第761章 九转龙息炼煞术

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  Chapter 761 Nine-turn dragon breath evil refining technique

  Loud thunder sounded violently in Li Luo's body.

  The thunder furnace was constantly vibrating, and violent golden lightning kept jumping in it. From time to time, thunder arcs sputtered out, making crackling sounds.

  Li Luo watched nervously, and at the same time mobilized all the phase forces in his body to surround the Thunder Furnace layer by layer, forming many protections.

  After all, he is in his body now. Once the Thunder Furnace explodes, it will definitely have a great impact on him, so he has to guard against it.


  Thunder continued to explode from the thunder furnace, and Li Luo could clearly feel that the energy contained in the furnace was increasing fiercely.

  Even the silvery lightning inside it was gradually rendered with a hint of gold.

  That is the power of Thunder Dragon Breath being fused.

  Under Li Luo's vigilant protection, the Thunder Furnace shook violently again and again, as if it was on the verge of reaching its limit. But fortunately, the Thunder Furnace was able to withstand each time at the extreme moment, avoiding the end of the furnace explosion.

  So, after this ups and downs continued for several minutes, Li Luo finally felt that the Thunder Furnace gradually calmed down.

  In the furnace, the thunder with a faint golden light also became docile.

  Li Luo felt relieved, and immediately a sense of surprise came out of his heart like a tide. The strengthening of the Thunder Furnace was considered a success!

  This dragon's breath test brought him an unexpected surprise.

  With a thought, Li Luo fell into the thunder furnace and sensed the intensity of the thunder power contained in it. A satisfied smile suddenly appeared on the corner of his mouth.

  With the current strength of the Thunder Furnace, it must be able to activate the second thunder sound and strengthen the physical body.

  Even if he is in the ultimate explosive state, he can risk a triple thunder sound, but in that case, it will inevitably cause great load and damage to his body, so it can only be used as a last resort.

  As the Thunder Furnace calmed down, Li Luo withdrew his mind with relief and opened his eyes at the same time.

  At this time, he was still standing in the golden desert. The "Sacred Tree Rejuvenation Armor" outside his body had long been broken, and the surface of his body was covered with charred black. However, although he looked very embarrassed, there were not many injuries. It was probably all caused by the armor. repaired.

  Li Luo lowered his head and glanced at the "Sacred Tree Purple Emblem" on the back of his hand, and a look of wonder appeared in his eyes. This was the first time he used the "Sacred Tree Rejuvenation Armor", and the effect surprised him.

  If you are seriously injured in the future, you will have a layer of protection.

  "You should have passed the test of the nine-turn dragon's breath, right?"

  Li Luo said to himself. The nine-turn dragon's breath is indeed amazingly powerful. Even for him, it was full of thrills. If it weren't for the "rejuvenation of the sacred tree" "A" exists, now, even if he can bear it, he will definitely pay a heavy price.

  When he spoke, he also raised his head and stared at the golden dragon that still existed in the sky.

  A bit of golden light slowly fell from the golden dragon's mouth at this time, and it directly penetrated into Li Luo's mind, and then many obscure and wonderful messages emerged.

  A smile appeared on the corner of Li Luo's mouth.

  This is exactly the Nine-turn Dragon Breath Refining Technique that he has dreamed of!

  Obviously, he successfully passed the test of Nine Revolutions Dragon Breath!

  "Dad, you saw it, this Nine Turns Dragon Breath is not that difficult." Li Luo said with a proud smile.

  Accepting the Ten Evil Level Evil Refining Technique with satisfaction, Li Luo looked around again. Didn't Zhao Yanzhi say before that after passing the Nine Transformations Dragon Breath test, he could still obtain a "Nine Transformations Technique" secret technique? ?

  As Li Luo looked around, the golden dragon in the sky began to slowly dissipate. As its body dispersed, thirteen dragon scales remained and then gathered together. A golden light group formed.

  The golden light ball landed and floated in front of Li Luo.

  Li Luo stared at this golden ball of light, within which thirteen dragon scales were spinning and flowing like swimming fish.

  "These dragon scales are the so-called "Nine Transformations"?" Li Luo thought thoughtfully.

  There are actually thirteen ways of this "Nine Transformations Technique"!

  Li Luo was pleasantly surprised, and then he stretched out his palm to carefully touch the golden light group. The moment he touched it, he could clearly feel that the golden light group was covered by an extremely powerful and vast force. High quality, which even surpasses the power of dual phase. Is this the three-phase power of a king-level powerhouse?

  But perhaps because he had just passed the nine-turn dragon breath test, Li Luo's palm smoothly reached into the golden ball of light, and with a casual grab, he caught a golden dragon scale.

  When a dragon scale was in hand, the golden light group immediately produced a repulsive force and directly bounced Li Luo's palm away.

  Li Luo stretched out his palm, and the golden dragon scales blended directly into his palm, and then an obscure secret method appeared in his mind.

  "Celestial Dragon's Thunder Breath?"

  Li Luo scanned it roughly and found that the secret method was called "Dragon Thunder Breath", which was the so-called Nine Transformation Technique. However, he could not perform this secret method alone and needed to cooperate with the strength of the bannermen. .

  "If I can become the leader of the Qingming Banner, control the eight thousand bannermen, and then use this to gather strength to use the "Tianlong Thunder Breath", what power..."

  Li Luo looked amazed, that kind of power, I am afraid that I can face Feng Houqiang directly. By.

  You must know that the gap between the Earthly Demon Generals and the powerful feudal lords can be described as a huge chasm. If an ordinary 8,000 Earthly Evil Generals try to compete with a powerful feudal lord, the result will only be massacred by the latter. After all, even if eight thousand rabbits have a numerical advantage, when facing a male lion, the only thing they can do is to hope that the latter will be strangled to death.

  But now here, the combined power of the eight thousand banners is able to fight against the powerful feudal princes. This can only be said that the king-level power is really extraordinary.

  After obtaining a "Nine Transformation Technique", Li Luo stared at the twelve golden dragon scales remaining in the golden light ball in front of him, and for a moment he couldn't help but feel a little greedy.

  Can I only get one of these things?

  Li Luo stretched out his palm and tried to enter the golden light group again, but at the moment of contact, he was directly bounced away. The three-phase power flowing on the golden light group seemed to be blocking all illegal intrusions.

  "Are you too stingy?"

  Li Luo muttered dissatisfiedly, but he still didn't give up. He used the power of dual phase to blast a few times, but the golden light group didn't even bother to make a ripple.

  Li Luo frowned and thought for a moment.

  This golden light group should come from that ancestor, right?
  So if we invade with the power of the same aura, maybe we can succeed?

  Same breath?

  Li Luo's eyes flashed, and when he clenched his palm, a black token appeared in his hand, which was the Heavenly King's Token.

  Taking out the Heavenly King's Token, Li Luo mobilized his three phase powers and mixed them together to form a false three-phase power. Then he covered this power on the Heavenly King's Token.

  Finally, he held the Heavenly King's Token in his hand and stretched it towards the golden light group little by little.

  At the moment of contact, the golden light group first rebounded as usual, but as Li Luo exposed the Heavenly King Token a little more, layers of ripples emerged from the golden light group, as if there was some hesitation and doubt.

  Li Luo took advantage of this and stabbed Tianwang Ling down with a fierce force.

  With a slight sound, Li Luo discovered with excitement that he had actually pierced the golden ball of light. But at this time, he had no time to praise his cleverness. Instead, he quickly flicked his fingers and pierced the two nearest golden dragons. The scales are tightly clamped.

  At this time, he felt the golden light group vibrate violently, so he quickly stopped.

  The moment Li Luo pulled out the golden ball of light from his palm, two golden dragon scales merged into his palm.

  But the golden light group in front of him shook violently at this moment, as if it let out a low roar, and then followed by a roar, and a dazzling golden light exploded.

  Li Luoru was hit hard and his figure flew out.

  The golden desert in front of him began to fade away quickly. When Li Luo came to his senses, his figure had already flown out of the dragon monument, and then rolled down the stone ladder in embarrassment.

  Finally, he rolled in front of Zhao Yanzhi.

  Zhao Yanzhi, Li Shi, and Mu Bi looked stunned.

  At the same time, many eyes around him were focused.

  (End of chapter)

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