Chapter 121 121 Secret 1

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  Chapter 121 121 Secret -
  Mukesha Town in the dark night is completely different from the daytime.

  The dim moonlight shone down, illuminating only the outer skin of the house.

  The alleyways and gaps between them are completely black lines, echoing the dark doors and windows.

  Li Chengyi walked step by step along the route that day, towards the house.

  With the clicking footsteps, he quickly returned to the small room on the second floor.

  The door to the room was still open, and the inside was still the same, with signs of being burned by the fire.

  He glanced at the bed board but did not go over.

  'Judging from the previous flashes of memory, Iselin should have hid in this tunnel. Li

  Chengyi recalled the previous scene, took out a flashlight for lighting, and turned it on to illuminate.

  There was only a ray of moonlight shining in the bedroom from the window.

  There are no other light sources.

  The moonlight was so weak that it couldn't even compare to a candle, let alone illuminate the surroundings.

  The flashlight was turned on, and the bright light reflected the entire bedroom much more clearly.

  Li Chengyi walked to the corner, squatted down, and moved away a piece of charred wood.

  Suddenly, a burnt dog corpse appeared in front of him.

  'This should be the big yellow dog. ’ He sighed inwardly.

  Gently move the big yellow dog to the side, and then push away the black dust on the ground.

  Sure enough, a square stone slab with an iron ring was exposed on the ground.

  Stretching out his hand, Li Chengyi took a breath, hooked the ring, and pulled it up.


  The stone slab was lifted, revealing a dark tunnel entrance in a cloud of dust.

  He took a flashlight and shined it inside.

  The light just shined in.

  A pale baby face came into view.

  It was a strange face of a little girl covered in white powder, with a smile on her lips and wearing white pajamas.

  'Lonely doll! ! ? '

  Li Chengyi was startled by the face so close to him.

  Of course he wasn't afraid, the main reason was that the face was too close.

  Just one fist could touch the tip of his visor and nose.

  He stumbled back and sat on the ground.

  He pressed his right hand to the ground, but suddenly something felt wrong.

  He looked down and saw a pair of pale children's feet covered with wounds standing on his right side.

  The hair on his body stood up, and he stood up to stay away.


  Suddenly, the face in the tunnel and the child standing next to him screamed at the same time.

  The two sharp sound waves shook Li Chengyi's whole body, as if he had been thrown into a washing machine and stirred wildly.

  A strong feeling of vomiting and dizziness came over me.

  "Give it to me"

  "Shut up!!!"

  He suddenly raised his hand.

  The flying instrument turned into a black light, flashing past the faces in the tunnel and the children beside it.

  Bang! !

  Everything goes quiet.

  Li Chengyi knelt on one knee, sweating profusely, and felt a stinging pain in his ears.

  His eyes were a little dazzled, but now he looked around the room.

  The two figures that had just appeared were gone.

  Only Feiyi's black ax was still stuck on the ground.

  He exhaled, grabbed the black ax, and pulled it out.

  The continuous radiant force field has been restoring his injuries and condition. After only ten seconds, the snowflakes in front of his eyes slowly dissipated.

  Taking a deep breath, he returned to the tunnel.

  Without hesitation, he jumped down with a flashlight.


  There was an obvious sound of armor rubbing together.

  After sliding for at least ten meters, he stepped on the ground with both feet.

  Sliding from the tunnel into a boxy room that looked like a bedroom on the ground.

  With a pop, Li Chengyi's whole body fell to the ground, splashing a large amount of dust.

  The dust shrouded the electric light dimly.

  After waiting for a while, the dust slowly dispersed.

  Li Chengyi raised his flashlight and looked at the room carefully.

  This is a cubic room with the same furnishings as the bedroom above.

  Earthy yellow walls, khaki floor, and black ceiling.

  The room has a single child's bed, a desk, a small wardrobe, and a closed black iron door.

  Li Chengyi took the flashlight and looked around, but the face in the helmet was slightly frowning.

  'This place has the same furnishings as above, but it doesn't look like a little girl's room. '

  He walked over to the desk and picked up a small Autobot toy that was lying on the table.

  The yellow Autobot has one arm missing, and its legs are stretched into an X shape. Only one of the two antennas on the head is left.

  This is not what little girls like to do.

  Take a flashlight and look carefully.

  Soon, he found a clue.

  In the right corner of the desk, there are a few drops of black marks. The shape looks like blood stains.


  Li Chengyi opened the drawer under the blood stain.

  There is an old portable video player inside. In Li Chengyi's previous life, this thing was called MP4.

  In this place, this is called a mv machine.

  The player is about the size of an egg, boxy, and completely black, with most of the middle part being a display screen.

  There was a black border around the edge of the display screen, and there were no buttons. He guessed it was a touch screen.

  'Maybe there will be a clue. ’ He put this thing away and put it into the small space of Feiyi.

  Then continue searching for other clues.

  But it's a pity that this is the only thing on the entire desk. The rest are empty, as if they are just for show.

  Li Chengyi turned around and looked at the children's bed again. The bed was empty.

  But under the bed,
  there was a hem of a white nightgown exposed.

  It can be seen that there must be someone hiding under the bed.

  Li Chengyi sighed and approached slowly.

  Stretching out his hand, he gently grabbed the nightgown, and then slowly pulled it out.

  With a subtle hissing sound.

  The skeleton of a little girl was gently pulled out and lying on the side of the child's bed.

  The skeleton covered its eyes with both hands and curled up into a ball, with a thin black hardened skin still remaining on its body.

  He looked helpless and pitiful.

  It is conceivable that in her last hours, she could not see, there was no food or drink around, and no one answered.

  She was alone in this empty room.

  She could only listen to her mother's words, groping and hiding under the bed, curling up alone, enduring the severe pain in her eyes, until she died.

  'What if. You are Iseline. So, who was that person I met before? Looking

  at the skeleton in front of him, Li Chengyi sighed, feeling a rare lack of tension in his heart.

  Instead, a touch of sadness arose.

  Gently reaching out his hand, he slowly pulled the skeleton's hand away.

  Sure enough, I saw black clods of soil embedded in the eye sockets.

  He stood up and took one last look around the room. Li Chengyi made sure not to miss any details.

  Only then did he stand in front of the only iron door.

  He stretched out his hand to hold the door handle, held the golden sword in his other hand, and slashed hard.

  Tsk tsk.

  There were two crisp sounds, and the door's lock was cut off.

  He pulled hard.

  The whole door suddenly made a harsh friction sound and was forced open.

  Outside the door is a small tunnel, not long, only about three meters, leading to a square stone slab at an angle.

  Li Chengyi took a flashlight and looked at it to make sure there was no problem, then he climbed in carefully step by step.

  This passage is very short and narrow. After wearing the armor, he is very big and can only move forward lying down. Otherwise your head will hit the top of the soil.


  After only climbing a few times, he suddenly felt a tightness in his right foot, as if something was pulling him.

  Li Chengyi quickly looked back.

  At the door of the underground bedroom, a pale little girl's face was looking up and smiling at him.

  His feet were being tightly grasped by a small, blackened hand.

  Looking at that defeated and strange face, Li Chengyi felt horrified.

  About to take action.

  Suddenly the little girl's hand loosened itself.

  She just smiled and looked at Li Chengyi.

  Then step back, step back.

  All the way back into the deep darkness.

  Completely disappeared.

  Inexplicably, Li Chengyi looked at the place where she disappeared, and suddenly felt a strong sense of loneliness in his heart.

  This seems to be the feeling conveyed by the other party.

  In his mind, he inexplicably flashed through scenes of clues he had discovered before and information he had read.

  Without stopping, he quickly crawled under the stone slab, bumped his elbow, and immediately knocked the stone slab away.

  Come out of the small exit.

  Only then did he realize that his surroundings were actually outside the earthen walls of Mukesha Town.

  'An escape route to the outside of the wall! '

  He had an idea.

  Without stopping any longer, Li Chengyi looked around and saw that Lan Lu's people hadn't arrived yet.

  There was still silence all around.

  There is no satellite surveillance here, and there is no Sky Eye system covering the surrounding area.

  You can completely ignore the possible monitoring.

  Standing up, he carefully lifted up the flying device, which contained the MV machine he had just found, which was very likely to contain important information.

  After recalling the entire exploration process, Li Chengyi could vaguely feel that there seemed to be a clue running through the town of Mukesha.

  However, it is currently impossible to determine due to incomplete information.

  'Gotta go back. '

  After killing so many people in Lanlu, the other party must have noticed and sent people here.

  He doesn't want to have a violent conflict with the other party, at least here, it's not appropriate.

  But he only killed dozens of people on the other side. It shouldn't be a big problem.

  Looking around, Li Chengyi did not return the way he came from immediately, but ran quickly in the other direction and left.

  He needed to take a detour, then use the hidden solo flight equipment to take off and erase the footprints.

  Although it won't take long for the wind and sand to completely disappear the footprints.

  But it may take less time for the other party to catch up.

  After some careful operation, half an hour later.

  In an airport hotel room.

  Li Chengyi took out his mobile phone from the hotel drawer again and opened it to check the information.

  There are four missed calls.

  Also, Cucumber Night Chat is also full of messages, with the number of messages being 99+.

  He felt awe-struck, knowing that Skittles and the others must have found a clue.

  Click it quickly.

  "It's not going well. I was attacked." - Skittles.

  "Me too! I was shot coldly." - Dahei.

  "Xiao Brown and I brought medical kits!" - Gantry crane.

  "There are too many of them. We must find a way to avoid them first." - Big Bear.

  "Let's get together first and then try to get out!" - Skittles.

  When Li Chengyi saw this, his heart suddenly tightened.

  He instantly thought of the Utopia organization that he had offended. Among all the troubles, only Utopia had such great energy and could make people like Rainbow Candy and others in such a mess.

  He typed quickly and was about to send it.

  (End of chapter)

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