Chapter 1019: Killing the Balrog with Two Swords

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  Chapter 1019: Two Swords Kill the Flame Demon

  Li Luotian's spiritual cap, a blue light rose into the sky, and within that light, a dragon-tooth lightsaber that seemed to contain a vast ocean slowly emerged.

  With the appearance of this water dragon tooth sword, the sound of sword chants in the world suddenly became louder.

  The energy of heaven and earth also seemed to be strongly attracted, whizzing in one after another and surrounding the water dragon tooth sword.

  The sword light flickered, and the void showed signs of being cut apart.

  And with the appearance of this Water Dragon Tooth Sword, many shocked eyes on this ancient plain came from a distance, presumably all aware of the power of the sword energy contained in Li Luo's Water Dragon Tooth Sword.

  Na Tian Miao frowned. It seemed that Li Luo didn't intend to get into too much entanglement with him. He directly showed his trump card and tried to make a quick decision.

  Tian Miao's eyes flickered, and he did not dare to neglect. Suddenly a red light appeared on his body, and turned into red heavy armor. On the heavy armor, there was a purple vertical mark, which was obviously a defensive single purple eye treasure. .

  At the same time, a crimson light point rose up from Tian Miao's Tianling Cap and turned into a crimson fire bead. The fire bead sprayed out a flame mask, protecting it heavily.

  This person was also cautious and knew that Li Luo's attacks were extraordinary, so he used various defensive methods.

  "As long as you can withstand him when he is at his strongest, you can then attack him at will." A cold air flashed across Tian Miao's eyes. His strength, which was half a step above the Xiaotian phase, was actually pushed to such a level by a three-star Dzi bead realm. Disadvantage, how could this keep him from feeling aggrieved.

  It's just that he is also a rational person, and he knows that he has no regard for face at this time, and it is more important to save his life.

  Li Luo looked at the tortoise shell-like defenses from afar, and raised his brows slightly. Tian Miao was really cautious. If he was determined to shrink back, I am afraid that even the Water Dragon Tooth Sword might not be able to defeat him. Kill with one blow.

  "One dragon tooth sword won't make it"

  "Then two."

  Li Luo lowered his eyes slightly, and in the next moment, he saw a green sword light full of vitality slowly rising from his Heavenly Spirit Cap, and at the same time, a sword chant that was quite different from the Water Dragon Tooth Sword also sounded.

  When the green sword light appeared, many plants on the plain below seemed to be infected at this time and began to grow.

  And above Li Luo's head, within the green sword light, an emerald green dragon tooth sword also slowly appeared.

  That's the Wooden Dragon Tooth Sword.

  After a period of tempering in the Spiritual Aspect Cave Heaven, Li Luo finally completed the second Dragon Tooth Sword of the All-Aspect Dragon Tooth Sword Formation.

  Two dragon tooth swords were suspended above Li Luo. Two completely different sword lights flashed. The majestic sword energy spurted out directly split the clouds thousands of feet high in the sky, forming what looked like fish scales. General shape.

  Two sword auras rose into the sky, and the killing aura caused everyone present to change their expressions.

  Including Tian Miao, who put up heavy defenses and tried to wait for work.

  At this time, the corners of his mouth were twitching crazily. Previously, Li Luo only had a dragon tooth sword. He felt that he should be able to resist for a while, thinking that he could save his life after all. But with the appearance of the second dragon tooth sword, that wave of The condensed sword energy made Tian Miao's scalp numb.

  "Damn it, such a terrifying sword energy, this must be at least a high-grade god-level ennoblement technique that has been cultivated to the Dacheng realm, right? But how could he do it at his age and strength?" Tian Miao roared in his heart, Dacheng realm Not to mention him, even among the top geniuses of the previous generation, few had reached this level.

  However, Li Luo ignored Tian Miao's horror. He raised his head and stared at the wooden dragon tooth sword that took a lot of effort to condense, and let out a gentle breath.

  The sword energy condensed from two dragon tooth swords is indeed far more powerful than one dragon tooth sword.

  "I'll use you to sacrifice the sword."

  Li Luo formed a seal with his hands and clicked it in the air.

  The next moment, two dragon-tooth swords soared into the sky and turned into blue and green sword lights. The sword lights streaked across the sky. The sword energy was so fierce that it was like the sky was divided into two.

  On the plain below, bottomless sword marks appeared out of thin air.

  Looking at the two monstrous sword lights that rapidly enlarged in his eyes, Tian Miao looked up to the sky and roared. He saw red energy rolling in from the sky, quickly outside his body, and turned into a huge beam of about several hundred feet, with four dimensions. The flame demon light and shadow on the arm. "Four-armed Flame Demon Body!"

  Under the threat of the death aura, Tian Miao directly used his strongest sealing technique, which was a low-grade god-level sealing technique from the Flame Demon Palace.

  The demon roared, spitting flames, and faced two majestic sword lights.

  call out!
  However, the Water Dragon Tooth Sword passed by first, and the sword light seemed to contain the vast ocean. In an all-pervasive manner, it instantly turned all the blazing flames into nothingness.

  Then the sword light pierced the sky, and in the midst of many shocked gazes, it struck the true body of the Fire Demon fiercely.

  A terrifying roar of energy exploded in the sky, and the energy storm poured out, affecting everything within a thousand miles.

  Many eyes focused on the four-armed Balrog.

  However, the "four-armed flame demon body" that Tian Miao had given hope to was not as indestructible as he imagined. With the two dragon tooth swords slashing down, the flame demon body was actually moving at a speed visible to the naked eye. Dissolving.

  The sword energy released by those two dragon tooth swords seemed to be able to obliterate all matter.

  In just a few breaths, the four-armed flame demon body completely disappeared in a wail.

  The two rays of sword light continued unabated. In a flash, they shattered the flame shields outside Tian Miao's body, and the protective fire beads above his head exploded on the spot.

  Tian Miao looked horrified and backed away crazily, trying to escape.

  The sword light continued to pour in, tearing deep marks out of the single-purple-eye-level scarlet armor outside his body.

  "Li Luo, stop! I can withdraw from the fight between you! I will take people away right now!" Feeling the strong aura of death, Tian Miao finally felt the fear and shouted hurriedly.

  However, facing Tian Miao's surrender, Li Luo's eyes were extremely cold.

  Both sides have reached such a point of fighting that there is no point in admitting defeat. As soon as Li Luo comes up, he directly uses his strongest killing move. What he wants is to scare Zhao, Qin and others with Tian Miao's life.

  Li Luo's Seal Technique changed, and the two Dragon Tooth Swords erupted with a loud sword chant. At this moment, carrying a majestic murderous intent, they suddenly penetrated the red armor outside Tian Miao's body.

  The sword light came out from Tian Miao's back, and with the roar, two bottomless sword holes were directly cut into the ground below.

  The treasure armor outside Tian Miao's body shattered, revealing his pale and frightened face. He felt the two sword energies raging in his body. The two sword energies were so overbearing that they completely destroyed his body at a devastating speed. .

  On the surface of his body, half of his body melted, and on the other half, countless saplings emerged from the flesh.

  Feeling the rapid loss of vitality in his body, Tian Miao had boundless regret in his eyes. How could he, the proud genius of the Flame Demon Palace, die like this in this spiritual cave?
  If he had known this earlier, he should not have interfered between these two heavenly kings!
  However, there is no medicine for regret in this world.

  As Tian Miao's gradually stiffening body fell from the sky and hit the ground heavily, the two sides who were originally fighting suddenly came to a standstill at this time.

  People looked at this scene in horror.

  Tian Miao, who had already half-stepped into the Little Heaven Realm, was actually killed by Li Luo in a confrontation? !
  Although Li Luo borrowed external force, under the suppression of the Spiritual Phase Dongtian, it was only in the Xiaotian Phase Realm at best. But even Zhao Yan, who was also in the Xiaotian Phase Realm, found it difficult to achieve anything in this one meeting. Kill Tian Miao? !

  This Li Luo!

  This guy who has only returned from China for a year is so powerful? !

  In the distance, Zhu Zhu, Zhu Dayu from Zhu Tianwang's lineage, Zong Sha from Tianyuan Ancient Academy, Jiang Wanyu and others looked at Li Luo's figure in the air with emotion. At this time, they thought of their elders' daily life. As mentioned here, Li Taixuan and Tantailan were invincible among their peers back then.

  At this moment, they felt that Li Luo might not be inferior to his parents who once amazed Tianyuan Shenzhou.

  No matter what, the name of Li Luo will definitely be resounding throughout the Tianyuan Divine State this time.

  (End of chapter)

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