Chapter 39 039 Fan Cong San

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  Chapter 39 039 Fan cage three

  The big-faced monster hit the gap outside.

  The body of a big-faced monster had begun to soften like plasticine, and it squeezed in through the gap.

  But Li Chengyi couldn't see anything at this time, he closed his eyes tightly.

  After closing your eyes, count!

  'counting! "

  One, two, three, four" he began to count softly.

  After counting, hum a song!

  Counting rapidly to number 30, Li Chengyi quickly started humming.

  He heard the impact of the big-faced monster outside the gap.

  "It's late at night, it's late at night, and there's always someone outside the window."

  "Who is it? Who is it? That's the big fat guy."

  He began to hum the song "The Kind Burwu" line by line. Gliss nursery rhymes.

  There was no way to wear the flower-scale clothing in the gap. He hummed and tested it several times. The gap was too tight and the flower-scale clothing could not be formed.

  Strangely, as he hummed, the big-faced monster outside gradually stopped making sounds and slowly became quiet.

  Sing along to the song for the third time.

  The surroundings seemed to have entered an extremely quiet environment.

  The big-faced monster was completely silent.

  Li Chengyi slowly, slowly opened a slit in his eyes.

  He was still standing in the gap.

  But in front of his sight, outside the gap, all the big-faced monsters had disappeared, as if they had never appeared.

  A red maintenance door facing the gap is now open.

  A pale young man in white clothes was standing in front of the door, watching him quietly.

  Slowly, a harsh and irritating buzzing sound continued to pour into Li Chengyi's ears from all directions.

  He frowned, feeling his vision begin to spin.

  The gap in front of me also started to rotate, and so did others.

  The young man outside the gap, together with the red door, slowly moved away, shrunk, and blurred during the rotation.


  There was a soft sound, like a line left behind when the TV was finally turned off.

  All the pictures in front of Li Chengyi suddenly merged into lines.

  It shrinks to a point and then disappears.

  "Are you okay? Do you want me to call the emergency number?" A concerned voice slowly approached from a distance and became louder.

  Li Chengyi shook his head and opened his eyes.

  He was still standing outside the rice noodle shop, his body crumbling, as if he had been hollowed out.

  It felt like I hadn't slept for days and nights.

  A silver-haired old man next to him was carrying a shopping bag and looking at him with slight concern.

  Apparently an enthusiastic person passing by saw him staggering and thought he was ill.

  "No, thank you, I...I'm fine. It's just...too tired." Li Chengyi opened his eyes wide, looked at everything around him, and answered quickly.

  No one died!

  He reacted in his mind.

  There were no dead people at all, and he left the Grius parking lot! !
  This time! He didn't rely on death to escape! Instead, he relied solely on Jagier's final escape method that he had investigated.

  Replicate the survivor theory, and then succeed in one fell swoop and get out of the blind spot!

  'I succeeded! ! Li

  Chengyi lowered his head and looked at his hands. His right hand had completely lost feeling, and the joint between his shoulder and chest had begun to hurt.

  But...he succeeded! ! Escaped successfully! !

  A sudden sense of relief, an extremely rare sense of relief, slowly surrounded Li Chengyi's body.

  He seemed to have let go of a heavy burden, and his whole person felt much lighter.

  "It's okay, young man, work hard but also take care of your health." The uncle reminded him, obviously the young people he met often gave him a bad impression.

  "It's just that the exercise was a bit excessive." Li Chengyi explained.

  After saying goodbye to the kind-hearted uncle, he was so excited that he stood blankly for a while, not knowing what to do.

  Back to the hotel?
  Or check out and go home?
  He has already escaped from the Grievus parking lot, so as long as he does not encounter a new blind spot again, there will be no danger.

  'Finally. finally can have a good sleep. '

  Li Chengyi took out his mobile phone and quickly shared the good news with Xindra and Song Ran. These two people obviously had nothing to do with whether he was in a dead end or not, but they were the people who helped him the most.

  Two text messages were sent out.

  Immediately, Syndra's phone call came through.

  "How about it? Go home and rest or continue company training?" His words were always concise and to the point.

  "Go home first. Right now, I just want to take a good bath and have a good sleep. I don't want to think about anything else." Li Chengyi replied.

  "Come on." Sindra didn't say anything. Maybe he understood Li Chengyi's mood at this time.

  After hanging up the phone, Li Chengyi showed a smile on his face and strode towards the hotel chain.

  Check out, take a taxi, and go home.

  Done in one go.

  When he got home, he opened the door and hurriedly answered his parents' inquiries. He quickly took a shower, went to bed, and fell asleep.

  On the outskirts of Suiyang, in a high-end large flat-floor community. An old man with a stubble on his face and who hadn't shaved in several days was sitting next to a recliner. On the table next to him, the ashtray was filled with densely packed light yellow cigarette butts, some of which had not been completely extinguished.

  Not just the ashtray, some cigarette butts had even fallen off the table and were scattered on the floor.

  Thick smoke lingered around the man, but he didn't care about anything. He was holding a mobile phone in one hand and a new cigarette with a red light in the other.


  Suddenly, in the living room behind him, a man with a crew cut and a black jacket walked out quickly and shouted excitedly beside the old man.

  "Found it!"

  "Found it!??" The old man was stunned, and his eyes slowly started to light up.

  "Is there any news about Dongdong? Where is she!?" He stood up suddenly, his voice low and roaring, like a lion suddenly awakened.

  The flat-headed black jacket was startled, but he still stood there and answered quickly.

  "No. The boss is not Dongdong, he is the person you ordered. We found his information from another channel!" "

  It's not Dongdong." The old man became depressed again.

  He is Meng Mingcheng, Meng Dongdong’s father.

  My daughter has been missing for a long time. She is in her own home, surrounded by a bunch of people who are protecting and accompanying her day and night.

  But in the blink of an eye, he disappeared while going to the toilet, and to this day, there is still no news.

  He mobilized all his connections, spent money desperately, and sent people everywhere to look for him.

  But now, there is still no news.
  "You mean, you found the information about those two people that Dongdong said?" The

  whereabouts of my daughter were not found, but the other two were found. Maybe we can learn from them. The situation of my daughter!

  Meng Mingcheng actually had an ominous premonition in his heart, but he didn't want to think about it and didn't dare to think about it.

  "Have you found both?" he quickly recovered and asked.

  "Yes, one has been missing and dead for a long time. But the other is still active, over there at the New Century Building. Some of our brothers have seen him." The black jacket with a flat head answered quickly.

  Meng Dongdong roughly determined Li Chengyi's appearance through profiling and AI portrait generation.

  Although it was later blocked, the photo still remained.

  "Did you see it?" Meng Mingcheng's eyes gradually became brighter.

  He stood up, paced back and forth, and the cigarette in his hand was put out in the ashtray before he took a few puffs.

  "Is he the only one?" He suddenly paused and turned around to ask.

  "More than that, our people have followed that man all the way and should have determined where he lives." Black Jacket with a flat head introduced, "Once we know where he lives, it will be much easier to check other information later." "That's it, that's it

  . "Meng Mingcheng thought for a moment, with a hint of hope in his eyes.

  "Bring some people over in a moment to find out the kid's family situation."

  "What do you mean, boss?" asked the black jacket with a crew cut in confusion.

  "Everyone has a weakness, and most people's weakness is their family members. Control their family members, and then"

  suddenly he paused.

  "No, no, why did that person come out? Dongdong hasn't come out yet!?"

  A horrifying thought appeared in Meng Mingcheng's mind.

  He was stunned and stood there.

  Unknowingly, scenes and scenes of his daughter growing up, from being cute and cute to being tall and graceful, flashed through his mind.

  Tears began to slowly fill up in his eyes and overflowed from the corners of his eyes.

  His lips trembled, his eyes narrowed, and he kept trying to suppress the broken tears with deep breaths, but to no avail.


  the flat-headed black jacket sighed.

  "Then I will take people there myself?"

  "." Meng Mingcheng paused and remained silent.

  After being quiet for a long time, he tremblingly picked up a pack of cigarettes from the table and tried to take one out, but he tried twice without success.

  My hands seemed to be lubricated, but the smoke always slipped out and I couldn't hold them.

  "Xiao Lin, how do I treat you?" he asked suddenly.

  "The boss treats me very well." The expression on the black jacket's face changed slightly, as if he understood something.

  "Then, do me a favor." Meng Mingcheng said calmly.

  "Is it OK to use fire?" The black jacket with a flat head gritted his teeth slightly.

  "Be clean and use the gun first." Meng Mingcheng turned his back and looked at the huge white star in the sky.

  "Okay." The crew-neck black jacket nodded. "Do you need to tell Ah Zeng?"

  Ah Zeng is the bald brother Zeng who Meng Mingcheng ordered to find someone to check the information.

  "No, the fewer people know about this, the better." Meng Mingcheng shook his head.

  "I got it." The black jacket with a flat head took out the phone, pressed the power off button, and watched as the screen slowly turned off and the XF symbol appeared, which was the on/off logo of the mobile phone manufacturer.

  He looked up at his boss, turned around and left silently.

  Shooting first and then causing an accidental fire was nothing new to him.

  Only this time, there was someone behind the other party, and the danger was much higher than before. If something happened,
  Ping Tou knew that the boss would take good care of his father, mother, and younger brother. He was spared his life, and it was worth it to be able to exchange for his younger brother's bright future.

  'It has to be fast, use a silent gun from a long distance, solve it with one shot, and then create a short circuit and cause a fire. The whole time must be controlled within ten minutes. '

  Ping Tou was thinking about his plan. His marksmanship is very good. He was once a retired sniper in the army. Although he is not as good as the ace, at a distance of one to two hundred meters and with the auxiliary system, it is still easy to hit the mark with every shot.

  He walked out of the living room, went out through the half-open door, and stood in front of the elevator.


  The elevator door opened, and a long-haired young man in blue sportswear was standing in the elevator car, lowering his head and playing with his mobile phone.

  (End of chapter)

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