Chapter 132 Everyone’s encounters

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  Chapter 132 Everyone’s Encounter
  At the same moment when Li Luo’s selection of divisions ended, somewhere in this mountain forest.

  Poisonous spots were already appearing on Lu Qing'er's snow-white skin. The poisonous gas was raging in her body, causing great pain, but she just bit her red lips lightly without making any sound.

  Opposite her, Wang Hejiu's frozen hands began to melt under the constant impact of his own phase force.

  "Classmate Qing'er, it seems that this is the limit of your ice seal. This move of yours is really powerful. If your physical strength could be stronger, I would really be sealed by you today." Wang Hejiu said with a smile. .

  "But you still succeeded in delaying me, but you think that by delaying me, can Li Luo really be able to stop others from encircling and suppressing me?"

  Lu Qing'er ignored his words, because her consciousness was at this moment It starts to get blurry.

  But just when her consciousness was about to fall into darkness, suddenly purple light fell from the sky, and two purple beams of light fell down, appearing in front of Lu Qing'er and Wang Hejiu.

  In the light, there are two purple talismans.

  A purple talisman was suspended above Lu Qing'er's head, and the purple glow fell. Under the purple glow, the poisonous spots on Lu Qing'er's body were quickly dissipated, and wisps of green energy rose from the top of her head and then dispersed.

  Wang Hejiu looked at the purple talisman in front of him, bent down and saluted, stretched out his hand to take it.

  However, he was not surprised to receive the purple talisman. After all, with his talent and potential, there was no need to worry that no instructor Zi Hui would take a fancy to him.

  It's just that Lu Qing'er seemed a little surprised by this. After all, in her battle with Wang Hejiu, strictly speaking, she was not the opponent's opponent at all. It was only with the help of the special ice seal that she temporarily restricted the opponent.

  Although she was surprised, Lu Qing'er was more than happy. She took the Zihui talisman and said softly: "Thank you, teacher."

  In that messy little forest.

  Zhao Kuo and Zong Fu were lying on the ground, not wanting to move. They had been beaten up by Bai Doudou before, and their bodies were still feeling pain.

  "I don't know if Yu Lang was beaten to death." Zhao Kuo suddenly sighed and said with some sympathy.

  However, they all know that killing is impossible. After all, there are mentors who are always supervising the teacher selection competition, so there will generally be no real deaths.

  But what a pain. I'm afraid I won't eat less. That Bai Doudou is not a fuel-efficient lamp at first glance, and Yu Lang is a particularly hard-hitting type. If he hits Bai Doudou's hands, he will really be beaten. Beat each one to death and save the other.

  While they were talking, golden light suddenly appeared in mid-air, and then fell rapidly.

  Zhao Kuo looked up at the falling golden light and said, "Am I hallucinating after being hit? I seemed to see a golden talisman coming towards me." The other

  three people were also lying on the ground looking at the sky. They remained silent, but silent It only lasted a few seconds, and the next moment they no longer cared about the pain on their bodies, and jumped away fiercely, grabbing at the falling golden light like crazy.

  The four people scrambled for it, and the last person held a golden talisman in his hand, his face full of ecstasy.

  "Are we being rewarded with golden talismans?" Zhao Kuo said excitedly.

  Zong Fu nodded vigorously and said: "It's really the golden talisman. Did our previous performance get the approval of the supervising instructor?!" The others

  were ecstatic. With their abilities, if they want to compete for the golden talisman, it is still difficult. There are some difficulties, especially Zhao Kuo. His strength and talent are the lowest among everyone, so his goal at the beginning was to become a Yinhui mentor. But now, he actually got the golden talisman?
  This was obviously quite unexpected.

  So the four people grabbed the golden talisman and were all excited.

  This beating was really not in vain!

  And in the distance of the small forest.

  Bai Doudou suddenly raised her head in response, and a purple light fell and floated in front of her. She stretched out her hand to take out the talisman in the purple light, and a touch of joy appeared on her cheeks.

  "Thank you, teacher." She said respectfully.

  Although she was not surprised by this, she still had to get the talisman to make people feel at ease.

  She opened the purple talisman and saw the word "Mi" engraved on it.

  "Is it Master Mi'er?" Bai Doudou naturally knew something about this Master Zihui, and this mentor was also the one she wanted most because he also had the element of wind.

  If she can practice under her guidance in the future, her strength will definitely increase rapidly. When Bai Doudou was rejoicing about getting the purple radiance talisman, she was suddenly shocked to see another purple ray of light falling in her direction.

  "Who else is here?" Bai Doudou was stunned for a few breaths, and then suddenly turned his gaze to the unconscious Yu Lang on the ground.

  "Is it this guy?"

  Bai Doudou felt a little unbelievable. This bastard is shameless and rogue, and his strength is actually quite poor. How can he be favored by Master Zihui?

  Isn't that ridiculous? !

  In her shocked eyes, the purple glow fell on the unconscious Yu Lang. Under the purple glow, the injuries on Yu Lang's body recovered quickly, and finally he opened his eyes in confusion.

  At first glance, he saw the purple talisman in front of him.

  Yu Lang hesitated for three seconds, and in the next moment, he stood up suddenly, rushed towards the purple talisman, pressed it hard under his body, and at the same time roared: "I grabbed this! This is mine I grabbed it!"

  He raised his head, stared at Bai Doudou warily, and repeated again: "I grabbed this!"

  Bai Doudou was speechless and said, "What are you worried about? It was originally aimed at you. No one can snatch it away."

  Yu Lang was startled and said in disbelief: "Coming for me?"

  "Am I attracted by Master Zihui?"

  Bai Doudou said lightly: "It's also possible Some instructor Zihui must have made a mistake."

  Yu Lang said angrily: "No! Since I've come here, it's mine. Even if I make a mistake, I still have to rely on this Zihui instructor! He has to be responsible for me!" Bai Doudou couldn't help it

  . He patted his forehead. This man was really shameless.

  Yu Lang took out the pressed purple talisman, and then performed the apprenticeship ceremony respectfully, and said: "Teacher, I have already performed the apprenticeship ceremony, but this matter cannot be changed." After doing this, he

  then He took out the talisman, looked at it carefully, and asked: "Who is this Master Mi?"

  When Bai Doudou heard this, he was shocked and said in a voiceless voice: "What? Are you also Master Mi?"

  She took two steps. Appearing next to Yu Lang, she grabbed his purple talisman. Sure enough, she saw a word "Mi" engraved on it. Then she took out her own talisman and compared it. The two talismans were exactly the same.

  Bai Doudou's face suddenly turned ashen.

  how so.

  This shameless bastard actually has the same mentor as her?
  "Hey, you too? So we will be the same mentor from now on?" Yu Lang came over and took a look, and suddenly said a little surprised.

  Bai Doudou threw the purple talisman back to Yu Lang and sat on the stone beside him with some staggering steps.

  At this moment, she almost had the urge to quit.

  Yu Lang carefully put away the purple talisman, then approached Bai Doudou and said with a smile: "Bai Doudou, I heard that each Zihui instructor will only accept three students, so we can still be considered companions from now on." Please take good care

  of me." "Actually, I believe you already have some understanding of my character before. For the sake of friends, I am a person who can cut both ways. We may have had some misunderstandings before, but it doesn't matter. , we will have plenty of time to get to know each other in the future."

  "But I am thinking that after you truly understand me, I wonder if it is possible to introduce Bai Mengmeng to you."

  Bai Doudou rubbed the center of his eyebrows and said gently Said: "If you say another word, I might kill you."

  Yu Lang became quiet for a moment, and sat down obediently. Then he took out the purple talisman from his arms, kept touching it, and looked through it carefully, his face full of joy.

  Bai Doudou covered her cheeks and sighed in her heart, could this shameless and arrogant bastard really be one of her companions from now on?

  What a sin.

  (End of chapter)

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