Chapter 1016 Corpse Beast

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  Chapter 1016: Corpse Beast
  When Li Luo and his party broke into the cloud wall, violent spatial fluctuations emerged from all around, making their vision dizzy for a moment. When they concentrated again, the scene in front of them had changed.

  It seemed to be an extremely vast world, filled with a wilderness-like atmosphere. Mountains rising up from the ground, like giants, stood between the sky and the earth.

  This place is not like a medicine garden, but more like an independent space left over from ancient times.

  Perhaps this was intentional by the "Shadowless Sect", using this ancient environment to cultivate many natural and earthly treasures.

  At this time, more and more figures appeared in this wild world, and then turned into streams of light, rushing in all directions at extremely fast speeds. These figures were all in groups, forming a large team.

  After all, those who can come here, whether they are the geniuses of various forces or casual cultivators, must be among the best. They know that there must be great competition in this "treasure garden", so they go together, whether it is killing people or killing people. There will be advantages in grabbing treasures.

  Li Luo's team lineup is quite luxurious. Li Wuyuan and Jin Jie are both at the half-step Xiaotian phase, and there is also Li Lingjing, whose combat power is not weaker than that of the real Xiaotian phase.

  And Li Luo's own strength has also greatly increased now. His phase power level is at the three-star Dzi Pearl level. But with his many methods, Li Luo has the confidence and some strength to reach five-star level even without using the three-tailed wolf. A competition between the strongest in the Dzi Pearl Realm.

  When he first entered the Spiritual Phase Cave, Li Luo himself was only in the Extreme Evil Realm. Although his combat power was strong, his Xiangli foundation was still slightly inferior after all. If it were not for the support of the dual phase power provided by the three Xiang Palaces, He really seemed a little unattractive.

  Especially under the premise that there are still Li Fuling and others in the team who were the geniuses of the previous term, but now it is different. After the baptism of the Golden Terrace, Li Luo's strength has increased dramatically. With his current combat power, even under Li Fuling Among them, Li Luo can also be ranked high.

  Li Luo and his party did not stop, but rushed straight towards the depths of the treasure garden.

  This treasure garden is too vast. Although there are many natural and earthly treasures in it, they only have the "Original Mysterious Heart Fruit" in their hearts, so the most important thing at the moment is to reach the ancient tree first.

  As they were rushing along at high speed, many roars of energy suddenly erupted along the way. Then they saw some places where the treasure light was emitting, and giant beasts rushed out of the mountains and forests, and then fought with the teams who were trying to seize the treasure. Fight together.

  Those giant beasts seemed to be some spirit beasts. They seemed to be guarding this place, exuding violent energy fluctuations all over their bodies.

  "There are actually living beasts in this treasure garden?!" Everyone was surprised when they saw this scene.

  This spiritual treasure garden has been handed down from ancient times and has gone through thousands of years. How can these beasts survive for so long?

  "There doesn't seem to be something right about these guardian spirit beasts."

  Li Luo and others also observed it, but soon discovered that although these guardian spirit beasts seemed to be alive, there was no emotion flowing in their pupils, and there was no emotion in their bodies. The vitality was exuding, but there was a smell of corpse.

  "These guardian spirit beasts have no traces of life, but their bodies have not been eroded by the years. Instead, they have survived under the protection of a kind of power. At this time, they are a bit like corpse puppets, but they are maintained by a little inspiration. They still maintain the ability to move, and their obsession should be to protect the treasure here." Li Lingjing glanced at it and said.

  "Although their energy has not increased much in these long years, their physical bodies have become somewhat stronger over time." Li Luo looked at a place where there was a small team of about ten people. They were fighting with a black The tiger spirit beasts were fighting together. The energy intensity of the tiger spirit beasts should only be around the Dzi Bead level, but its somewhat withered flesh was like black iron, and it could withstand the attack of that team. , and then under a desperate attack, two unlucky guys died under the tiger's claws in a matter of seconds.

  The appearance of the corpse beast made Li Luo and his party a little vigilant, but their speed did not slow down because of this. At the same time, they ignored the looming treasure lights in the mountains and forests, but accelerated their speed and went straight into the depths. go.

  Now Zhao Yan, Qin Ying and others must have gone to the "ancient tree". If they delay, someone will get the treasure first and it will be a lot of trouble to get it back.

  However, Li Luo and the others' journey was not too smooth. In this huge mountain forest, some corpse beasts would be attracted by their aura from time to time, and then rush out and attack randomly. However, these corpse beasts were extremely His skin was rough and his flesh was as thick as Li Jingtao's, so it took them a lot of time to deal with the obstruction of these corpse beasts.

  So, about half a day later.

  When Li Luo and the others crossed a mountain forest, the view between heaven and earth in front of them suddenly became broader. It seemed to be an endless plain, and in the center of the plain, a towering ancient tree stood quietly.

  The ancient tree seems to be the center of this world. The canopy covers an area of ​​dozens of miles. The branches and leaves are so dense that it seems to be a world of its own. The ancient tree sways and glows, and the precious light flows throughout the body.

  The rich fragrance can be smelled clearly even from such a long distance.

  When Li Luo and others saw this ancient tree, they were shocked, and then turned their attention to the center of the ancient tree, where they saw only a few magical fruits hanging quietly among the branches and leaves.

  Inside the fruit, there seems to be earth, wind, water and fire flowing, exuding an indescribable charm.

  Li Luo and others' breathing suddenly became heavier. That fruit was the ultimate goal of their trip.

  "Original Xuanxin Fruit"!
  However, just when Li Luo and the others discovered the ancient tree, there was also a rapid sound of breaking through the sky in the distance on the right, and they could only see streaks of light and shadow coming through the air.

  The leaders were none other than Zhao Yan, Qin Ying and others.

  "Li Luo, Li Wuyuan, you are running fast." Zhao Yan looked at him with cold eyes and said.

  "You are not slow either."

  Li Luopi said with a smile, then he glanced at Qin Ying and Qin Yi, narrowed his eyes slightly and said to Zhao Yan: "It seems that you were hurt on the golden terrace, and you all started We're looking for help."

  Zhao Yan smiled solemnly and said: "Do you think it's just them? Thanks to you, Li Luo, who has made enemies everywhere, you have sent us a lot of strong support this time." Just when Zhao Yan finished his

  words , not far behind Li Luo and others, suddenly there were lights and shadows coming through the sky, turning into figures standing in the mid-air.

  Li Wuyuan and others glanced around and found that there were actually two groups of people. One of them was no stranger. They were people from Yanmo Palace. They were the ones who, together with Zhao Yan and others, had just entered the Spiritual Appearance Cave before. There was a plan to ambush Li Tianwang's lineage in that valley.

  The leader of the Flame Demon Palace is named Tian Miao, and he is also a talented person with considerable strength.

  The other group of people had the emblem of the Golden Dragon Baoxing on their robes, and they knew the leader.

  "Mu Yao?" Li Wuyuan's expression suddenly changed.

  "You, Jinlong Baoxing, also want to interfere?"

  Not far away in the air, Mu Yao looked cold. He listened to Li Wuyuan's question and said in a cold voice: "You should ask that Li Luo first. He was the one who interfered with my Jinlong first." Baoxing's internal affairs!"

  "And he was the one who attacked me first. If I hadn't had the skills to save my life before, I might have fallen into his hands. Do you think I can let go of this grudge?!" Mu

  Yao The question shocked many people present, especially Li Wuyuan, Li Hongli and others, who all looked at the innocent-looking Li Luo in astonishment.

  This guy almost killed Mu Yao, whose strength reached the Xiaotian phase? ! How can it be!

  But there should be no reason for Mu Yao to lie about such a shameful matter. In other words, does Li Luo have a trump card in his hand that can seriously injure a strong person in the Xiaotian phase?

  Li Wuyuan's expression changed slightly, and he looked at Li Luo with a bit more fear. This kid was hiding too deeply.

  "Haha, it's really lively here, but everyone has a share of the good things, so don't try to take it all for yourself!" But just as they were arguing, another woman's heroic laughter sounded like thunder from afar. Rolling in from everywhere, another group of people arrived.

  Everyone glanced around and saw that this wave of people and horses were all fat and floating in the air like balloons. With such a weird figure, who else could it be besides the King Zhu Tianwang?

  The leader was a woman named Zhu Zhu, and beside her, Zhu Dayu followed closely.

  "Everyone, our Tianyuan Ancient Academy is just passing by, but if there is a treasure, please leave a copy for me."

  When the team of Zhu Tianwang arrived, a gentle laughter came from a distance, and streams of light passed by. In the sky, appearing over this area, it was the team from Tianyuan Ancient Academy led by Zong Sha, Jiang Wanyu and others.

  Suddenly, geniuses gathered in the field, and the situation couldn't help but become more complicated.

  However, as the top forces from all sides continued to arrive, no one noticed that among the dense branches and leaves of the ancient tree in the distance, there seemed to be gray eyes that suddenly opened at this moment.

  (End of chapter)

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