Chapter 10 010 Hope Four (Thanks to the Cramped Night Leader)

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  Chapter 10 010 Hope Four (Thanks to the Cramped Night Leader)
  Li Chengyi’s eyes were full of hope and enthusiasm.

  He quickly let go of the flowers in his hand and grabbed another bunch.

  As he continued to change his grip, a trace of cool breath continued to flow into the back of his hand.

  The collection rate of Wisteria Flower Scale Clothes is also increasing rapidly.

  From 5% at the beginning, it quickly rose to 28%.

  But after 28, all the wisteria flowers here have been absorbed.

  'No more! ? ? 'He looked around, but couldn't find any other wisteria.

  There are at least hundreds of wisteria flowers here, but they still can't fill up the collection of Flower Scale Clothes.

  This made Li Chengyi regretful that he did not choose Ye Ju before.

  After all, there are wild chrysanthemums everywhere, maybe you can collect enough flower scale clothes to unlock this mysterious armed armor.

  But now that it's confirmed, it's too late.

  After making sure that there were no more wisteria flowers around, Li Chengyi quickly ran towards home.

  He needs to bring various eating props he bought before.

  After running all the way, it only took him three minutes to return home and grab the plastic bag he packed.

  Lifting the bag, he closed the door without saying a word and rushed out of the house again. While there was still time, he planned to go to the neighborhood opposite to have a look. Maybe there were wisteria flowers there too!

  Without entering the elevator, Li Chengyi held the bag and went down the stairwell, rushed out of the corridor, and ran along the driveway of the community.

  After leaving the entrance of the community, he suddenly paused, remembered something, and quickly looked around.

  'There must be a lot of flowers in the small park! 'He reacted instantly.

  There are many plants and trees in the small park where the former used to exercise, so you will definitely find more wisterias.

  The streets are quiet at night. Outside the community, passing vehicles come and go. It is like an uninhabited iron box. Through the thick dark glass, no one can be seen inside.

  These cars give people a cold and cold feeling.

  On one side of the driveway, on the long gray sidewalk, Li Chengyi, dressed in gray sportswear, quickly rushed towards the small park with a large plastic bag in his arms, sweat on his forehead.

  There are tall and straight evergreen trees on the sidewalk. The green crowns are trimmed into standard ovals, and they moan softly in the wind.

  Li Chengyi kept crossing evergreen trees and R-shaped street lamps.

  The cold white light dragged out his figure into slender black shadows one after another.

  The sound of sneakers
  hitting the floor tiles was rhythmic.

  Soon, he ran to the corner at the entrance of the small park.

  The sidewalk turns right and passes a rusty white metal road sign, which is the small park.

  Li Chengyi felt hot all over, and sweat kept gathering and sliding down his hair and temples.

  He gasped for breath and turned sharply.

  Suddenly there was a sound of shoe soles rubbing together.

  He stopped suddenly and stood there. Standing at the entrance of the park, looking inside.

  At night, the solar street lights in the small park light up one after another, and the dim halo is like bubbles floating one after another in the dark forest, psychedelic and beautiful.

  'I think I just exercised during the day, so I should have seen him. '

  Li Chengyi tried to calm down his thoughts and recalled the previous scene.

  The small park is egg-shaped, and small flowers and other things are planted along the edge of the outer track.

  Things like flowers wither and change quickly, so even though my predecessor was exercising here, I didn't pay much attention.

  'Should be. In the innermost part, on the stone shelf near the right! '

  Wisteria does not grow on the ground, so it is easy to identify.

  After Li Chengyi determined his location, he quickly rushed into the small park and ran along the dark red plastic track.

  Before running two hundred meters, a clear purple streak appeared in his field of vision on the side of a solar street light in front of him.

  'found it! ! ’ He was excited, speeded up, and rushed over with all his strength.

  His right hand quickly grabbed the wisteria flower hanging in the air.


  The cold and soft touch was transmitted to his hands.

  'Collection rate increased to 31%. '

  'Collection rate increased to 32%. '

  'Collection rate increased to 34%. '

  A series of reminder messages sounded in his mind.

  After many beeps in succession, the collection rate reached 43%.

  Seeing that this bunch of flowers was useless, Li Chengyi quickly changed a bunch and continued to listen to the continuous prompts.

  There are more than ten bunches of wisteria beside the street lamp, and they are so densely packed that they look like more than ten bunches of big purple grapes.

  In terms of quantity alone, they were much more concentrated than the wild chrysanthemums on the ground, which made Li Chengyi more certain of his previous choice.

  If he chooses wild chrysanthemums, he may not be able to increase his collection level so quickly.

  After all, wild chrysanthemums are too scattered.

  As for wisteria flowers, he has absorbed at least hundreds of them now.

  Under the dim light of the street lamp, Li Chengyi kept reaching out and touching different flower strings.

  Looking from a distance, if someone saw what he looked like at this time, and his focused and nervous expression, they might think that he was mentally ill.

  But only he knows that all this is for a purpose.

  The collection level is increasing rapidly.

  Seeing that it had exceeded 70%, Li Chengyi suddenly stopped and touched all the wisteria flowers here.

  'Not enough?

  He glanced around and found that there were still some on the edge of the stone shelf not far away.

  He immediately stepped forward and rushed towards that direction.

  Soon, the distance of more than ten meters was crossed several times, and he grabbed a new wisteria flower.

  Seeing the collection level increase again, the tense mood in his heart relaxed slightly.

  'Hurry up.! '

  'Faster! '78






  It's just a matter of the last few seconds.

  Li Chengyi's eyes widened, and there were a few wisps of blood on the whites of his eyes.

  He held a plastic bag full of things in one hand, and kept changing the wisteria flowers in his other hand.

  At this time, he felt a faint sense of sleepiness, slowly filling his heart.

  'Maybe it's coming! ! ?

  His mood became more and more anxious.

  'hurry up! '

  'Hurry up! ! '96


  97%. 98%!

  Last two points!
  Li Chengyi was trembling all over and extremely nervous.

  He seemed to be racing against life and tug-of-war with time.


  99%! ! !

  the last point! !

  On the back of his right hand, one of the grids on the purple-black ring slowly lit up with a little purple light.

  In the purple light, gorgeous patterns of countless intertwined wisteria flowers emerged.

  In the grid, densely packed wisteria flowers form an elliptical vortex. The center of the vortex is pitch black, and in the center of the pitch black, pure white the size of a needle tip shines slightly.

  Li Chengyi didn't dare to blink at all and stared at the wisteria flowers in front of him.

  He waits for the last bit, the final finish!



  'Collection completed. '


  In an instant, a Qingyue bell rang in his ears.

  Li Chengyi's eyes instantly turned into darkness.

  In the pitch black, a purple-black body with gorgeous armor protruding like the tips of knives on its shoulders slowly emerged from the mist, approaching from a distance.

  The armor perfectly protected all parts of the body, leaving only a pair of eyes exposed.

  Viewed as a whole, it looks like a purely decorative ceremonial armor. The entire armor is composed of petal-shaped armor plates the size of a palm.

  Each piece of armor is engraved with a large number of wisteria patterns, and the edges have finely sharp serrations, making them look extremely sharp.

  The head of the armor is a metal helmet with three sharp purple horns.

  The entire helmet covers the mouth, nose and ears, leaving only the gaps between the eyes exposed. It is exquisite and beautiful.

  Is this the flower scale garment? !

  Li Chengyi just looked at the armor in front of him and felt an inexplicable urge to wear it.

  But he held back. This was not a blind spot. Even in a small park, there were many places with hidden cameras.

  As he refused to wear it, the surrounding darkness faded, and soon the scenery of the small park was restored.

  'Fortunately, I caught up.'

  Standing there, he let out a long sigh of relief.

  The sleepiness I felt just now is gone now.

  'It seems that the previous drowsiness was due to excessive exercise, a natural reaction of the body, not a sign of a dead end. '

  Li Chengyi felt a lot more relaxed.

  He reached out and gently touched the back of his right hand. At this time, even without using his mobile phone, he could clearly see the purple-black ring on the back of his hand.

  It seems that this is the first time that the flower has been truly filled, giving this mysterious flower of evil different changes.

  Looking up at the remaining wisteria flowers around him, Li Chengyi reached out to touch them again.

  But this time nothing happened.

  There is no cooling airflow to the back of the hand.

  An inexplicable message rose from my heart.

  'Would you like to replace it with another type of wisteria? Has this subdivision of wisteria reached its upper limit? '

  He put down his hand helplessly and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

  Since it's no longer useful, I have to go back and rest first, and then think about anything to prepare that I haven't considered.

  He turned around and walked quickly towards the exit of the small park.


  Li Chengyi suddenly looked startled, and the right leg he had just raised fell back to the ground.

  He stared blankly at the scene in front of him. An unknown coldness arose in my heart.

  What he saw in front of him was not the plastic track in the small park he had expected.

  Instead, it was empty, with white lights extending all the way to the underground garage at the end!
  underground garage! ? !

  It's not an underground garage!
  It's a blind spot! !

  At this moment, he seemed to have thought of something, his body tensed, his eyes followed the wall on the right, and he quickly found a small door to the maintenance room.

  That little door.

  It's open! !

  Just like the last time he was in the omen, the small door of the maintenance room was opened, and then
  Thinking of this, Li Chengyi seemed to notice something.

  He was sweating profusely and turned around suddenly!

  A black and white scene comes into view!

  That huge two-meter-tall human face is right behind him!
  So close!

  The man's face was dull and he opened his mouth quietly.

  Boom! ! !

  A piercing scream erupted from the big mouth, exploding and stirring the air forward to cover the fan-shaped area.

  Thick black smoke flew out from the mouth of the huge human face at the same time, instantly drowning Li Chengyi, and blackening the area more than ten meters in the parking lot behind.

  Thick smoke billowed and the wind blew.

  The huge sound continued to reverberate in the underground garage, creating an echo.

  The ground shook, the lamps shook, and fine dust fragments fell from the ceiling, being blown to the ground crookedly by the wind.

  After three or four seconds, the black smoke was slowly blown away, turning into strips and bunches, spreading towards the depths of the underground garage, fading, and disappearing.

  In the black smoke, a purple figure kneeling on one knee slowly emerged.

  The invisible scent of wisteria blooms like fine wine, filling the air with the smoke and strong wind.


  The purple figure stood up, revealing the purple-black metal full-body armor he was wearing.

  The armor was engraved with small and delicate wisteria patterns.

  Countless translucent wisteria petals were flying around him like windy sand. Like a dream.

  "I won't die."


  Li Chengyi suddenly raised his head, his black eyes under the helmet full of bloodshot eyes.

  Suddenly he stepped forward.

  Raise your hand.

  Go straight forward and stretch out your hand with all your strength.

  "Tear you to pieces!!!"

  His hands pierced the face fiercely, like piercing a balloon, penetrating in without any hindrance.

  There was a muffled sound, and the entire huge human face was completely torn into two pieces.

  The two broken halves slowly shattered in mid-air, turned into smaller black and white particles, and disappeared into the air.

  (End of chapter)

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