Chapter 2 002 Confused 2

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  Chapter 2 002 Confused The second

  bat froze, hanging in mid-air.

  Li Chengyi's eyes were stunned, looking at everything in front of him, and he didn't know how to react for a moment.

  in front of him.

  It's a wide, dark parking lot.

  There was not a single car in the square, open space. It was like a long, closed box, with only dim lights illuminating the ground.

  The light is pale white, there are two kinds.

  One is on the right, a long line fixed to the black ceiling, extending into the gloom beyond.

  The other one on the left is a line segment lamp about one meter long, hung horizontally on the ceiling every ten meters, one after another, also extending into the darkness in the distance.

  The black and somewhat reflective ground was slightly whitened by the light, and some vague white lines on the parking spaces could be seen.

  'What the hell? Am I dreaming? 'Li Chengyi put down the bat gently and squeezed his thigh hard.

  Severe pain quickly spread throughout his body, waking him up.

  'It doesn't seem like a dream. 'He reacted quickly.

  Even time travel has appeared, and it seems normal to risk something else.

  Taking a deep breath, inhaling and exhaling, his expression calmed down a little.

  Standing at the door, he paused.

  'First make sure this is a dream. '

  Picking up the bat and bringing it close, almost to his face, he examined its texture at close range.

  There are tiny spots of smooth rust on the surface of the stick, and the silver paint reflects the lights in the distance.

  There is also a scroll-like pattern engraved in the middle, with a line of small words in the pattern: Life lies in hard blows.

  Below the small print is the brand company: Must Add Sports. Below that are two neat characters representing his company.

  'Dreams can't be so clear and delicate! '

  Li Chengyi was heartbroken, and he gripped the non-slip handle of the bat tightly. The dense texture gave him a rough feel, which made him reaffirm that this was not a dream.

  Generally, according to his experience, to judge whether it is a dream or not, you only need to observe the details to find clues.

  Details in dreams are often hazy.

  And now.
  He stood at the door, took a deep breath, looked at the parking lot outside, and didn't want to go out at all.

  Subconsciously, he took a step back, trying to retreat into the room and close the door.

  'Perhaps closing the door and opening it again will return to normal. '

  He thought to himself, but his back was pressed against a cold wall.

  '! ! ! Li Chengyi froze and quickly turned his head to look.

  The bedroom behind him turned into a gray-white wall at some point!

  The room is gone! ?
  His bedroom is gone! ?
  He was holding the bat and wearing the gray underwear he wore when sleeping. He stood there blankly, not realizing what happened.

  The room is gone.

  The door frame is gone too.

  Behind him there was only a stone wall identical to the others.

  If it weren't for the bat he was holding in his hand, he might have thought that he was just hallucinating when he was sleeping in the room.

  Stretching out his hand, Li Chengyi gently touched the wall in front of him.

  The hard, cold touch and rough texture told him that the wall in front of him was real.

  There were even some tiny damaged spots on the wall, as if they had been hit by something hard at a sharp angle, revealing another layer of gray-black material underneath.

  'What exactly is going on! ? ! ! Li

  Chengyi was stunned.

  He turned around again, looked toward the parking lot, and took a deep breath.

  After hesitating and pausing for a short while, the expression on his face gradually calmed down, and the expression in his eyes changed rapidly.

  After a while, he finally let out a long breath and took a step forward.

  In an instant, the world was spinning, Li Chengyi's eyes blurred, and his consciousness fell into a blur for a moment.

  He seemed to be floating, and the world was spinning.

  Beep beep.
  The piercing sound of the alarm vibrated in his ears.

  Li Chengyi's vision gradually recovered.

  The parking lot in his eyes changed into the white ceiling of his room.

  Square metal plates, pieced together, with white square frames and black lines, are the simple ceiling patterns at home.

  He sat blankly on the bed, and the phone on the bedside table vibrated slightly.

  It's a set alarm clock.

  The word 'exercise' appeared on the light blue screen.

  The time is 7:32 minutes.

  Li Chengyi took a deep breath and felt that his heart was still beating wildly.

  The scenes just now were so lifelike that he still couldn't come back to his senses.

  Sitting on the bed and waiting for the blood flow to slow down, he slowly picked up his phone while the alarm rang.

  The background of the phone is a piece of dark blue water, with three young people in red life jackets in the center, lying on their backs on a round inflatable mattress.

  The three of them put their hands behind their heads and smiled happily.

  Golden sunshine, gray inflatable mattresses, red life jackets, and the bright smiles of the three people formed a warm picture in the center of the deep blue water.

  Li Chengyi looked at the background photo on the screen and held the phone in mid-air. After waiting for a while, only vague memories came out of his mind.

  'Lin Sang, Chen Xudong. '

  He remembered the names of two other people besides himself. The girl's name is Lin Sang, and the sturdy boy's name is Chen Xudong.

  This was taken by aerial photography when the three of them went to the Bisha Islands on the other side of the blue ocean together two years ago.

  Putting down his phone, he looked at its appearance.

  It's just a simple rectangular silver box, not much different from the mobile phone in the previous life.

  All screen, no buttons.

  There was a crash.

  He put down his cell phone, lifted the quilt, stood up, walked to the window, pushed aside a few coats and clothes hanging by the window, and opened the window.

  The cool air outside turned into a gust of wind, blowing on his cheeks, and the aroma of fried eggs penetrated his nostrils.

  The light outside the window is pure white, and the height of the window is on the fourth floor. There are rows of cars of different colors parked below.

  Opposite is another gray-white high-rise building with more than ten floors. From here, you can see the families gradually moving in the windows between the floors.

  Li Chengyi turned his head and looked further into the sky.

  In the blue sky, a hazy white cloud is like cotton wool, sometimes blocking the sun, sometimes leaking a little gold.

  He calmed down, turned around, walked to the table, and took out a clean mirror from the drawer.

  He looked at himself in the mirror.

  The mirror reflected an ordinary face of a young man with black eyes and light yellow skin.

  The eyebrows are slightly thin, the corners of the eyes are slightly raised, and he seems to be smiling at all times. Other than that, he has no other memorable features.

  The nose is neither high nor short, the mouth is neither wide nor narrow, neither thick nor thin.

  He was about in his twenties, with curious eyes and a hint of surprise.

  'It seems no different from the previous life? '

  This thought flashed through Li Chengyi's mind.

  According to the habits of his predecessor, he should now get dressed and go out to exercise.

  Although the memory is vague, I remember many things.

  Opening the closet, he quickly searched for a set of gray sportswear and put it on, then opened the door and went out into the living room.

  The living room was empty. My parents and sister were no longer there. There are also a few pairs of shoes missing in the shoe cabinet at the door.

  There was a box of something dusty and jelly-like on the gray rectangular stone table.

  Li Chengyi approached and picked it up to take a look.

  There was a line printed on the outside of the box: Tremella Mung Bean Porridge-Guding Brand.

  After hesitating for a moment, he tore off the lid of the box and drank.

  It tastes sweet, no different from what I had in my previous life.

  Quickly finish your breakfast, change your shoes, and put on your sports fanny pack.

  Li Chengyi carefully reviewed his vague memories, took his mobile phone keys, opened the door and walked out of the house.

  In the empty and cold stairwell, the silver elevator moved faster than he expected.

  Almost pressing the button, counting four seconds in his mind, he reached the first floor.

  Leaving the stairwell and walking out of the building entrance, his feet stepped on the gray ground outside for the first time. Feeling the hard and solid touch, Li Chengyi suddenly felt at ease.

  He stood at the entrance of the building and felt the warm wind blowing on his body. The wind carried the fragrance of flowers and breakfast, and an indescribable sense of freshness came to his heart.

  Jingle Bell.

  Suddenly the sound of a bell came from the entrance of the building opposite.

  An old man with gray hair was helping his granddaughter to sit on the back seat of the bicycle. He took one step, two steps, three steps, rushed forward, got on the bike, and rode with a calm demeanor to send his granddaughter to school.

  The little girl, who was less than ten years old, was carrying a schoolbag and yawning. There were still a few tears in the corners of her eyes, and there were still fingerprints on one side of her face.

  Li Chengyi moved his ankles while watching the little girl and the old man go away.

  He jumped twice, followed the direction of the bicycle, and trotted to catch up.

  That side is the direction out of the community, and the place where I do my daily exercises is on the side of this community called Happy Community, in a small park.

  On the road inside the community, a car drove by, all of them people going out to work.

  The leaves and branches above the head rustled in the wind, and little yellowish debris continued to float, which seemed to be some kind of petals, or the fluff on the leaves.

  Li Chengyi ran out of the community along the road, paused in front of a big red stone with the word "Happy Community" on the right side of the door, and then continued running to the right side of the community.

  Fresh air, moderate temperature, bright light, clean streets.

  There is a constant flow of cars and people going to work and taking their children to school, as well as people who get up early to exercise.

  All the sense of reality made Li Chengyi's somewhat unstable mood slowly calm down.

  He ran to the entrance of the small park in one breath, stopped at a circular open space, and waited.

  The people exercising with his predecessor were the other two people in the background photo on his mobile phone: Lin Sang and Chen Xudong.

  Five days out of seven days a week, they come here together for early workouts.

  Li Chengyi was a little expectant, but also a little uneasy. Everything in this world was new to him.

  The previous interpersonal relationships in the past were both familiar and unfamiliar to him.

  While thinking about how to deal with the other two friends, the uneasiness caused by last night's strange experience was gradually forgotten.

  He felt vaguely in a trance, as if this was his real self, and the previous life in his memory was just an extremely real dream.

  But this feeling was quickly forgotten.

  Because, there was already a person on the right trotting towards him.

  "Xiao Yi!" The man shouted from a distance, his running movements were very standard.

  This man is tall and tall, at least 1.9 meters tall. He has a short haircut and bulging muscles. He is very tall. He wears black short-sleeved shirts and gray and white sweatpants. He has thick eyebrows and a big red mole on the left side of his eyebrows. He is his predecessor. Chen Xudong, Li Chengyi’s friend and classmate.

  (End of chapter)

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