Chapter 7 007 Hope One (Xie Yixi becomes the Taoist Alliance Leader)

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  Chapter 7 007 Hope One (Xie Yixi becomes the Taoist Alliance Leader)
  Toot! ! !
  The sharp sound of the car horn hurt my eardrums.

  Li Chengyi suddenly woke up from his stiffness. He was standing at the bus stop without any change in position.

  An old white bus was honking its horn constantly, urging a passerby in front of the bus to get out of the way.

  The passerby was an aunt with a linen bag on her back. She was desperately crossing the road and hurried up to the platform.

  The car horn was warning her.

  Li Chengyi's eyes were in a trance, and the scene he just saw still seemed to remain in his eyes.

  That huge human face that keeps approaching.

  He is still numb all over, and his scalp seems to have lost all feeling, as if all his hair has fallen out.

  "Huhu." Is this a dream again?

  He looked around and saw that he did not enter the underground garage again, but was still standing at the bus stop.

  The location is marked on the metal road sign beside it.

  Andu Road and Tongfeng Road.

  The slightly warm air turns into wind, blowing the scent of leaves and flowers.

  The faint fragrance of flowers made Li Chengyi feel slightly better.

  Ding dong, ding dong.

  The phone on his body vibrated twice.

  The slight vibration was like a life-saving straw, instantly pulling Li Chengyi's consciousness back from his confusion.

  He quickly took out his phone and turned on the screen.

  It’s a text message from my parents.

  'Remember not to go home early, your sister warned you. Do you still have money on you? I'll give you some more here. '——Dad.

  "Stay a little longer at school and go back after dinner. Your sister's matter is a big deal. Maybe your work will fall on her in the future." '——Mom.

  Li Zhao and Feng Yurong are still as before, all focus is on their sister.

  Li Chengyi can actually understand. After all, the only chance for an ordinary family like theirs to turn around is to cultivate a strong elite.

  And now, sister Li Chengjiu is extremely in line with this expectation.

  'knew. ’ He calmed down and replied simply.

  Putting away his phone, he still stood there, his chest rising and falling rapidly, thinking about everything that had just happened.

  I also recall the sentence I saw on the forum before.

  'If you encounter a dead end, please be sure not to contact us and try to enjoy the last good life. The dead end will usually slowly approach and will completely pull you into it at the third sign. Do everything you want to do but dare not Just do it. '

  The third time'

  If last night was the first time, then the time just now at school shouldn't be counted. After all, it's not the same place, and I didn't fully enter.

  But the time just now
  , does it count as the third time?

  Or is it the second time?

  Li Chengyi was in a state of confusion.

  He didn't know what the blind spot was or what the face was, but he just wanted to live.

  He came to this world inexplicably and became another person with the same name and surname.

  He really doesn't want to die.

  I don't want to die so meaninglessly, immersed in fear.

  The fear of survival made Li Chengyi's panic become more and more serious.

  'what do I do! ? '

  'Maybe it wasn't a sign just now, yes, it definitely wasn't. After all, it could also be that I was too sleepy just now and took a nap. '

  He kept finding reasons for himself.

  Just as he was thinking this, he suddenly felt a slight tingling pain in his feet and ankles.

  Lowering his head, he quickly reached out to roll up his trouser legs and took a look.

  Dense blood spots were clearly distributed on the ankles of both feet.

  Li Chengyi was suddenly startled.

  After pausing for a moment, he stood up quickly, opened his collar, and looked at himself.

  Fortunately, there were no blood spots on his body.

  'Just now! It was just then!

  He suddenly remembered.

  Just now in that mysterious underground garage, when I met the huge human face, I also felt the tingling pain in my feet.

  And now,
  this stinging pain has actually been brought to reality
  . This is reminding me. Isn't that a dream? ? '

  His chest heaved violently and he was breathing quickly. It was as if a big stone was pressing on his heart and he couldn't breathe.

  what to do! ?

  what to do! ? ?
  Countless complicated thoughts flashed through his mind, but what if everything just now was true.

  Facing that terrifying huge human face, it was obviously not a normal creature.

  He was at his wits' end.

  'Maybe I should call the police? Looking for state help! ? '

  This thought flashed through Li Chengyi's mind.

  As soon as this thought arose, it never disappeared, but became stronger.

  Faced with a completely incomprehensible danger, perhaps seeking help from the state apparatus is the best choice.

  But suddenly, the crying girl he met in the cafe just now, the girl in the white sweater, appeared in his mind.

  'Why didn't she call the police? '

  A doubt came to mind.

  Thinking of this, Li Chengyi could no longer stand. He quickly looked left and right and returned to the previous coffee shop along the way he came. As he trotted along, a deep sense of urgency and danger kept forcing him to move forward and speed up.

  He was afraid that the dangerous situation just now would happen again.

  If someone can communicate with each other at this time and give him some suggestions, maybe he can
  jog all the way back to where he was just now - Yesili Cafe.

  A small mobile cart has been placed at the entrance of the coffee shop, with a sign advertising the latest new coffee product on it, as well as small cups of new desserts to try.

  Li Chengyi pushed the door open and walked around the lobby on the first floor. There were more people here.

  Most of them were college students, but I couldn't find the girl in the white sweater I saw before.

  Everyone had soft faces, some were smiling and talking, some were joking in a low voice, and some were simply studying while eating with their tablets.

  Their lives seemed to be completely isolated from Li Chengyi, and seemed to belong to another world.

  Not finding it on the first floor, he hurried up to the second floor.

  Unfortunately, I still haven’t seen the girl in the white sweater from before.

  Li Chengyi went downstairs a little disappointed, and opened the door to the soft electronic sound of "Welcome Again".

  outside the door.


  A white urban SUV parked quietly on the side of the road.

  The window had already been rolled down, revealing the driver's face.

  He was an obviously older middle-aged man, with thick eyebrows and sharp eyes, a neat gray beard, a thin face, and his hair was neatly combed back.

  He put one hand on the steering wheel of the car and stared blankly at the people passing by outside the window, seemingly in a daze.

  For some reason, the moment Li Chengyi walked out of the coffee shop, the middle-aged man's eyes quickly moved to him.

  He seemed to be observing something, and he seemed to see something.

  Li Chengyi's body tensed slightly. He didn't know why. He didn't know why he was nervous, but his body just became tense for no reason.

  Not finding the two girls from before, thoughts kept running through his mind.

  'The most likely thing to help now is to search for relevant methods online and find official help. The complicated things in his mind quickly became clear, and he figured out the most likely

  way to survive.

  "If I were you, I wouldn't wander around like this anymore."

  Suddenly a deep male voice floated from the front.

  "Why don't you go crazy while you still have time?"

  the voice continued.

  Li Chengyi suddenly raised his head, followed the sound, and his eyes met the middle-aged man looking here.

  "What do you know?!" He opened his mouth, but found that his voice had become hoarse and low at some point.

  Unconsciously, he moved closer, closer to the white urban off-road vehicle.

  "You're going to die." The middle-aged man said calmly. "The third omen is about to appear. Then, you will be like everyone else, poof."

  He put his hands together and simulated a sound in his mouth.

  "Disappear completely."

  "Is there any way?" Li Chengyi's eyes widened and he quickly asked in a calm mood that he did not expect.

  "Has anyone survived? Can you help me?"

  The depression in his heart seemed to find a breakthrough and a life-saving straw.

  If there is someone who knows the inside story and helps me, maybe I can escape!

  Such thoughts quickly appeared in his mind.

  "Me?" The man laughed, turned his head and looked in front of the car window. "I'm just a loser. How can a useless person help you?" "

  That place." He turned his head again and looked at Li Chengyi, "No one can help you. The only one you can rely on is yourself." "That's it

  . Like my former friends, my son, they’re all like that.”

  As he spoke, he took out a cigarette from the inner pocket of his black suit, lowered his head slightly, lit it, and took a puff.

  "Go quickly, don't stay here with me, it's bad luck." He waved his hand at Li Chengyi.

  "There must be a way, right? Since you took the initiative to come here and talk to me, there must be a way, right?" Li Chengyi was not stupid.

  The other party could see the omens in him and took the initiative to talk to him. It was definitely not for no reason.

  Since you thought he was unlucky, why didn't you say anything from the beginning?
  "That's a little clever." The man smiled, reached out and flicked the cigarette butt out of the car window.

  "Actually, what if you escape for a while? Anyway, you will die sooner or later, again and again, with no end and no hope." "The future will be later,

  but now, I don't want to die!" Li Chengyi stared at him seriously and said every word. Answered in a meal.

  "Then why should I help you?" the man asked again.

  "Since you came here and took the initiative to talk to me, it means that I must have what you need." Li Chengyi said, "So." "

  So." The man interrupted him, "If you can survive the first time, after that, Only then will we have the possibility of cooperation."

  "Okay! How to survive?" Li Chengyi asked quickly. "Do you want to tell you what I experienced?"

  "No!" The man interrupted him again, "It's meaningless. Only certain people can enter the blind spot in a way that only belongs to him. Once entered, it will automatically happen again and again. Get close until the person is completely swallowed."

  "Then, how can I survive!?" Li Chengyi continued to ask.

  "After entering completely for the third time, you can find the exit and get out of there, and you will survive." The man answered. "But there is no actual exit there at all. Just like when you entered, you need to find the same special method to find the door to leave."

  He pointed at his head.

  "You need thinking, not force. There, force, firearms, and the number of people are all useless. By the way, I advise you not to call the police, otherwise you may lose even the last glimmer of hope." "I" Li

  Chengyi I still wanted to ask, but the other person’s car window had already been rolled up.

  The man waved his hand to him through the car window, started the car, and slowly drove away.

  He seemed not to be optimistic about Li Chengyi's survival at all, and there was a hint of disappointment in his brows.

  Maybe Li Chengyi was not the person he was looking for at all.

  (End of chapter)

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