Chapter 5 005 World Three (Thanks to HZ Youyou, leader of the public mouth alliance)

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  Chapter 5 005 World Three (Thanks to HZ Youyou, leader of the alliance)   What exactly is
  this pattern ?   Bang.   Suddenly a muffled sound came from behind.   It seemed like someone kicked some metal can, making a loud noise.   Li Chengyi trembled slightly and quickly moved his hand away from the angle where the reflector could shine.   Instinctively, he didn't want anyone to notice the patterns on his hands.   Being different from ordinary people may bring opportunities, but he is more worried that it will bring danger. On the premise of ensuring his own safety, striving for interests is his consistent style.   After clearing his throat, he pretended to be fine, raised his feet, stepped forward, and passed between the two cars.   The left side of the car is black and the right side is white. They are all off-road vehicles. The car logos are an unknown Z shape and a cross shape.   There is also a large tire hanging on the trunk of the white car, with a line of circular writing printed on the tire: Yuncheng Automobile.   After a pause, Li Chengyi passed through the vehicle and glanced at the back of his hand again to make sure that it was smooth and clean without any patterns. Then he breathed a sigh of relief and continued to move forward towards the school gate.   Snap.   Snap.   Snap.   Footsteps hit the ground, making a clear knocking sound.   It was the sound of the hard leather heels of his shoes colliding with the stone tiles on the ground.   It's just,   'Isn't the sound a little too loud? Li   Chengyi frowned slightly, suddenly feeling something was wrong.   It was broad daylight, and the school was already crowded with students coming and going. How could it be so quiet? Even the footsteps of his leather shoes could be heard clearly.   He looked up and around.   It was empty all around, and on the gray ground, not far away was a dry fountain pool.

  Across the pond, several old teaching buildings with more than ten floors stood peacefully in the mist.

  'fog? When did it get foggy? ? 'Li Chengyi felt more and more something was wrong.

  He clearly remembered that when he first came in, there were many students coming and going. Why now? ?
  Standing where he was, he scanned a wide circle from right to left.

  But what made him even more horrified was that the university campus, which had been bustling just now, was now empty.

  He quickly turned back and looked at the office building where his mentor had just left.

  There are several rooms in the building with lights on, and the bright yellow halo is quiet and mysterious in the mist.

  There were no voices, no footsteps.


  Li Chengyi's throat became dry unconsciously and he swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

  'Where are the people! ? 'He was getting nervous.

  Snap, snap.

  He lifted his feet and hung in the air for a moment.

  Then he turned around suddenly, his leather shoes screeching against the ground, and he walked forward step by step towards the office building he just walked out of.

  Entering the gap between two cars again, his peripheral vision was completely blocked.

  The off-road vehicle was very tall, just enough to completely block his view of the surroundings, leaving only a strip of space directly in front of him and above his head.

  Li Chengyi walked out of the car gap at once.


  Suddenly a big hand grabbed his shoulder.

  Li Chengyi trembled all over, and his black and brown pupils quickly tightened from the dazzle and condensed into needle points.

  "Xiao Yi? Why are you still here?"

  Instructor Chen Shan's voice seemed to float from a distance, sometimes blurry, sometimes clear.

  "I" Li Chengyi felt like he suddenly broke through the water from under the water, and his whole hearing suddenly became clear.

  He looked carefully.

  Instructor Chen Shan was standing in front of him, looking at him worriedly.

  The dark red tie on his collar looked like a real blood stain, clear and dazzling.

  At this time, other surrounding sounds quickly poured into Li Chengyi's ears.

  The sounds of cars, students' voices, footsteps, and the sound of the starting gun on the sports field in the distance were all like floods, rushing to squeeze into his ear holes, causing his eardrums to even hurt.

  "I was a little distracted. Sorry, Master Chen." Li Chengyi finally came back to his senses and lowered his head seriously to answer.

  He didn't know what had just happened, and even suspected whether he was hallucinating and hysterical, but in any case, it was better not to tell anyone before he thought about it and investigated clearly.

  Taking advantage of the moment when he lowered his head, he looked at the back of his hand again.

  No black pattern.

  "That's good. Judging from your mental state, it doesn't seem to be very good. It's best to go back and have a good rest first." Chen Shan frowned.

  "Well, I understand. Let's go back now." Li Chengyi nodded seriously.

  At that moment, he himself was also frightened.

  Is it possible that there is really something wrong with his mental state? ?
  What happened last night, coupled with the situation just now, made him worried at this time.

  Saying goodbye to Chen Shan, he quickened his pace and walked through the gap in the car again.

  This time, the weird situation didn't happen again.

  Looking up, there was nothing unusual in the school. Sunlight shot out from the clouds and fell to the ground, forming a scattered beam of light. The beauty of the Tyndall effect was extremely clear and real.

  'Wasn't there no fog just now? 'Suddenly, an inexplicable doubt came to Li Chengyi's mind.

  Only fog can create such beautiful light beams, but when he entered university before, he didn't see any fog at all.

  With this doubt, Li Chengyi suddenly had the idea that he didn't want to stay here anymore. He quickened his pace and strode towards the school gate.

  The letter of introduction given by his instructor was still in his inner pocket, but at this moment, he had no idea of ​​implementing the work.

  In the reflector, the black pattern on the back of his hand felt like it was stuck in his throat and had not dissipated in his heart for a long time.

  Is there something growing on you? Or are you hallucinating?

  Time travel, the parking lot that seems like a dream, and the strange school scene I just saw.

  All of this seems to be a sign - maybe he is really hallucinating? ?

  After walking out of the university gate in one breath, Li Chengyi looked back at the school.

  Many students were dressed formally and were preparing to hold banners to welcome successful alumni.

  Several media cars also slowly drove into the school gate and passed by him, with the names of local news media printed in white on the cars.

  Further away, the speakers in the main teaching building also began to play melodious atmospheric pure music.

  Li Chengyi calmed down and felt much more normal. He stood there for a while and looked at the media cars. When they all slowly drove into the shade of the curved trees that he could not see, he turned around and walked towards the return bus. stand.

  Rows of leafless gray-black trees line both sides of the street. Their dry branches are like big hands, grasping toward the sky.

  As Li Chengyi walked forward along the street, he picked up the back of his hand and looked at it carefully.

  The skin on the back of the hand is clean and smooth, with no scars at all.

  He crossed two large green trash cans and stopped in front of a dessert shop with pale yellow lights.

  Facing the glass display window next to the store door, face the glass with the back of your hand and look carefully again.


  Li Chengyi's heart tightened again.

  This time he saw it very clearly.

  There is indeed a large black pattern-like mark on the back of his hand.

  The traces gave him a somewhat familiar feeling.

  Just like the last piece of black flowers he saw before traveling through time!
  "Want to come in and take a look? The maple sugar croissant has just come out of the oven." The eldest lady in the store, wearing a bear apron and carrying a yellow wooden basin, went out. Seeing him standing at the door, she greeted him casually.

  "Um, no need." Li Chengyi quickly put down his hand to prevent others from seeing him.

  He followed the chrysanthemum-like gray bricks on the ground, walked a few steps faster, passed the dessert shop, lowered his head and hurried on.

  Passers-by passed by him, and he didn't pay any attention to them.

  All his attention was focused on the pattern on the back of his hand.

  'What exactly is that pattern? '

  'Are those things before just hallucinations? '

  He had a vague feeling in his heart that the black pattern might be the culprit that brought him to this world.

  As for what it is, you may have to rely on yourself and slowly discover it.

  He kept his head down and kept walking. Unknowingly, time passed by. When he came to his senses, he was already several hundred meters past the bus stop.

  Surrounded by unfamiliar streets, the roads were full of transport trucks dragging vegetables and fruits.

  Li Chengyi stopped and looked around.

  Across the road is a farmers market.

  At the entrance of the market, under a leafless tree trunk, many middle-aged people in simple clothes gathered together, seemingly playing chess and cards.

  At this time, the light is getting brighter and the temperature is getting warmer.

  Li Chengyi withdrew his gaze and did not look at the crowded farmer's market. Instead, he found a coffee shop beside him and walked there.

  He was a little hungry and regretted not buying some maple croissants from the dessert shop.

  But the coffee shops are not bad either. The coffee shop he went into, named Yesili, sells self-service desserts at very low prices. It can be considered one of the most cost-effective places to go when you are hungry.

  It only takes thirty yuan to fill the belly of a 200-pound man.

  The door of the coffee shop is white, with a circular signboard with black characters on a white background suspended in the air on the right side of the door. Below it is a large silver-black metal cylindrical base.

  'The latest magnetic levitation technology. '

  A memory of common sense flashed through Li Chengyi's mind.

  Except for the signboard, the entire store door is made of transparent glass, with a circle of flowers and plants at the foot of the door.

  The green leaves and pure white flowers are quite eye-catching.

  Li Chengyi waited for the couple inside to open the door and come out. He quickly stepped forward, reached out and grabbed the glass door that automatically rebounded, and walked in.

  But what he didn't notice was that when he passed the white flowers beside the door, there was a faint black pattern on the back of his right hand.

  "Welcome, please scan the QR code to place an order."

  The automatic electronic voice sounded sweetly.

  In the cafe, the floor is pure white and the ceiling is black with water-like patterns.

  There are two floors in total. There is a counter at the entrance of the lobby on the first floor. Next to the counter is a plastic model of a black rabbit that is as tall as a person.

  The rabbit's eyes blinked, his big ears folded down, and his hands pointed at a black round code on his chest.

  "Please scan here."

  A sweet electronic sound sounded.

  Li Chengyi glanced at the clerk behind the counter who ignored him, took out his mobile phone and scanned the rabbit circle code, and then found a seat to sit down.

  There are some white tables and chairs scattered in the lobby on the first floor. There are about a dozen customers scattered around the forty or fifty tables.

  Most of these customers are young people, and they all put some cheap desserts for themselves in front of them.

  (End of chapter)

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