Chapter 68 068 Mental Technique Four (Xie Chun, Leader of the Nine Lotus Lantern Alliance)

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  Chapter 68 068 Mental Technique Four (Xie Chunjiu Lotus Lantern Alliance Leader)

  On the outskirts of Suiyang, the rolling grassland is slightly withered and yellow, and clusters of woods are dotted here and there like ringworm, here and there.

  The stream moved slowly, and only the bright white stars in the night sky were the only source of light.

  The white star is the moon of the earth and the moon, reflecting the only light of the star.

  Zheng Qingrong was awakened by the coolness of the evening breeze. She slowly straightened up and found that she was lying on a sloping grass slope. Looking around, she could see nothing, only a winding stream extending into the distance.

  A tall, burly figure was standing not far from her, staring at her quietly.

  "Are you awake?" Li Chengyi lowered his voice and said in a deep voice.

  "Who are you?! Why am I here??" Zheng Qingrong quickly stood up and checked his clothes.

  In order to facilitate movement, she wore slim-fitting and simple black long-sleeved trousers when going out this time. Although it was a bit too tight to reveal her figure, she would not worry about her sleeves or trouser legs getting caught.

  As a private enthusiast who has practiced free fighting for several years and is also good at using personal cold weapons, Zheng Qingrong was ready to use violence at any time from the moment he saw his sister's body.

  But unfortunately, she overestimated her own strength. When facing three strong security men who were chasing after her, she was injured after only a few encounters. If someone hadn't secretly helped her to cover her in the middle, she might not have run far. Got kidnapped.

  After running away for a while, she was eventually intercepted and beaten.

  Then came the scene that Li Chengyi saw. She was punched and kicked, and fell into a coma for a short time.

  "Where are those three people? What tricks are you doing!?" Zheng Qingrong said coldly.

  Li Chengyi didn't reply, but walked closer slowly.

  After getting closer, his current appearance was revealed to Zheng Qingrong.

  He is dressed in purple-black metal armor, and even wears a fully enclosed special helmet on his head. The visor and even the eyes are made of purple-red crystal material. From the outside, only two diamond-shaped stars can be seen. Eyes.

  The entire armor surface is engraved with a large number of detailed wisteria patterns, one after another, which looks complex, mysterious and gorgeous.

  Just when Zheng Qingrong could see clearly his weird costume.

  Suddenly a gust of evil wind hit us.

  Her whole body instantly arched up, like a cooked shrimp, and she was hit hard in the abdomen.

  The severe cramping and suffocation made her vomit.


  Then she was kicked to the ground again, rolled several times on the grass slope, and huddled up.

  "Do you really want to take revenge?" Li Chengyi asked. "I guess you have no chance."

  From the mouths of those three strong men, he got some inside information.

  "The superiors want me to deal with you completely. Do you think I should bury you directly, or throw you into the river and hold you down with stones?" He slowly walked towards Zheng Qingrong step by step.

  "You... don't deserve to die!" Zheng Qingrong got up and gasped hard. She realized that this guy was from Tiefeng.

  "Who makes you weak?" Li Chengyi said lightly, "Your sister deserves it. She knows she is beautiful, but she still has to dress up and go to a late-night bar to play alone until late. It's like a piece of delicious fish, without

  protection Under the premise of your own method, you put yourself in the mouth of others."

  "Shut up!!!"

  Zheng Qingrong suddenly yelled, straightened up, rushed towards Li Chengyi, and punched him.

  She punched Li Chengyi hard on the chest.

  Of course, the fist could not break Hua Linyi, it just made a crisp sound.

  On the contrary, Zheng Qingrong's own fist quickly turned red.

  Li Chengyi stood still, but his face under the mask was slightly moved.

  Evil Thoughts and Anger +1.
  Evil Thoughts and Anger +1.
  Evil Thoughts and Anger +1.
  Evil Thoughts and Anger +1.
  Gladiolus, who has just completed the evolution, is now crazily increasing the progress of Evil Thoughts.

  A series of prompt messages quickly poured out from the Flower of Evil Fountain.

  In just a few seconds, it went from 0% to 17%!

  Such a superposition can be completely retained as long as the complete elimination steps are completed...

  "It's just you. Even if I stand here and let you beat me, you can't do anything." Li Chengyi continued.

  "You are too weak."

  "Like weeds on the ground, you can easily crush them with just one kick." "

  You still think you can protect your sister by yourself? You can't even protect yourself. Your sister is stupid. You are stupider, maybe this is the nature of society." "

  Eliminate idiots like you, let smarter and stronger people survive, and continue to perpetuate the tribe. This is the adaptive law of survival of the fittest." "

  Shut up!!! I'm telling you Shut up!!" Zheng Qingrong shouted again, rushing up and punching and kicking Li Chengyi.

  But to no avail.

  Now after evolving once, the Wisteria Scale Clothes is so strong that it can even directly withstand pistol bullets fired at close range.

  There was no way she could break it by just beating it so casually.

  Evil thoughts and anger +1.
  Evil thoughts and anger +1.
  Evil thoughts and anger +1.
  Evil thoughts increased crazily, reaching 36% in just a few seconds.

  Li Chengyi looked at the crazy-looking Zheng Qingrong and finally understood that quality is a better choice than quantity.

  Finding high-quality flower fertilizer is the key to true evolution.

  "What's the use of screaming now? I'm standing here, can you kill me? No, you can't do anything except howl." "After you die, Tiefeng Group will still treat

  your relatives and friends They started because you and your sister were involved."

  "Then what? What can you do? Scream like a fool, and then rush up and bite you?"

  Li Chengyi looked at Zheng Qingrong who started to bite him, still He mocked coldly.

  "I'll kill you! Kill you!!!" Zheng Qingrong hit the side of Li Chengyi's neck with her elbow crazily, and bit the pauldron on his shoulder with her mouth.

  But to no avail.

  The strength of Hua Lin Yi is far beyond what her little strength can break.

  She just vented and cried.

  Evil Thoughts and Anger +2.
  Evil Thoughts and Anger +2.
  Evil Thoughts and Anger +2.
  The rate of increase of Evil Thoughts also begins to increase.

  Not long after, Gladiolus finally reached 87% of the evil thoughts required for an evolution, and then finally got stuck.

  Zheng Qingrong also had no strength and hung on Li Chengyi's neck. He was still gnashing his teeth and trying to choke his neck and suffocate him to death.

  But at this time, Li Chengyi had fallen into complete joy.

  one person!

  Just one person!

  It almost filled up all the evil thoughts he needed for an evolution.

  How much time did this save him? How much energy?

  You have to know how much time and effort he had wasted in order to absorb the evil thoughts of Wisteria Flower's evolution, and it took him nearly two months to complete.

  But what now?

  In just a few minutes, 87% of the progress has been absorbed! !

  Looking at Zheng Qingrong who was beaten all over her body, Li Chengyi reached out and grabbed her clothes and pulled her back.

  Suddenly her whole body was pulled down and she sat down on the grass.

  "Do you understand now? Now that you understand your weakness, just pack up and run away." Li Chengyi said coldly. "What else can you do for a waste like you except stupidly rush in and die alone?" "

  !?" Zheng Qingrong was stunned when he heard the words. He heard that something was wrong, and his body, which had no strength at all, froze.

  "What do you mean!?"



  A small bag was thrown onto Zheng Qingrong and rolled onto the grass.

  It was some medical supplies, anti-hemostatic, anti-inflammatory and disinfectant, and a stack of large-denomination banknotes.

  "Go west, there is a suburban hotel three hundred meters away. Rooms have been reserved. Just go in and have a rest." A

  sentence came into her ears.

  Zheng Qingrong quickly picked up the things and when he looked up again, the person in front of him was gone.

  Tiefeng Group - Sunshine Building.

  One of the landmark buildings in Suiyang Lotus City is the Sunshine Building, which belongs to Tiefeng Group.

  The entire building has a total of forty floors, with huge red letters on the top and the four characters "Sunshine Iron Peak" written horizontally.

  At night, these four characters still shine with a bright golden halo.

  The front of the building is all covered with silver glass-like windows. It looks a bit old from a distance, but it still manages to maintain its basic brightness and cleanliness.

  On the ground floor of the building, several security guards in patrol cars were circling the building over and over again to ensure the safety of the surrounding area.

  boom! ! !
  Suddenly, the big black iron door was violently smashed from the center and exploded. The iron door seemed to have been cut and stirred into countless pieces by some sharp instrument, scattered on the ground.

  The two security guards in patrol cars had not yet reacted. Then he saw a black and purple figure rushing out, taking a few quick steps, and slammed into the glass door of the lobby of the building inside.


  There was a loud bang, and the glass door exploded instantly and scattered into pieces.

  A strange man wearing purple and black armor, holding two golden swords of different lengths in both hands, stepped on the glass shards on the floor and stepped into the hall, looking at the dumbfounded beautiful receptionist at the front desk.

  "Where is Zheng Jiayu?" A sharp and weird voice-changing electronic voice sounded from the weirdo's mouth.

  "I don't know." The receptionist was dumbfounded and instinctively raised his hands without daring to move.

  Li Chengyi glanced at the elevator and then at the stairs.

  "I hate climbing stairs."

  He now fully realizes the role of a strong logistics team.

  If Zheng Jiayu's precise location was known in advance, he wouldn't have to face such a troublesome situation.

  You can even take the elevator directly to find someone without having to worry about the elevator being forcibly braked.

  That’s how powerful hackers are.

  Fortunately, he was prepared before he came.

  Zheng Jiayu is a classmate of Zheng Qingrong's sister. They both have each other's mobile phone numbers, and Zheng Qingrong also has them.

  He got his mobile phone number before he came, and asked Hongjin Company to help him locate it in advance.

  That's why we can be sure that Zheng Jiayu is here.

  'The 30th to 40th floors of the Sunshine Building are the floors dedicated to rest and entertainment activities by the Zheng family and his son. When I came here before, I was on the 34th floor. Then.'

  He bowed slightly.

  Bang! !

  Without any scruples, he directly knocked open the safety staircase door and rushed up from the stairs.

  After the increase of the solid flower language and the overall strengthening of the body by the flower scale clothing.

  His current physical ability has far exceeded that of ordinary people.

  In the past, I could rely on the amplification of the Flower Scale Clothes to compete with fully transformed people, but now the collision and rushing were not a problem.

  Following the stairs, it’s almost four steps per floor.

  In just two minutes, the passage door on the 34th floor was violently knocked open.

  Li Chengyi strode in.

  Bang bang bang bang! !
  What hit him head on was a large, dense rain of bullets.

  All the clanking bullets hit the outer layer of his armor, making a crisp sound. The huge impact caused Li Chengyi to freeze on the spot for a moment.

  He casually grabbed one side of the wall, cut off a large chunk of cement, and smashed it forward.

  The row of security personnel in front who were shooting with their guns fell on their backs.

  "You are like weeds!"


  Li Chengyi stepped forward and sprinted.

  boom! !

  He crashed into the crowd and slashed with both swords in his hands.

  There were popping sounds, and the four security gunmen in black were cut into two pieces on the spot.

  It must be said that these security personnel were of extremely high quality. Even though they were frightened, they still dispersed their formation and continued to shoot at him from different angles.

  Bullets hit Li Chengyi's armor non-stop. Some of the warheads have been replaced with sharper armor-piercing projectiles.

  But still to no avail.

  If there is no solid flower language before, these armor-piercing bullets may be useful at close range.

  But now all the warheads were broken off and ricocheted around. Many of them hit the surrounding walls, and some of them hit the gunman himself.

  After breaking through the gunman's obstruction, Li Chengyi glanced at the half-grown boy on the couch behind him who was secretly running toward the elevator.

  He stepped forward to catch up.

  Suddenly a figure shouted loudly, swooped from the side and rear, and grabbed his neck.

  "Quick! I've got him stuck!!" Half of the figure's upper body was made of silver-black metal, and he was obviously a semi-cyberman.

  "Stupid." Li Chengyi backhanded his sword, and the sword blade pierced the figure's chest, penetrated the back, and then cut across.


  The semi-transformed man's face froze, he fell to the ground, and his upper body began to flash with electric arcs.

  Before he could say anything, a golden sword blade flashed past his neck and accurately severed the head.

  Li Chengyi rushed forward and rushed towards Zheng Jiayu who was about to escape.

  Buzz! ! !
  Suddenly, a circle of invisible explosion ripples exploded out of thin air in the hall on this floor.

  Wherever the ripples pass, all electrical appliances will instantly smoke and stop burning.

  But this ripple had no effect on Li Chengyi, and he continued to rush to the elevator.

  But it was still a step slower.

  Being delayed by the semi-reformed man, he was still a little slow and the elevator door closed.

  "Kill him! Dad, kill him for me!!" Zheng Jiayu's roar accompanied by crying came faintly from the elevator shaft.

  "Kill me?" Li Chengyi's eyes flashed with anger.

  Raise your hand to face the elevator door with two swords.

  Swish, with a hard kick, the elevator door was knocked open, revealing the dark elevator shaft inside.

  The elevator's steel cable continued to slide up and down.

  Li Chengyi put his hands together, and the two swords turned into a longer golden sword, which was swiped against the steel rope.

  The steel cable was disconnected instantly, and the huge tight tension was released at once, causing the steel cable to quickly bounce against the inner wall of the elevator shaft, making a clanging sound and splashing sparks.

  The elevator that had just gone up immediately began to fall rapidly without the sling.

  Ahhhh! !

  Zheng Jiayu's scream of fear came from the elevator.

  Evil thoughts and fear +1.
  Fear of evil thoughts +1.
  Fear of evil thoughts +1.
  Three evil thoughts are all Zheng Jiayu has.

  Combined with the murderous evil thoughts brought by the previous gunmen, there are also some evil thoughts of the semi-reformed people.


  Li Chengyi clearly sensed that the evolution of Gladiolus Flower Scale Clothes was completely complete at this moment.





  At this last moment, he stood at the elevator entrance, pointed his sword straight forward, and reached into the elevator shaft.

  "Weeds should look like weeds."


  The golden sword blade pierced the wall of the opposite elevator shaft and lay horizontally in the middle.

  "Die the humble one."

  Bang! !

  The elevator crashed down and hit the edge of the sword. Like tofu, it was split in two, smoothly divided into two pieces, and fell into the elevator shaft below.

  Zheng Jiayu's cry stopped suddenly, leaving only a large amount of blood slowly sliding down and dripping on the sword blade.

  Drawing out his sword, Li Chengyi turned and left. He didn't even look at the gunmen around him who no longer dared to shoot.

  As long as such domestic local group companies don't have heavy weapons, it won't hurt him.

  However, it is impossible for the laws of Yi State to allow these local groups to possess heavy weapons.

  This will inevitably lead to a result.


  (End of chapter)

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