Chapter 53 053 Pursuit One

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  Chapter 53 053 Pursuit 1
  Li Chengyi also wanted to ask in detail what the Silent Fortress was. He had never heard of it.

  Moreover, if the complete body is calculated in this way, wouldn't it be a large number, and the more it accumulates, the more it will become. And if they are not allowed to enter the city, where should they live?
  "Every time the perfect body uses the body, it will cause losses and wear and tear, which requires the consumption of resources to repair. Therefore, most perfect bodies generally do not live in real life, but mainly move around in the fantasy city." Song Ran was not far away at this time

  . A police car came down and limped closer, answering Li Chengyi's doubts.

  "Brother Song, are you okay?" Li Chengyi quickly stepped forward to help.

  "It's okay. It's just a damaged prosthesis. It's no problem to repair it. These complete bodies are like this. They don't care about life, are not afraid of death, are not afraid of being injured, and it won't hurt. They are very difficult to deal with." Song Ran smiled, nonchalantly, "But this It’s not just once or twice. We will always encounter all kinds of troubles and dangers when chasing blind spots, so we are used to it.” “It’s

  just a complete modification of a few basic models. It should be modified with the basic version of Black Wolf. Even if our equipment is restricted. If you don't come, you won't be killed by such a few things." Syndra said easily. "The important point is not the model, but that they were able to send the complete body in. This is an official taboo in Yiguo. There is a high probability that nothing will happen to us in the future. The official will definitely do their best to trace it to the end." "Find a place to rest first

  . ." Song Ran nodded, "Don't worry about those people who dare to openly violate the laws of Yiguo. Now the security forces have tracked them down, and they will be in trouble." "There were also killers in the company, but Xiaojun took care of them

  . "Sindra added, "Aran, go back and treat him to a meal later."

  "No problem." Song Ran grinned, showing his white teeth.

  The group of people were injured and temporarily went to the hospital to check their injuries.

  Surprisingly, as Song Ran said, only the prosthetic leg was damaged, and the rest were just scratches, nothing serious.

  The rest of the people also suspended the investigation of Wujie. After sending Song Ran to the hospital, Sindra led everyone to gather in a small villa rented by a nearby company to make collective repairs.

  Sima Gui also came back at this time without any injuries on his body.

  After everyone had a meal, they were assigned rooms to rest. Early the next morning, everyone went to the roof of the third floor under Syndra's call.

  "Next, we should continue the investigation. As for Fog Street, Zhong Ying's time has been delayed for several days, and the closer the deadline is, the more troublesome it becomes." Syndra was wearing a white nightgown and holding a projector flashlight in her hand.

  He walked to the center of the roof, stood on the white ground, and turned on the flashlight on the ground.

  Suddenly all the information about Fog Street was distributed in the projection line by line.

  In the square three-meter projection, a rough bird's-eye view of the entire fog street is actually displayed.

  "This is the company's restoration of the information you collected to arrive at the overall terrain map. Can you guys check it out?" Sindra looked at Sima Gui and Li Chengyi Zhongying.

  Sima Gui and Zhong Ying both stepped forward to check carefully, but Li Chengyi frowned and approached Sindra.

  "I want to ask a question, boss."

  "Are you worried about those previous attackers?" Syndra smiled, looking calm.

  "Well, those people are so strong. There's no guarantee they won't cause any trouble. Is it really appropriate to ignore them completely?" Li Chengyi asked doubtfully.

  "You underestimate the official power of Yi State." Syndra smiled, "Under the Silent Fortress, every Yi State city has a federation to preside over its operations. And almost all of the federation members are standing Strong men among omnics and modified bodies. With the highest authority in the city that controls the Silent Fortress system, no one can escape their pursuit." "

  So powerful?" Li Chengyi didn't believe it.

  "Of course ordinary people don't know, but at our level, many things are still very clear." Syndra said, "The lethality of flying instruments is far greater than that of modified bodies. Most of them are made of rainbow iron. Combined with the reliance of omnics on The powerful and terrifying computing power of the city intelligence brain and the micro-drone camera are integrated into one to control the overall situation. It can be said that the modified body is always a gift. Many examples of over-the-horizon city annihilation wars were fought by Yiguo. ."

  "So is the Federation so powerful?" Li Chengyi also knew about the Federation in the memory of his predecessor, but he only thought it was a business alliance. He didn't expect it to be so powerful.

  "Yes, the Federation is a unique combination of urban interests in Yi State. Many federations, combined with the Self-Cycling City Federation, form the Joint Parliament, which is the so-called highest authority." Syndra introduced.

  "The so-called Silent Fortress is the city's single circulation system set up by Yi State in order to deal with the huge damage caused by top hackers. Each city has its own operating system, produces items that are most suitable for itself, and

  exerts its own capabilities. Specialties.

  The Silent Fortress is a complete defense system that can vaguely control all individuals in the city through large-scale radiation scanning. As long as you have any behavior of transmitting signals to the outside world, you will be monitored, reviewed, and interrupted immediately. "

  The signal can't go out?" Li Chengyi reacted instantly.

  "Yes. So it is impossible for the personality registers of these fully modified humans who attacked us to know the results and memories of the assassination operations in the city. Of course,

  if someone takes the memory out of their bodies artificially, that is a different matter. . But now, they are probably still waiting for a period to determine whether the task is completed."

  "That's it." Li Chengyi said with a clear expression.

  The boss has made it very clear, but for some reason, he just has an inexplicable feeling that those people will never give up so easily. Since they dare to take action in the country, there will definitely be a way out.

  'Could it be the trouble I caused in the Glius parking lot last time?' Li Chengyi suddenly thought of this possibility.

  The company Ashe Real Estate has an aura of secrecy from beginning to end.

  What is hidden behind it? Inside Grius, so many people have gathered inside to conduct experiments. What exactly are they experimenting with?
  After sprinting against Ai Xi Real Estate and solving the so-called company boss, Li Chengyi understood that Grievous's matter could never be solved by a small real estate company.

  'Now, is it possible that the people behind Ashe Real Estate are here? ' Li Chengyi had a suspicion in his mind.

  Of course, it is also possible that Syndra and the others have caused trouble before. How to judge requires follow-up observation.

  'If it is really the forces behind Ai Xi Real Estate that come to visit me because I killed so many people in Ai Xi Real Estate, then my continued stay in Hongjin may only bring danger and trouble to them. '

  Seeing Sima Gui and Zhong Ying discussing the details of the map in detail, various thoughts kept flashing in Li Chengyi's mind.

  Soon, Zhong Ying and Sima Gui determined the terrain details of the map, and boss Sindra made the final decision.

  Everyone dispersed.

  Song Ran was still hospitalized, and her boss drove out to have a dinner date with a friend.

  Zhong Ying ordered takeout, and before going back to her room, she expressed that she did not want to see the two murderous men Sima Gui and Li Chengyi.

  There were only two people left sitting on the sofa in the lobby on the first floor. You looked at me and I looked at you, staring at each other in silence.

  "Would you like to eat hot pot?" Sima Gui asked.

  "I want to eat stir-fry, a small restaurant is better." Li Chengyi replied.

  "The hot pot is delicious, but the stir-fried dishes are all full of MSG. What's so delicious about it?" Sima Gui retorted.

  "That's okay." Li Chengyi thought for a moment and nodded in agreement.

  He also had some questions to ask Sima Gui.

  The two left the villa together and drove out in a yellow van from the open-air garage.

  Li Chengyi opened the car door and felt it with his hands, knowing that this car was not simple.

  The doors alone are much heavier than an average car. Sitting down in the back seat, he watched Sima Gui skillfully open the front panel and then play the video and music files.

  "Can I ask a few questions?" He spoke hurriedly to avoid getting tired of talking with the music turned on.

  "That's right, I also have a question to ask you." Sima Gui grinned, and coupled with the weird yin and yang hairstyle, it gave people an inexplicable sense of intimacy.

  "Then you say it first." Li Chengyi said.

  "It's very simple. I have set up a special contact group for our blind spots. There are like-minded brothers and sisters with similar temperaments. Do you want to come too? I will help you." Sima Gui said quickly.

  "Contact group? What software?" Li Chengyi became interested.


  "Does the boss know?" The first thing Li Chengyi thought of was Sindra. This guy was looking for blind people to join his company. Will he let such a blind group go?
  "I know a little, but he doesn't care." Sima Gui smiled.

  "Why?" Li Chengyi became confused.

  "Don't you know?" Sima Gui said in surprise, "The world is so big, and Yi Country is so big, why does the boss go to these places to find blind spots? Isn't it close to his home? Bai Xing is his territory, and he has extremely powerful connections. Qiang, why did he sacrifice the near for the far, the easy for the difficult? He had to come to a place he was not familiar with?" "

  To find clues about his son's disappearance?" Li Chengyi reacted instantly.

  "Yes!" Sima Gui said with a smile, "Sindra is undoubtedly a good boss, generous, trustworthy, and does not deceive others, but he is not a selfless good person. The routes he investigated are actually his son. He has walked through it before."

  "His son's past trajectory?" Li Chengyi suddenly realized.

  "His son Li En, like all dead ends, has spent his whole life looking for a way to completely escape from the dead ends. To this end, he traveled throughout the White Star Yi Kingdom and experienced a lot, and then in the end, he disappeared." Sima Gui sighed. , "No one knows whether he is still alive, but according to the fixed rules of the blind spot, the probability of his death is extremely high."

  "What Boss Syndra wants to do is probably to find his son's body, dig out his brain, and copy the memories into his personality register. Even if his son only remembers the memories before the dead end, he doesn't care. He just wants his family to be with him. "Sima Gui replied.

  "Is there really a way to get rid of dead ends forever?" Li Chengyi took out his mobile phone, scanned the QR code sent by Sima Gui, and was immediately pulled into a strange group on the Feiyu app.

  ——Tower of Despair——

  The name of this group has an inexplicable sense of middle school. The name is quite simple and directly expresses the mood of the members inside.

  "Welcome newcomers, by the way, is there anyone else who committed suicide? You can burn charcoal and jump off the building." - I hope to be honest.

  As soon as I entered, someone immediately appeared in the group and asked.

  (End of chapter)

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