Chapter 75075 Wonderful One

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  Chapter 75 075 A wonderful
  cool breeze blows.

  Marianne glanced at Li Chengyi's outstretched hand, smiled, and finally stretched out her hand and shook it gently.

  "Actually, I don't like this way of greeting." She said softly, "In my hometown, hands are very important tools of attack. Once people get close to each other and come into contact with their bodies, others may seize the opportunity and kill them with one move. ."

  "Your hometown? Can I ask where it is?" Li Chengyi asked.

  "A small country called Libiru. It's very chaotic and backward." Marianne pulled out a chair and sat down lightly, crossing her legs slightly.

  "It's full of gangs, drugs, smuggling, arms, and all the crimes you can think of."

  "It's hard to get out of that place, isn't it?" Li Chengyi asked.

  "In fact, it's not difficult." Marianne looked at Li Chengyi, who was also sitting down, and narrowed her beautiful eyes. "As long as you learn to completely kill any threat, you can live a good life." "Haha...

  you You're really good at joking. But it sounds a bit like the chaotic area in the novel." Li Chengyi smiled dryly, "I have never seen such a place. I have been in Suiyang since I was born, and I have been to only a handful of other places. ."

  "So you are very cute." Marianne leaned forward slightly, ignoring the faint hint of white on the black and purple tube top.

  She stared at Li Chengyi.

  "Compared to your sister, you are much cuter."

  "Miss Marianne, can you not describe her like this? After all, I am an adult in my twenties." Li Chengyi showed an awkward expression that he was not used to.

  "Then do you know how old I am?" Marianne smiled.

  "Twenty-seven?" Li Chengyi guessed.

  "I just celebrated my fifty-third birthday last week." Marianne said her age without hesitation. She spoke Yiguo dialect very well and did not need any translation equipment at all.

  "Fifty-three!?" Li Chengyi was really surprised this time.

  No matter how he looked, he could not tell that Marianne was fifty-three years old.

  Even though there are many genetic drugs in this world that can be used to maintain the body and delay aging, it is too exaggerated for a fifty-three-year-old to look like he is in his twenties.

  He got Marian's information from Syndra's boss.

  Marianne West Union, this is an extremely dangerous woman. She has been expelled from many countries. She has not done too many dangerous crimes.

  It was completely different from a small character like him who only dared to make small fuss in a small city and kill people quietly.

  After obtaining the information, he could basically determine that the last time his evil thoughts suddenly filled up at home for no apparent reason, it was probably Marianne's that he had absorbed.

  He is not a fool, and he can judge some truth through the performance of Marianne and his sister Li Chengjiu.

  "Can I ask, what is the relationship between my sister Li Chengjiu and Miss Marianne?" Li Chengyi asked directly without any cover-up.

  "It's a very ordinary relationship between a newcomer and a senior." Marian smiled, "You can just call me Ma Lian. This is the name I used in Yi Country." "Okay, Ma Lian can you briefly tell me about my sister

  and you?" Which company or unit does it belong to?" Li Chengyi looked like I was just curious and had no intention of inquiring about sensitive information.

  "We are all affiliated with the Hongli Group. Recently, I was on secondment at the branch here in Suiyang. I saw the resume sent by your sister and thought she was pretty good, so I accepted her." Marianne opened her mouth but said no one believed it. nonsense.

  "What about you?" Suddenly she moved closer. The look in his eyes was vaguely inexplicable excitement.

  It is a natural desire and curiosity that arises when seeing something of interest.

  "Little Chengyi, do you smell like you have been washed?"


  Li Chengyi's heart trembled, and he also narrowed his eyes. He was not used to this kind of over-approaching distance violation. Unconsciously, the flower language ability had been faintly condensed in his hand, ready to make the first move at any time.

  He lowered his head and pretended to drink the juice, but in fact he was hiding the murderous intention that naturally sprouted in his heart.

  Some things cannot be hidden by a simple pair of glasses.

  "Okay, it's getting late, how about exchanging contact information?" Marianne stood up, her mood seemed much better than before.

  She tapped her glasses lightly with her fingers. It was obvious that she was also wearing AR.

  Soon, a friend request was sent to Li Chengyi's mobile phone.

  This is a close-range, face-to-face transmission function.

  Li Chengyi quickly took out his mobile phone, confirmed and added.

  look up.

  Suddenly, he was shocked to find that Marianne had silently walked around behind him.

  A faint sweet fragrance hit me from the back of my head.

  "Next time, remember to wash off the blood on your body before you come out, little Cheng Yi."

  Marianne's voice was soft and charming, looming like a whisper.

  Xiangfeng left quickly.

  The smile on Li Chengyi's face slowly disappeared.

  He stood up from his seat and turned to look at Marianne who was gradually walking away. He didn't know where the other party saw his flaw.

  Standing there, watching Marianne and two bodyguards gradually disappear into a silver-gray car on the side of the road.

  Before getting into the car, Marianne glanced at him from afar, with a smile hidden in her blue eyes.

  Only then did Li Chengyi retract his thoughts on whether to catch up and kill the three of them quietly.

  'Is it really that obvious? '

  What he was thinking about was what the other party just said.

  Where did he get spotted?
  Watching the car slowly go away and disappear at the end of the road.

  Li Chengyi did not sit down again, but picked up the juice on the table and drank it in one gulp.

  Then check out and leave quickly.

  He must quickly find out how Marianne saw the source of her problem.

  Of course, maybe she was just joking, but the odds were too low and he didn't dare to gamble.

  Within ten minutes, the two of them left the food stall one after the other.

  Lin Sang stood aside, with a flushed face and clenched hands, watching Li Chengyi finally leave. He didn't even look at her again until he left.

  He looked at Brother Kun and the other companions, chatting and laughing, pointing in his direction, then stood up and left on his own. Others were laughing, and Brother Kun was also laughing, but his smile was completely different from usual. Although he was smiling, there was a hint of obvious anger on his face.

  Until they finally left, just like Li Chengyi, they didn't even look at her again.

  At this moment.

  The shame in Lin Sang's heart finally reached its peak at this moment.

  Her lips trembled, and she squatted down on the spot, closed her eyes and covered her head and cried.

  Li Chengyi lowered his head all the way forward, trying not to let others see his eyes.

  He looked at the time on his glasses, which read 17:32 pm.

  'By the way, the evolution of Gladiolus is completed, so the new flower god position should be opened, right? 'Suddenly, his footsteps stopped, and his mind once again thought of the mountain red flower on the other side of Zhaoshan Mountain.

  The red mountain flower in the blind corner of the foggy street carries the flower language that he has been unable to let go of until now.

  But as soon as he thought of the red mountain flower, he thought of another aspect.

  'If I decide to choose Mountain Red for the third position, then I will definitely be stuck at this point for a long time to come.

  After the dead center is destroyed, it will only be restarted at least once a week. If I want to repeatedly rely on dead center restarts to absorb the mountain red, I don’t say whether it is possible or not. Even if it is possible, I don’t know how long it will take to collect enough to meet the basic prerequisites for using Flower Language. .

  Of course, it is also possible that a single flower can meet the requirements for the formation of flower scale clothing.

  But he didn't dare to gamble.

  In the future, if I want to complete an evolution and open a new flower god position, it will inevitably be delayed for a long time. If in the meantime, the blind spots in the fog street fade away and disappear, I may face a situation where I will be completely stuck. '

  Li Chengyi started to think logically. He knew very well that choosing the red mountain flower was not the best choice. But his desire for high-level martial arts kept him from giving up this idea.

  I can't give up the idea of ​​​​locating the third flower god position to Shan Lihong.

  He walked aimlessly along the edge of the street.

  Before I knew it, I walked into a block with bars, KTVs and barbecue restaurants on both sides.

  Slightly noisy music and rhythmic drum beats kept coming and going in and out of my ears.

  The flow of people around me gradually became crowded.

  Young people hanging out after dinner, couples, aunts who are too fat but trying to show off their figure, and a few old men playing songs and dancing on their portable speakers in the open space on the street as if no one else is watching.

  Two drunken girls with tube tops singing silly songs swayed past Li Chengyi.

  The strong smell of alcohol suddenly pulled him out of his confusion.

  He paused.

  'What am I struggling with? In any case, Shanlihong is just an unattainable picture for me now. The number of only one flower is too small. Since such an abnormal flower can appear once in a blind spot, there will definitely be a second or third time! '

  'When I feel more comfortable facing blind spots, I will consider unusual flowers like mountain red! '

  Finally, he made a complete decision - to temporarily give up Shanlihong.

  At the moment when he made this decision, Li Chengyi felt as if a big stone fell in his heart. The whole person felt much more relaxed.

  He turned sideways and looked at the exterior glass of a milk tea shop on the right.

  His face at this time was vaguely reflected on the glass.

  Ordinary, like a smile, and cold eyes that cannot be blocked by the glasses.

  'It seems like it's in the eyes.'

  Li Chengyi tried to adjust his eyes, but failed several times. That biting coldness was still coming out from the depths of his eyes.

  He was slightly irritable, and became even more upset when he heard the loud music and drum beats in his ears.

  Turning around, he walked quickly towards the end of the street, wanting to get out of the street as quickly as possible.

  He accelerated forward in one breath, and after five minutes, he quickly walked out of the block.

  It was already getting dark at this time.

  There was a row of various vehicles parked along the road, including many luxury cars worth tens or even millions.

  Li Chengyi naturally walked towards the direction with fewer people.

  Passing by a small supermarket, he felt a little thirsty, paused, pushed the door open, and wanted to buy a bottle of drink.

  Ding dong.

  An automated electronic welcome sounded from the door.

  In the bright small supermarket, shelves are lined with colorful products.

  On the side of each shelf, there is a white plastic sign with the category name of the corresponding product.

  Snacks, drinks, daily necessities, fruits and vegetables, frozen.

  Li Chengyi walked to the beverage area, glanced around, and frowned slightly.

  'All of them have never been drunk.

  He looked up at the ceiling above his head. There were several white lights hanging on the white plastic board. The light shone unevenly, and there was a faint buzzing sound of electricity.

  After looking at it, he took out a bottle of strawberry-apple mixed juice and looked at the brand. The brand was a line of letters he had never seen before. The logo was a blue strawberry with a classic three arcs drawn on it to form a smiley face.

  Li Chengyi took the juice and walked towards the cashier at the door.

  The checkout counter is a glass counter more than two meters long, with various cigarette boxes in black, white and red.

  On the counter was a tumbler filled with lollipops and a box of cheap lighters with their lids open.

  "Boss, collect the money." Li Chengyi stood by the counter and shouted loudly when he saw that there was no one at the cashier.

  No one responded.

  It was quiet in the small supermarket, except for the faint sound of electricity coming from the lamp.

  "Boss?" Li Chengyi raised his voice.

  There was still no answer, and his voice was the only one in the entire small supermarket that echoed slightly.

  (End of chapter)

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