Chapter 114 114 Fusion Four

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  Chapter 114 114 Fusion Four

  "Hand. I feel a little uncomfortable with my left hand." Li Chengyi raised his left hand, but it was this one that was grabbed by the black hand, and then something went wrong.

  He has turned on the radiant force field since then and has been recovering, but except for the elimination of the dullness, the rest has remained unchanged.

  That blurry feeling of not being able to see clearly is still there.

  "Left hand, is it pain, loss of feeling, or some other problem?" The old doctor asked Li Chengyi to put his hand on the table. He wore gloves and reached out to massage.

  "No, I just feel like something is wrong, from the wrist up." Li Chengyi answered.

  "Wrong?" The old doctor thought for a while and was about to speak.

  The little nurse on the side immediately stepped forward and said something in his ear, and the old doctor looked astonished.

  "I'll check your bones, muscles, and joints."

  He obviously knew that Li Chengyi came to check because of the blind spot problem.

  Dead spots are not a secret in many places, but most people don't go out of their way to get in touch with them. In fact, most people just think it is a rumor and hold it half-believed.

  He took Li Chengyi's left hand, turned it over and over, and massaged it in various ways.

  Ask about feelings from time to time.

  But what I got was that everything was normal.

  "Can't you see?" Li Chengyi endured it for a while and finally couldn't help it.

  "What?" The old doctor stopped and looked at him in confusion.

  "Can you see my left hand clearly?" Li Chengyi asked.

  "Is it very clear? I'm not short-sighted." The old doctor adjusted his glasses.

  Li Chengyi frowned and looked at the little nurse again.

  "Can you see my left hand clearly?"

  The little nurse was confused and nodded.

  "It's very clear. There are no wounds on the hands, the skin is rosy, smooth and elastic, and the hair is sparse and clear. It is a normal state for healthy young people."

  "Go get the machine and scan it." The old doctor said decisively.

  It's normal for any strange things to happen to people in blind spots.

  Li Chengyi was also very cooperative. He went around various departments of the hospital and performed various examinations and scans.

  It's a pity that no matter who is replaced or what machine is used, the abnormality in his left hand cannot be discovered.

  That weird blur seemed to be something only he could detect.

  In desperation, he had no choice but to leave.

  Before leaving, the little nurse gave him a pink egg-sized round bead. He said it was given to him by Big Bear.

  Li Chengyi put it away and learned from Daxiong that it was a biometric camera for one-time use. After thanking him online, he returned to the Prison Dragon Villa.

  Without any hesitation, he immediately began to practice the soft energy burst repeatedly to ensure that he could complete the explosive technique of Zhuxing Longying in the shortest time.

  There will be no one in the blind spot waiting for him to gather strength before launching an attack.

  Therefore, if you want it to be practical, you must practice it to the point where you can use it anytime and anywhere.

  The Prison Dragon seemed to understand what he was thinking, and was always giving guidance and watching.

  In the open space of the villa, there would be uninterrupted periodic crisp sounds for several days.

  Originally, this kind of full-body explosion was very energy-consuming.

  But there is the rest room of the boss Syndra, and the personal and continuous recovery of the radiant force field.

  Li Chengyi insisted on starting training on the empty court every day before dawn.

  Prison Dragon originally wanted to sleep in, but was woken up for three consecutive days. He had no choice but to adjust his schedule and get up to practice with Li Chengyi.

  But even watching from the side, he felt something was wrong.

  Although there are some drugs that can quickly restore physical fitness, it is not exaggerated to the point where it can be used at full strength from morning to night! ?
  On the first day, he felt something was wrong with Li Chengyi.

  The next day, he felt that Li Chengyi must be holding on and would soon die.

  On the third day, I watched Li Chengyi's power become more and more mellow and natural, and he had found the most suitable explosive method for him.

  Finally he couldn't bear it anymore.

  "Aren't you tired? Also, you don't have to use your fists or palms. Zhuxing Longying is a hidden weapon technique, you understand?" "I'm

  still a little tired. In other words, I need to use hidden weapons to practice?" Li Chengyi quickly reacted .

  "It's good that you understand. The method of bursting soft energy can be used in many places. Zhuxing Longying is just more suitable for using hidden weapons." Prison Dragon lay on the

  recliner and patted his belly, sighing.

  He just took a nap and now he's awake. This kid is still practicing. It's terrifying! !

  He watched helplessly as Li Chengyi got wet all over from practicing, and his hands became swollen and red because they were constantly used as breaking points.

  But this guy's perseverance is really good, he will continue to practice no matter what.

  After Prison Dragon made the suggestion, he immediately saw Li Chengyi find a pile of hidden weapon bags from the basement of the villa, and selected the most difficult flying spur from them.

  After choosing, he started practicing hard again.

  The time from accumulating power to bursting out also slowly decreased from seven seconds at the beginning to three seconds.

  And its movements are becoming more and more smooth, natural and relaxed.

  On the fifth day.

  Empty field.

  Li Chengyi, wearing a spacious training suit, stood quietly on the ground, his legs naturally spread apart and walked forward step by step.

  Directly in front of him was a round black target hanging on the wall.

  "Get ready!" The prison dragon's voice came from behind.

  "Try to have a natural expression and a natural body, and don't be stiff. This way everyone will be alert."

  He kept pointing out the details.

  "Do it!"

  Tsk! !

  In an instant, Li Chengyi narrowed his eyes, raised his right hand, and suddenly threw it forward.

  All the strength in his body was like running water, instantly pouring part of it into the palm-length sword in his hand.

  The black dagger brought out an afterimage and hit the target in the distance with a bang.

  From start to explosion, it only took one second! !

  "It's done!" The Prison Dragon laughed and clapped from behind. He picked up the milk tea and sucked it in big gulps.

  Li Chengyi stood there, not moving, but still staring at the target ten meters away.

  Suddenly his right hand flashed again.

  In an instant, two black thorns shot out and hit the wall outside the target, missing the target. "I can only send a handful at a time, but not more." He sighed.

  "It's already great! I'm at your level. What's important next is not quantity. Just one handful at a time is enough. Next, what you need to practice is to be able to quickly adjust yourself in any posture and explode in an instant. Star dragon shadows." Prison Dragon corrected.

  "Understood!" Li Chengyi turned around and nodded seriously.

  In the past few days, after discovering that the problem with his left hand could not be solved at all, he understood that this blind spot was probably more dangerous than the last time.
  His strength was obviously improving, but the blind spot could still pose a strong danger and threat to him. feel.

  This is because he has the mark of the Flower of Evil. If it were other people in a blind spot, facing this kind of blind spot, he would probably have to risk his life.

  There simply won't be any room for error. If you make one mistake, you will die.

  "But now I have learned to control my strength. I don't have to explode my whole body every time. I use one force to produce a three-point effect. This should be the value of Zhuxing Longying." Li Chengyi said in a deep voice.

  "As long as you understand. When needed, we can naturally explode with all our strength, but usually what you have to do is to practice it into an instinct-like move. The key is to determine the outcome of the battle. This is enough." Prison Dragon smiled, "In this way, you wear bulletproof equipment. If you encounter the person you said can suppress you in close combat again, give him a cold blow. Three times the power will burst out, and he will be half disabled even if he is not dead."

  After a pause, he continued.

  "The explosive power of this move is too strong. In many schools, the power of the burst of soft energy is at most about twice as much. Three times is adjusted by our Longxu Sect's unique move skills. I will point you to the details of the posture, and it will not matter at all. It can't be wrong, otherwise the transmission power will be lost."

  "Yes." Li Chengyi nodded solemnly.

  He recalled that when he fought against Zhou Yan from Utopia, he was completely suppressed in a close-range fight. In addition to not having a decisive kill, it was also related to his lack of experience in actual combat.

  Especially when he can only fight with opponents who cannot be dealt with at once, he exposes his weaknesses.

  Immediately, he also asked this question.

  "This is a matter of building an offensive and defensive system. Our Longxu Sect has one attack and one defense. They are two separate techniques. They are called Longjing and Xiaofubo Fist." Prison Dragon came on the stage in person, standing on one

  side Open your arms and take a stance.

  "Come on, let's demonstrate defense first. Use your strength and hit me."

  He couldn't forget the feeling of being almost crippled last time. He must have been careful this time.

  Li Chengyi nodded, raised his hand and punched him.


  The door opened.

  After Li Chengyi took a shower, he changed into clean bulletproof equipment, sat down at the table, and sighed.

  After practicing close combat techniques for a day, he had a preliminary understanding of the so-called offensive and defensive system.

  Prison Dragon is worthy of being a master who once served as an instructor in the army and has extremely rich experience in actual combat.

  During the learning process, he initially mastered these two sets of concise and practical offensive and defensive techniques.

  Although it was only the basic Qi stage of Dragon Beard's strength, compared to his previous self, Li Chengyi felt that he could instantly kill him with one hand under a sneak attack.

  The Zhuxing Longying's concealment is too strong, and its explosive power is too terrifying. So much so that you can only throw it out with a concealed weapon, otherwise your body will be damaged again and again if you hit it with your own fist.

  If you are not careful, you will be beaten to the point of having heart problems just like Master Prison Dragon before.

  Thinking of this, Li Chengyi took out his notebook from the drawer and prepared to record down the key points and knowledge points of today's study one by one.

  But he was holding the notebook in his hand and before he put it down, he suddenly felt a slight chill on his back.

  There was wind blowing into the room.

  "Who!?" He stood up suddenly and turned around.

  The door to the room opened at some point.

  The corridor on the second floor, which should have been lit with lights outside, now seemed like a dark and unknown entrance, with cold wind blowing quietly outside.

  'coming! ? 'Li Chengyi felt awe-struck, knowing that he had entered a blind spot again.

  This is the second omen.

  But this time is different from last time, he has been prepared for a long time!
  Putting down his notebook, he pushed away his chair and walked step by step to the door of the room.

  Close the door gently.


  The door lock clicked.

  He turned back and looked at the wooden bed where he slept.

  A subtle sound, like a girl crying, came from under the bed.

  Li Chengyi looked sternly, pulled down the bulletproof helmet mask, and then did not hesitate at all.

  Purple light flashes all over the body, and countless purple petals are flying around, quickly condensing on the body, forming a wisteria flower scale coat.

  On the purple mirror-like scales made of metal, purple fluorescent lines spread all over the body like circuits. These fluorescent lines weave clusters of wisteria patterns throughout the scales, which are exquisite and gorgeous.

  The second-evolved Wisteria Scale Clothes is much stronger in full wear mode than in fusion mode.

  So at this time, Li Chengyi chose to be fully armed to ensure his own safety to the greatest extent.

  'Flower Language·Brilliant Force Field. '

  His heart moved, and a thin layer of warm force field quickly covered his whole body.

  This is preparation in advance.

  Then a golden dagger appeared in his hand.

  Holding the sword, he walked towards the wooden bed step by step.

  he came closer, the girl's crying became more and more obvious, tinny and faint.

  boom! !

  Li Chengyi instantly grabbed the edge of the bed and lifted it up.

  Tons of power suddenly exploded.

  The entire wooden bed flew out and hit the wall, breaking into several pieces and scattering on the floor.

  "Get out!!"

  The moment the wooden bed flew up, he slashed down with the golden sword in his right hand.

  The tip of the sword paused.

  Hanging in mid-air.

  It was also hanging in front of the face of a curled-up little blond girl wearing pajamas with tears on her face.

  The little girl was about ten years old. She looked blankly at the golden sword that was just one centimeter away from smashing her head.

  One second.

  Two seconds.

  Three seconds.


  She rolled her eyes, fainted on the spot, and lost consciousness.

  "." Li Chengyi took back his sword. Somewhat embarrassing.

  He heard the little girl crying and thought it was a threat of danger, but he never expected that it was really a little girl crying! ?
  (End of chapter)

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