our friendship will affect your reputation, then I will pay more attention to it in the future."

  "I didn't!" Lu Qing'er said quickly.

  "But your question just now has revealed the hesitation in your heart. It seems that I overestimated the friendship between us." Li Luo said sadly.

  "I really didn't!"

  Lu Qing'er felt aggrieved and said, "Okay, I was wrong, I shouldn't have asked."

  Li Luo then smiled happily and said, "Since you know your mistakes and can correct them, I won't I'm going to argue with you. I'll go find Yu Lang, Zhao Kuo and the others first. Let's have dinner together tonight to give you a chance to treat us."

  Then he seemed to think of something and added: "If your mother really wants to hit me in the future, you You must stop her."

  After saying that, he ran away quickly.

  Lu Qing'er looked at his back, frowned and thought for a while, then bit her lip in anger.

  It seems that I have been fooled by this annoying Li Luo again!

  (Today’s update, I posted a picture of Yu Lang on WeChat yesterday. It is quite consistent. If you are interested, you can check it out. However, yesterday’s WeChat chapter is chargeable. You can also wait for me to send it out later.) (This
  chapter over)

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