Chapter 108 108 Basics 2

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  Chapter 108 108 Basics 2

  "Huh, you are quite crazy, aren't you?"

  From the crowd behind, two tall and thin men with light green hair slowly walked out.

  These two people have good looks, but the circles under their eyes are a bit dark, and their spirits feel sluggish.

  When the two of them walked out, the others discovered that at least half of the crowd had followed them.

  Some of them had bulging bags on their waists, and they were obviously armed with guns.

  "Well, okay, okay." Li Chengyi smiled, "Isn't this a two-way trip? Who told us that there are only two of us?"

  His meaning was obvious. There are only two people like them, and there are no other substitutes, so That will attract so many people to come and join.

  "You have a good temper." The green-haired man curled his lips, "But the content of what he said was very crazy. You are a bit interesting." "Yes, thank you for the

  compliment." Li Chengyi nodded in agreement. "I just think that the situation we are in now is bad enough. Why do we still want to add trouble to each other?" "

  That makes sense. You kid, you are more pleasing to me than many people." The green-haired man smiled.

  "Give it to the target. You are right. Who told us that we need you, but you need us? High-frequency flash, hey, I hope you are as good as advertised. By then I will have traveled tens of thousands of miles in a car!"

  " I won't let you down." Li Chengyi smiled gently.

  He opened his hand to signal everyone to be quiet for a moment.

  Wait until the sound is quieter.

  He spoke slowly.

  "So, let's talk about the test topic now."

  He looked around at everyone, and there were already about thirty people in the crowd.

  Everyone fell silent, and all eyes were focused on him.

  "Get the whereabouts and private information of all direct members of the Tiefeng Group, Suiyang Xu family, and private information as quickly as possible. The time limit is one hour."


  Li Chengyi put his hands together and made a crisp clapping sound.


  Tiefeng Group.

  Xu Zhenchang stood in the office on the top floor of the group building with an indifferent expression, overlooking the entire Suiyang night scene.

  "Brother Zheng." His voice was low, "Have you not found the Cyborg murderer who killed our son?" "

  Someone is helping them hide their whereabouts. I can only find Hongjin and disconnect." There was no light in the office. Sitting on a soft leather chair in the darkness was a tall figure.

  He held a lit cigarette in his hand, and the faint red dot was very eye-catching in the darkness.

  "Another child who was with my son was also killed a few days ago. The perpetrator has been identified as the sister of the girl they killed before, Zheng Qingrong." He

  is Zheng Kai, that is, the entire Chairman of the Board of Directors of Tiefeng Group.

  Some time ago, the affairs of his son Zheng Jiayu were exposed, causing the entire group's stock price to drop a lot, and at least one-third of its market value to evaporate.

  This caused dissatisfaction among many members of the board of directors, and he has only now suppressed it.

  "I have asked someone to quietly investigate the Sky Eye, and I didn't find much information. I only found out that Hong Jin of Sindela is suspected. This time, I hope you will join me and attack Hong Jin. Sindela He also has friends in the association, so I might not be able to suppress him alone." Xu Zhenchang said calmly.

  "It's not that I don't want to." Zheng Kai replied. "It's just because we couldn't find out who the real mastermind behind it was before! But now, I have hired a real expert from outside the country. He is the top level in the industry in terms of network security! With him here, we will definitely be able to find out. The whereabouts of the reformer before!"

  "Oh? Who is he?" Xu Zhenchang asked curiously.

  "Electronic Chen Fubo." Zheng Kai gently pressed a button on his clothes.

  After a while, the office door opened automatically, and a man in a black suit with silver-rimmed glasses and a gentle temperament walked in.

  "I came here as soon as I received the commission. I'm glad to meet you two. I am Chen Fubo."

  The man in glasses smiled and bowed.

  "This move is more difficult and involves local eyes, so the price is 50 million. Do you two have any objections?" "

  As long as the goal can be achieved. Money is not an issue!" Xu Zhenchang replied coldly. His son Xu Zhongsheng was raped in front of him. He was assassinated in his family's company and died in the palace garden.

  He will avenge this revenge no matter what!
  "Okay. I will need it next." Chen Fubo, the electrician, started talking.

  Suddenly a trace of surprise flashed across his face.

  "Wait a minute, someone has sneaked into the surveillance system here. The technology is pretty good. Wait a moment, you two happen to encounter an intrusion by a foreign hacker. I'll handle it." "Please tell me what you need, and we will prepare it."

  Zheng Kai said in a deep voice. road.

  "It doesn't matter. It will be solved soon." Chen Fubo said with a smile. He pressed the implanted chip switch on the side of his neck.

  "It's just a little thief."

  He looked calm. Before he could finish his sentence, he was suddenly stunned.

  "No, it turns out they are two little thieves. They are fine. Their skills are pretty good, but they are only strong in a small place like this. They are not as good as me." This time, he still didn't finish his words, and the smile on his face slowly disappeared


  "Three? For other people, this data flow would definitely be unbearable, but I am different. Fortunately you found me, otherwise" there was a subtle

  prompt faintly coming from his body. sound.

  "Wait. Something's wrong!"

  "Not three. More than three!"

  Diantian's expression became completely serious this time.

  As time went by, his face became increasingly ugly. Sweat seeped out from his forehead, formed into thin lines, and flowed down his neck.

  "Why so many!!? How many people have you offended?! Why so many!?" He was already

  feeling a little bad at this time. His body temperature was exaggeratedly high, and a faint white smoke could even be clearly seen on his hair. Float out.

  "Not good!!" Suddenly his expression changed drastically, and he reached out to press the switch on the side of his neck to forcefully disconnect the network connection.

  But it was too late.

  For a moment.

  All the transformation modules on Chen Fubo were overloaded at the same time and conflicted with each other.

  A large amount of white smoke rose from his body.


  The other person knelt down on the carpet, stuck his neck tightly, and tried to forcefully disconnect the link.

  But it's too late.

  call! ! In an instant, a large piece of bright yellow flame burst out from the other person from the inside out.

  Accompanied by fine arcs and black smoke.

  In just two seconds, his whole body burst into flames.

  "No!!!" screams sounded.

  Zheng Kai, who had been sitting in his seat, stood up in shock and looked at the scene in front of him.

  Xu Zhenchang also stood in the firelight, watching Chen Fubo spontaneously combust without saying a word. The hatred in his eyes was gradually turning into shock and fear with the sudden flame.

  No matter what kind of images and information, nothing is as shocking as a living person suddenly spontaneously burning and dying in front of his eyes.


  The two of them stared blankly at Chen Fubo, who was burning and falling to the ground. They had difficulty swallowing, and there was no response for a long time until the automatic fire extinguishing system in the office sprinkled rain.

  Forever Botanic Gardens.

  "You are very skilled." Under the light, the green-haired man was playing with a gold watch in his hand, tossing it up and down.

  "They are faster than my people, but you think you can win like this?" He laughed.

  He learned to make sounds in his mouth.

  "Okay now, aren't you very fast? I destroyed the system! Burned out all the chips! Burned out all the networks!" "

  I can't do it, and you can't do it either!" He laughed arrogantly.

  Behind him, a dozen people were sitting on the ground, opening the computers they brought with them, and completing his instructions quickly.

  "Bitch." Suddenly a female voice came out.

  Next to the red sports car, Skittles leaned against the car door, posing in a pose that best highlighted her curves.

  "You think there's nothing we can do if the chip is burned?" A mocking smile appeared on her face.

  "It's done!" Behind her, a synthesized electronic sound came from the sports car. "Sister Tang, all the information has been collected."

  "Thanks, Cucumber." Rainbow Sugar patted the sports car.

  "You're welcome, serving you is my greatest value." The electronically synthesized voice replied.

  "It's the same here."

  "Same as me."

  "Information collection completed."

  Four or five voices sounded almost at the same time among the many teams present.

  The green-haired man's wanton smile was a little uncontrollable.

  He looked around, his eyes darkening.

  "Okay, they are all masters!"

  "So you are a country bumpkin." Rainbow Sugar said with a sarcastic smile, looking at Li Chengyi who had been quiet all the time.

  "It's almost time, come and take a look?"

  "Excuse me, everyone." Li Chengyi nodded.

  "Please, please project all the information at the same time, and then immediately take pictures and disconnect from the Internet as proof." "

  Of course." The black bearded man nodded in agreement.

  After all, with AI, it doesn’t even take a second to modify screenshots and photos. If you keep surfing the Internet, you are obviously waiting for someone to cheat. That would be endless.

  "In addition, even if we can't become a team in the end, it would be good to leave our contact information and make friends. Right?" Li Chengyi said seriously.

  "How about we form a small group?" Rural Trident raised his hand.

  "Good idea!" Blackbeard nodded in agreement.

  "Come on, come and scan me." Li Chengyi did it immediately and took out his mobile phone.

  The people who came this time were all experts who were extremely confident in themselves.

  At least when it comes to cybersecurity, they are not weak at all.

  Multiple contact methods will give you more opportunities to communicate in the future.

  "Everyone will gather offline in the future. Once raw and cooked twice, come and treat everyone to eggs. Boiled eggs are the most nutritious." Rural Trident happily handed out eggs in front of everyone.

  "What's the name for the small group?" After scanning the code, Rainbow Candy was obviously more concerned about these things. "It should sound nice and don't make something unspeakable." "

  Well" Li Chengyi thought for a moment, "Fate has brought us together here. And everyone They are all as beautiful as flowers, with different colors and their own fragrance." "

  Why don't we call it Happy Farm."




  A group of people were speechless for a moment.

  "What the hell is that name! Be serious!" Skittles yelled.

  "Just kidding." Li Chengyi said with a smile, "Let's liven up the atmosphere. As for the name, how about Destiny Garden?" "


  "Okay, that's it."

  "A bit of a sissy, but in the future we can find more muscular men to support the appearance."

  Everyone present spoke one after another.

  "That's it." Li Chengyi said with a smile, "If everyone in the group decides to join my team, I will plant a corresponding perennial flower for them in the botanical garden." The smile on his face slowly faded


  "I will set aside a special area to plant as many flowers as there are in the team." "While

  you are alive, the flowers will keep blooming."

  "You are dead."

  He paused.

  "I will try to get your ashes back, bury them under the flowers, and let them take your place and continue to live."

  (End of Chapter)

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