Chapter 148 Flower Seed

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  Chapter 148 Flower
  Seed Phase Power Tree Rebirth Area.

  As the first practice of many new students gradually came to an end, more and more surprised eyes began to cast their eyes on the purple jade leaf platform, because until now, only the two-color Xiangxi was still blooming tenaciously there.

  The eyes of top students such as Qin Zhulu and Bai Doudou were also filled with astonishment. Their mutual love lasted only about ten minutes, which was already quite a long time, and it was said that Jiang Qing'e only lasted twenty minutes. .

  But just in these twenty minutes, Jiang Qing'e broke the record of Xiang Xi's duration.

  But now, this Li Luo actually lasted for eighteen minutes?
  Can he still catch up with Jiang Qing'e?

  Under the gaze of many shocked eyes, two minutes passed in the blink of an eye, and twenty minutes arrived, but the Xiangxi light emanating from Li Luo's body still had not dissipated.

  A shocked uproar began.

  Li Luo's duration actually surpassed Jiang Qing'e's!

  You know, Jiang Qing'e is a ninth-grade light-faced person!
  "This guy!"

  Duze Beixuan looked at this scene with a gloomy expression, with jealousy in his eyes. Li Luo's behavior of showing his presence again and again was really irritating.

  "This Li Luo, can it last so long?" Si Qiuying also had her eyes wide open, looking at the two rays of light outside Li Luo's body with a somewhat complicated expression. Although the brilliance of the rays of light was not as bright as that of Jiang Qing'e, But at least, in terms of endurance, it has caught up.

  This made Desi Qiuying a little confused. When she first met Li Luo outside Daxia City that day, she didn't think this hateful guy could cause any waves in Shengxuanxing Academy, but obviously, she made a mistake.

  This reminded her of Jiang Qing'e's gentle words that day.

  Jiang Qing'e said that Li Luo might become the first freshman in this class of Shengxuanxing Academy.

  At that time, Si Qiuying did not dare to refute Jiang Qing'e's words, but she still didn't agree with them in her heart. She just thought that Jiang Qing'e was trying to give Li Luo some face.

  But looking at it now.
  Si Qiuying bit her red lips and shook her head vigorously. It was impossible. It was indeed rare for Li Luo to defeat Duze Beixuan, but if he wanted to become the strongest freshman, he was still a little short of it. After all, that Qin Zhulu, Wang Hejiu, and Bai Doudou are all not good.

  Lu Qing'er was also staring at Li Luo's figure in the scene, with a slight smile on her lips. She liked to see Li Luo show his brilliance, shocking everyone with his skills, and arousing many shocks.

  In the past at Nanfeng Academy, perhaps because of the empty phase, Li Luo's personality changed somewhat. He no longer liked to reveal himself, but became much more low-key.

  Lu Qing'er knew that this change might not be a bad thing, but occasionally she felt slightly distressed. In her opinion, Li Luo's excellence was not inferior to anyone's, even Jiang Qing'e.

  He is so outstanding and should be the center of attention.

  Therefore, Lu Qing'er has been silently staring at Li Luo's dazzling achievements after entering Shengxuanxing Academy.

  "Damn it, Brother Luo is awesome."

  Yu Lang sighed with a face full of emotion and said: "It seems that the title of the most enduring man in Shengxuanxing Academy belongs to you."

  He nodded with pleasure and planned to talk to Zhao later. Let them discuss it and write the most lasting plaque for Li Luo. It would be best to hang it in front of his small building for everyone in Shengxuanxing Academy to come and pay their respects.

  Many freshmen were excited and lively, but the high platform where the five Zihui instructors were sitting was quite quiet. All five of them did not speak, but stared at Li Luo.

  They wanted to see how long Luo Li could last.

  Time passed slowly under the attention of so many eyes.

  Another ten minutes passed.

  But Li Luo's glances still didn't stop, until ten minutes passed again, the two looks finally began to fade, and finally slowly dissipated in the shocking eyes.

  At this point, Xiang Xi lasted for forty minutes.

  Fully twice as long as Jiang Qing'e!

  In this area, there were sounds of gasping for air, and some people sniffed their noses.

  These forty minutes were really shocking.

  This is another record set by Shengxuanxing Academy, and it still leaves the second place far behind. I really don’t know if this record is likely to be broken in the future.

  On the high platform, the five instructors were silent for a moment, with complicated expressions on their faces. Instructor Xi Chan's eyes were bright, and the black veil covering her cheeks moved slightly. The corners of her lips must have been outlined, because this scene was indeed enough to surprise her.

  "It seems that Li Luo's dual nature is somewhat special." Instructor Xi Chan said with a faint smile.

  Shen Jinxiao's expression was dull. It would be superfluous to say anything at this time, which would make him appear to have lost his bearing. So he just poured the last tea from the teapot in his hand into the cup, drank it all in one gulp, and then swallowed the suffocating breath. Go down.

  "Haha, this Li Luo is also interesting. Although Xiang Xi's brilliance is not as bright as Jiang Qing'e's, his endurance is unique. So if we compare them, I really don't know who is better between the two." Cao Sheng said with a smile.

  "In so many years, this is the first time I have seen someone able to sustain Xiangxi for such a long time." Teacher Mir also said.

  "Is this the strange thing about bipolar? But it's not like bipolar." Instructor Chu Zi said with some confusion.

  Li Luo's dual-phase level is not too high, and the total is equivalent to the eighth-grade phase. Now that he has not mastered the power of dual-phase, how can he continue to enjoy the phase for so long?

  The other instructors also shook their heads with some doubts, and in the end they could only say that maybe they didn't really understand the dual phase of this physiognomist realm.


  Under those exclamatory glances, Li Luo stretched out comfortably, because at this time, his whole body exuded a rare sense of comfort, as if he was soaked in the heaven and earth treasure condensation. It's like the muscles and bones have been polished by the spiritual water of refining.

  Li Luo glanced at the two Xiang Palaces in his body, and the two Xiangli seeds in them became more powerful. On the seeds, traces of Xiangli emerged mottledly, like speckled stars.

  This is the realm of flowers.

  This time, Xiang Xi actually made Li Luo step from the white species realm to the flower species realm. The improvement was not small.

  "All students, please don't make any noise. The opening time of the Xiangli Tree is limited every day, so seize the time to practice." At this time, the powerful voice of the instructor sounded and fell in the ears of all students.

  Then the noisy and boiling atmosphere gradually calmed down, and all the students quickly continued their practice.

  As for Li Luo, although Xiang Xi is over, he has not quit his cultivation state. After all, there is still time now, and it is the right way to take advantage of the good condition at this time to refine the energy of the world and stabilize his own strength.

  So he closed his eyes again and practiced.

  Before I knew it, three hours had passed.

  When Li Luo opened his eyes, there were noisy sounds coming from all directions. It was the end of the practice time, and many students began to relax.

  "That's right, I didn't expect it in vain."

  Li Luo couldn't help but feel happy. This first time practicing on a tree really had many benefits. Today's progress is probably worth one or two months of hard training.

  He stood up and stretched.

  Immediately, his eyes suddenly paused.

  He saw some students gathered around a purple jade leaf platform not far away. That purple jade leaf platform was Lu Qing'er's position.

  At this time, Lu Qing'er must have just finished practicing. Her smooth and beautiful face has no expression, but people who know her character will know that when she looks like this, it means that she is very upset.

  The source of her annoyance should be the figure standing next to her, waving a green folding fan, smiling, and constantly talking to her.

  It was Wang Hejiu.

  Li Luo raised his eyebrows slightly.

  Although fair ladies and gentlemen are courteous, it also depends on the wishes of the person involved. Of course it is a good story if others are willing, but if they are not willing, you are harassing.

  Judging from Lu Qing'er's demeanor, she obviously belongs to the latter.

  You little poisonous bird actually harassed my friend so blatantly. In my whole life, I have never seen someone as arrogant as you.

  (End of chapter)

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